A child who meets one of the following criteria: moderate to severe impairment in areas
of home, education, social or community functioning;
currently in inpatient or residential treatment; was in inpatient treatment within the last 3
years or is risk for inpatient treatment;
determined by a mental health professional that client has psychosis or depression
or the risk of harming self or others - Answer-Severe Emotional Disturbance in children
/.A condition that is reoccurring or consistent
significantly impacts daily living
and includes significant suicidal ideation or thoughts of harming self or others - Answer-
Significant impairment in functioning
/.A file must include client background information that includes the presenting problem,
treatment plan with goals and diagnosis,
chronological progress notes with date and time of each session,
records of consultation,
termination statement including date and reason for termination, client's condition and
recommendations upon termination,
copies of all releases of information and other legal documents,
a fee agreement with date and amount paid each time - Answer-Client File
/.A minor that is living apart from their parents and are managing their own finances, are
married, or have borne a child. There are no court processes to be designed in this
area, yet there are statues that allow this category of minors to give consent to
healthcare - Answer-Emancipated Minor
/.A MN program designed to protect the public from medical professionals who are
unable to practice safely due to their use of alcohol/drugs or result of a mental or
physical condition - Answer-Health Professional Service Program
/.A parent, anyone acting in place of a parent, anyone charged with rights, duties, and
responsibilities of the child, anyone charged with duty, responsibility for health, welfare,
or supervision of a child or vulnerable adult. - Answer-Position of authority
/.A psychiatrist, LP, LPCC, LICSW; LMFT, and some psychiatric nurse providers
whom have reached the highest level of licensure in their field,
, have received 2 years of post graduate supervision and now can practice independently
in the state of Minnesota to provide clinical services to the treatment of mental illness -
Answer-Mental Health Professional
/.A request for a different standard from MN rules, yet cannot be requested for MN
statues. It must show alternative plan that is equal to or exceeds the rules and that
adheres to the current rule that would cause such a burden. The approval of the
variance would not negatively affect the public - Answer-Variance
/.A wavier or release of information,
duty to ward/mandated report,
court order,
orders to release to regulatory board for disciplinary investigation, or
parental notification when failure to due to do so would put the minor in physical danger
- Answer-Exceptions to client privilege
/.A written plan of interventions, treatment and services for a person with a mental
illness on the basis of a diagnostic assessment. It includes goals and objectives,
treatment strategies, schedule for accomplishing goals, and individual responsibility -
Answer-Individual Treatment Plan
/.A written summary of the history, strengths/vulnerabilities, general services of a person
with mental illness, using diagnostic, interview, and other techniques. - Answer-
Diagnostic Assessment
/.An individual that is at least 15 years old, whom is able to give consent, the proposed
treatment is for the minor's benefit and is deemed necessary, the proposed treatment
does not involve complex or high risk medical procedures - Answer-Mature Minor
/.An individual who is engaging in post graduate, supervised experience under the
direction of a supervisor - Answer-Supervisee
/.An MFT could be exempt from CEU requirements if he or she is retired from practice
and do provide MFT services on a volunteer or paid basis, if the individual is disable
and unable to practice and has a notarized statement from his or her doctor, or if the
MFT has emeritus status - Answer-Exemptions from CEU requirements
/.An retired MFT of 62 or older that retains the licensure and title but is no longer able to
clinically practice. This person is exempt from CEU expectations, yet needs to pay an
annual fee. - Answer-Emeritus
/.Any current or former client's emotional condition in the past or current to which the
client is overly dependent upon the therapist to which he or she cannot say no to the
therapist, and making him or her vulnerable to exploitation - Answer-Emotional