ICP Managment - CORRECT-ANSWERSsedation, pain control, proper
head/body alignment. Secondary Tx > hypertonic IVF, hyperventilation
Opiate Withdrawal - CORRECT-ANSWERSpinpoint pupils, diaphoresis,
tachycardia, HTN, PROLONGED QTC, inward deviation of the eye
Cushings Triad - CORRECT-ANSWERSbradycardia, WIDENING pulse pressure,
pinpoint pupils, ELEVATED SVR, decreased RR
Cerebral Vasodilation - CORRECT-ANSWERScompensation for elevated ICP
secondary to hypercarbia. Attempt to increase bloodflow WORSENS ICP
Amniotoc Fluid Rupture - CORRECT-ANSWERSpresents as severe shock
disproportinate to blood loss
Silicate OD - CORRECT-ANSWERSpresents as metabolic acidosis with grossly
failed resp conpensation (low PaCo2). Tx immediate hemodialysis
ITP S/S - CORRECT-ANSWERSpetechial hemorrhages on legs and oral
mucosa, Plts <50 or s/s of bleeding. Priority Tx > IGG and solumedrol
Thoracotomy Prognosis - CORRECT-ANSWERScan be predicted by pt VT post
ICP S/S - CORRECT-ANSWERSprogression in order from LOC change, pupillary
change, and lastly V.S. changes
qSOFA - CORRECT-ANSWERS3 organ dysfx criteria are SBP <100, RR >20,
GCS <15
Meth OD - CORRECT-ANSWERSinitial Tx priorities are to give fluids and
initate cooling
HCTZ Diuretics - CORRECT-ANSWERScause increased release of thyroid
hormone, HYPOkalemia, HYPOcholeremia which together l/t metabolic
, Massive PE S/S - CORRECT-ANSWERShypotension and hypoxia r/t increased
dead-space ventilation, hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea. EKG > peaked
p-waves in lead ii, R BBB, STE v1,v2
Anteroseptal AMI - CORRECT-ANSWERSSTE in leads v1, v2, v3. D/t partial
LAD occlusion > l/t 2nd degree AVB type 2
Mediastinal CT - CORRECT-ANSWERSremoves SEROSANGUINOUS fluid from
Sx site, Gently milk clots. IMMEDIATLEY notify MD if output > 100ml/hr X2
Hypercalcemia - CORRECT-ANSWERSassociated w/CHB, HTN, hypokalemia,
Fever - CORRECT-ANSWERSperistent state l/t metabolic acidosis, cardiac
strain intravascular dehydration, RAPID increase in cerebral O2 consumption
Abrupt reclosure of Coronary Artery - CORRECT-ANSWERSpresents w/ S/S of
STEMI WITHOUT chest pain
WPW Syndrome - CORRECT-ANSWERSEKG changes > short PRI, inverted t-
waves. Admin of DIGOXIN/CCB/ADENOSINE during a-fib may induce V-fib.
High risk of sudden cardiac arrest, delta waves, onset usually presents
before age 30
3333333333 UTI, then PNA, sepsis, decubitus ulcers, paralytic illeus, and
Ventriculostomy Clamping - CORRECT-ANSWERSintolerance assessed by
leakage from ventriculostomy site
Dantrolene - CORRECT-ANSWERSNEVER admin CCB's high likelihood of
deterioration to v-fib
ETOH Abuse - CORRECT-ANSWERShyperphosphatemia l/t hypomagnesia,
increased ADH l/t fluid retention. Tachycardia, diaphoresis, dilated pupils.
Hyponatremia and hypokalemia
Hemodynamic measurements - CORRECT-ANSWERSare more accurate if
done after end of t-wave
Pelvic Fx - CORRECT-ANSWERSimmediate priorities are volume/blood
replacement followed by adequate nutrition
Tidal Volume - CORRECT-ANSWERSnot based on actual weight, based on IBW