dental caries risk assessment questions
and answers
caries risk assessment systems - answer - ADA Caries Risk Assessment
- American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) Caries-
Risk Assessment Tool (CAT)
- Cariogram
- Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA®)
- International Caries Classification and Management Systems (ICCMSTM)
ADA Caries Risk Assessment - answer This tool was developed based on expert
opinion and available evidence.
This CRA has assessment forms for age 0-6 and those over age 6.
The assessment includes the following factors:
• Contributing conditions such as fluoride exposure, consumption of sugary
foods/drinks, and eligibility for government programs, dental home, and family caries
experience (ages 0-6).
• General health conditions such as special healthcare needs, eating disorders,
medication-induced xerostomia, drug/alcohol abuse, and chemo/radiation therapy.
• Clinical conditions such as radiographic caries lesions, missing teeth due to caries,
noncavitated lesions, visible plaque biofilm, interproximal restorations, exposed root
surfaces, fixed or removable prosthetic/orthodontic appliances, and salivary flow.
Risk levels include low, moderate, and high risk.
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) Caries-Risk Assessment Tool (CAT) -
answer This used a systematic review process to update the CAT tool in 2014.
• The CAT is for infants, children, and adolescents.
0-3-year-olds for nondental providers such as physicians.
0-5-year-olds for dental providers.
Greater than 6-year-olds for dental providers.
The assessment includes the following factors:• Biological factors such as sugar
containing snacks or beverages, special healthcare needs,
recent immigrant, low socioeconomic status, and active caries in primary caregiver.
Protective factors such as fluoride exposure, brushing daily, professional topical
fluoride, and regular dental care.
Clinical findings such as decayed/missing/filled surfaces or defective restorations, white
spot lesions, elevated streptococci levels, and plaque.
• Risk levels include:
Low and high for the nondental providers.
Low, moderate, and high for dental providers.
Cariogram - answer The Cariogram is a visual representation of the interaction of
caries with various etiologic factors to predict future risk. Originally developed in 1976,
decades of trials were conducted to validate it before it was launched online in 1997.
, • The Cariogram is the only system with data showing validity at this time.
The assessment includes the following factors:
• Bacteria including dental plaque amount and mutans streptococci count.
Diet including fermentable carbohydrates and frequency.
Susceptibility such as fluoride exposure and use, saliva secretion, and buffering
Circumstances such as past caries experience, related diseases.
Risk is displayed as a pie chart and the percentage of chance to avoid new caries is
displayed as well as the contribution of each of the factors on the risk of new caries.
Caries Management by Risk assessment (CAMBRA) - answer - developed following
two consensus conferences beginning in 2003 in California. Large-scale pilot tests were
conducted, and the assessment form was modified and disseminated in 2007.
- has assessment forms for age 0-5 and those age 6 through adult.
- The assessment includes the following categories of factors for ages 6 through adult:
• Disease indicators (clinical observations) such as visible or radiographic caries, white
spot lesions, restorations in last 3 years.
• Risk factors (biological predisposing factors) such as streptococci mutans and
lactobacilli levels, visible plaque, frequent snacks, deep pits and fissures, recreational
drug use, inadequate saliva flow, factors reducing saliva flow, exposed roots, and
orthodontic appliances.
• Protective factors such as fluoridated water, toothpaste, mouthrinse, and topical
fluoride application, chlorhexidine use, xylitol use, calcium and phosphate paste use,
and adequate saliva flow.
Risk levels were low, moderate, high, or extreme.
International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMSTM) - answer -
developed through a consensus process by an international group of experts after
review of the evidence.
- The assessment includes the following factors:
• Medical history such as prescribed and recreational drugs and conditions resulting in
hyposalivation.• Head and neck radiation.• Sugary foods and beverages.• Low fluoride
exposure.• Primary caregiver caries experience.• Oral hygiene behaviors and heavy
plaque biofilm.• Socioeconomic status.• Caries experience and presence of active
carious lesions.• Exposed root surfaces.• Oral appliances such as orthodontic retainers
and partial dentures.
• The risk levels utilized by this system include low, medium, or high-risk categories.
CAMBRA - answer caries
management by
purpose of caries risk assessment - answer - Using the patient's own list of risk
factors can be a significant