1. Rx for advanced (Stages II Surgical removal, followed by adjuvant chemo
) ovarian cancer (taxane carboplatin)
2. When is magnesium sul- During delivery and 24 hours postpartum
fate given for preeclamp-
3. Therapeutic level of mag 4-7
4. Mag sulfate levels associ- >12 and >15
ated with respiratory de-
pression and cardiac ar-
5. Contraindications to ex- Thrombocytopenia < 100,000,
pectant management of Inability to control BP w/ max doses of 2 antihy-
severe preeclampsia (e.g. pertensives, Non-reassuring fetal surveillance,
indications for delivery) LFTs < 2x nml,
Persistent CNS Sx
6. How fast should hCG rise Should double (or increase by 66%) every 48
in a normal pregnancy? hours
7. Inappropriately rising (e.g. Abnormal pregnancy (e.g. ectopic, incomplete
too low) beta-hCG levels abortion, or resolving complete abortion)
8. Distinction btwn a nor- Pseudo is located in the midline
mal gestational sac and a
pseudogestational sac
9. Serum progesterone <5 in- Specific for nonviable pregnancy
10. What is the Arias-Stella re- Hypersecretory endometrium of prengnacy on
action? histology that occurs w/ BOTH ectopic and in-
trauterine pregnancies
11. Culdocentesis is looking Blood in peritoneal cavity, e.g. from ruptured
for ectopic (or purulent fluid from infection)
12. Medical Rx for ectopic Methotrexate
13. Relative contraindications Cardiac activity
to MTX for ectopic Mass >3.5cm (often correlates with b-hCG >
14. Absolute contraindica- Breastfeeding, immunodeficient, alcoholic,
tions to MTX blood dyscrasia, pulmonary disease, PUD, he-
patic/renal/hematology dysfxn
15. When is more than one If beta-hCG levels plateau or increase after 7
dose of MTX needed? days
16. Asherman's Syndrome in- Uterine synechiae (intrauterine adhesions)
cludes the presence of
17. What is threatened abor- Bleeding in the first trimester without tissue or
tion, what is the risk of fluid loss
subsequent spontaneous 50%
abortion, and what are the Greater risk of preterm and low birth weight
risks if carry to viability?
18. What is inevitable abor- Gross rupture of membranes w/ cervical di-
tion? lation (contractions typically begin soon after-
19. After what time are the fe- 10wks
tus and placenta typically
expelled separately?
20. After how many days 49 days since LMP
should surgical abortion
be performed instead of
,21. 3 drugs for early medical Mifepristone (antiprogestin), MTX (antimetabo-
abortion lite), misoprostol (prostaglandin)
All induce uterine contractility, either directly
(misoprostol) or by decreasing progesterone
22. Rx for a septic abortion Broad spectrum IV Abx, IVF, prompt evacuation
of uterus
23. What is postabortal syn- Uterus fails to remain contracted after spon-
drome and how is it treat- taneous abortion or elective abortion (pain,
ed? bleeding, open cervix, hematometra)
Suction curettage
24. At what beta-hCG level >2000
can an intrauterine preg-
nancy be appreciated?
25. Most common abnormal Autosomal trisomy
karyotope in aborted fe-
26. Systemic maternal dis- DM, SLE, CKD
eases associated w/ early
pregnancy loss
27. Rx for significant anemia D
during spontaneous abor-
28. Effect of single, prior first No effect/ no increased risk
trimester surgical abor-
tion on fertility/ likelihood
of future early pregnancy
29. Once pt at high risk for Cervical biopsy (can skip Pap smear, a screen-
cervical cancer and has le- ing test, as well as colposcopy since lesion can
sion, management option already be visualized)
, 30. Screening tests for a nor- CBC and Hb electrophoresis
mal African American cou-
ple wanting to conceive
31. Valproic acid is associated Neural tube defects, hydrocephalus and cranio-
with an increased risk of facial malformations
these three abnormalities
32. Women with poorly con- CNS and CV
trolled DM during organo-
genesis are at risk for
structural anomalies in
these two systems
33. Chorionic villus sampling Chromosomal abnormalities
is used to detect
34. Three components of AFP, hCG, unconjugated estriol
triple screen extra of quad Inhibin A
35. Test for Down's in first PAPP A (pregnancy associated plasma protein
trimester A)
36. Risk of fetal loss with CVS 1%
37. Most sensitive screen Quad screen, 80-85%
for Down's in second
trimester (and its sensitiv-
38. Risks of gestational dia- Shoulder dystocia, metabolic disturbances,
betes preeclampsia, polyhydramnios and fetal macro-
39. Risk of pre-existing, but IUGR
not gestational, diabetes
40. NTDs