7/13/23,r1:33rPM Psychiatricrmentalrhealthrnursingr8threditionrbyrvidebeckrtestrbank[r1389]
Psychiatric-Mentalr Healthr Nursingr 9threditionr byrVidebeckr Testr Bank
1. Ther nurser isr assessingr ther factorsr contributingr tor ther well-
beingr ofr ar newlyr admittedrclient.r Whichr ofr ther followingr wouldr ther nurser identifyr asr ha
vingr ar positiver impactr onrtherindividual'srmentalrhealth?
A) Notr needingr othersr forr companionship
B) Ther abilityr tor effectivelyr managerstress
C) Ar familyr historyr ofr mentalr illness
D) Strivingr forr totalrself-
reliancerAns:r B
Individualr factorsr influencingr mentalr healthr includer biologicr makeup,rautonomy,rindepen
dence,r self-
esteem,r capacityr forr growth,r vitality,r abilityr tor findr meaningr inr life,remotionalr resiliencer o
rr hardiness,r senserofr belonging,r realityr orientation,r andr copingr orrstressr managementrabili
ties.r Interpersonalr factorsrsuchr asr intimacyrandr ar balancerofrseparatenessr andr connectedne
ssr arer bothr neededr forr goodr mentalr health,r andr thereforer arhealthyr personr wouldr needr othe
rsr forr companionship.r Ar familyr historyr ofr mentalr illnessrcouldr relater tor ther biologicr make
upr ofr anr individual,r whichr mayr haver ar negativer impactronranr individual'sr mentalr health,r as
r wellr asr ar negativer impactr onr anr individual'sr interpersonalr andr socialñculturalr factorsr ofr h
ealth.r Totalr self-
reliancer isr notr possible,randrarpositiversocial/culturalrfactorrisraccessrtoradequaterresources
2. Whichr ofr ther followingr statementsraboutr mentalr illnessr arertrue?r Selectr allr thatr apply.
A) Mentalr illnessr canr causer significantr distress,r impairedr functioning,r orr both.
B) Mentalr illnessrisr onlyr duertor social/culturalr factors.
C) Social/culturalr factorsr thatr relater tor mentalr illnessr includer excessiver dependencyro
D) Individualsr sufferingr fromr mentalr illnessr arer usuallyr abler tor coper effectivelyr withrd
E) Individualsr sufferingr fromr mentalr illnessr mayr experiencer dissatisfactionr withrr
Ans:r A,rD,rE
Mentalr illnessr canrcauser significantr distress,rimpairedr functioning,r orrboth.r Mentalrillness
r mayr ber relatedr tor individual,r interpersonal, r orr social/culturalr factors.r Excessive rdepende
ncyr onr orr withdrawalr fromr relationshipsr arer interpersonalr factorsr thatr relater tormentalr illn
ess.r Individualsr sufferingr fromr mentalr illnessr canr feelr overwhelmedr withrdailyr life.r Indivi
dualsr sufferingr fromr mentalr illnessr mayr experiencer dissatisfactionr withrrelationshipsrandr
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,7/13/23,r1:33rPM Psychiatricrmentalrhealthrnursingr8threditionrbyrvidebeckrtestrbank[r1389]
3. Whichr ofr ther followingr arer truer regardingr mentalr healthr andr mentalr illness?
A) Behaviorr thatr mayr ber viewedr asr acceptabler inr oner culturer isr alwaysr unacceptablerin
B) Itr isreasyr tor determiner ifrar personr isr mentallyr healthyrorr mentallyr ill.
C) Inr mostr cases,r mentalr healthr isr ar staterofr emotional,rpsychological,r andrsocialrwel
lnessr evidencedr byr satisfyingr interpersonalr relationships,r effectiver behaviorrandr
D) Personsrwhorengager inr fantasiesrarer mentallyr ill.r
Ans:r C
Whatr oner societyr mayr viewr asr acceptabler andr appropriater behavior,r anotherr societyr mayrse
er thatr asr maladaptive,r andr inappropriate.r Mentalr healthr andr mentalr illnessr arer difficultrtord
efiner precisely.r Inr mostr cases,r mentalr healthr isr ar stater ofr emotional,r psychological,randr soc
ialr wellnessr evidencedr byr satisfyingr interpersonalr relationships,r effectiverbehaviorr andr co
ping,r positiver self-
concept,r andr emotionalr stability.r Personsr whor engagerinr fantasiesr mayr ber mentallyr health
y,r butr ther inabilityr tor distinguishr realityr fromr fantasyrisranrindividualrfactorrthatrmayrcontri
4. Ar clientr grievingr ther recentr lossr ofr herr husbandr asksr ifr sher isr becomingr mentallyr illrbe
A) ìYour mayr haver ar temporaryr mentalr illnessr becauser your arer experiencingr sor muchrp
B) ìYourarer notr mentallyr ill.r Thisr isr anr expectedr reactionr tor ther lossr your havere
C) ìWerer your generallyr dissatisfiedr withr yourr relationshipr beforer yourr husband'srd
D) ìTryr notr tor worryr aboutr thatr rightr now.r Your neverr knowr whatr ther futurer brings.îrA
ns:r B
Mentalr illnessr includesr generalrdissatisfactionr withrself,r ineffectiver relationships,rineffecti
ver coping,r andr lackr ofr personalr growth.r Additionallyr ther behaviorr mustr notr berculturallyr e
xpected.r Acuter griefr reactionsr arerexpectedr andr thereforer notr consideredrmentalr illness.r F
alser reassurancer orr overanalysisr doesr notr accuratelyr addressr ther client'srconcerns.
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,7/13/23,r1:33rPM Psychiatricrmentalrhealthrnursingr8threditionrbyrvidebeckrtestrbank[r1389]
5. Ther nurser consultsr ther DSMr forr whichr ofr ther followingr purposes?
A) Tordeviserar planrofr carer forr ar newlyradmittedr client
B) Tor predictr ther client'sr prognosisr ofr treatmentr outcomes
C) Tor documentr ther appropriater diagnosticr coder inr ther client'sr medicalr record
D) Torserverasrar guider forrclientrassessmentr
Ans:r D
TherDSMrprovidesrstandardr nomenclature,r presentsrdefiningr characteristics,randridentifie
srunderlyingr causesrofr mentalrdisorders.rItrdoesrnotrprovidercarerplansrorrprognosticr outco
mesrofrtreatment.rDiagnosisrofr mentalr illnessrisr notrwithinrthergeneralistr RN'sr scoper ofr pr
actice,r sor documentingr ther coder inr ther medicalr recordr wouldrberinappropriate.
6. Whichrwouldrberar reasonr forrar studentr nursertor userther DSM?
A) Identifyingr ther medicalr diagnosis
B) Treatr clients
C) Evaluater treatments
D) Understandr ther reasonr forr ther admissionr andr ther naturer ofr psychiatricr illnesses.rA
ns:r D
Althoughrstudentr nursesrdor notr user therDSMrtordiagnoserclients,rtheyrwillr findr itrarhelpful
r resourcer to r understandr the r reasonr forr ther admissionr andr tor beginr buildingrknowledger abo
utr ther naturer ofr psychiatricr illnesses.r Identifyingr ther medicalr diagnosis,rtreating,randrevalu
atingrtreatmentsrarernotrarpartrofrthernursingr process.
7. Ther legislationr enactedr inr 1963r wasr largelyr responsibler forr whichr ofr ther followingr shiftsrin
rcarer forr ther mentallyr ill?
A) Ther widespreadr user ofrcommunity-basedr services
B) Ther advancementr inr pharmacotherapies
C) Increasedr accessr tor hospitalization
D) Improvedr rightsr forr clientsr inr long-
termr institutionalr carerAns:r A
Ther Communityr Mentalr Healthr Centersr Constructionr Actr ofr 1963r accomplishedr therrelea
serofr individuals r fromr long-
termrstaysr inrstater institutions,rtherdecreaser inradmissionsr tor hospitals,r andr ther developme
ntr ofr community-basedr servicesr asr anralternativertorhospitalrcare.
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, 7/13/23,r1:33rPM Psychiatricrmentalrhealthrnursingr8threditionrbyrvidebeckrtestrbank[r1389]
8. Whichroner ofr ther followingr isr ar resultrofr federalr legislation?
A) Makingr itr easierr tor commitr peopler forr mentalr healthr treatmentr againstr theirr will.
B) Makingr itr morer difficultr tor commitr peopler forr mentalr healthr treatmentr againstrth
C) Stater mentalr institutionsr beingr ther primaryrsourcer ofr carer forr mentallyr illr persons.
D) Improvedrcarer forr mentallyr illr persons.r
Ans:r B
Commitmentr lawsr changedr inr ther earlyr 1970s,r makingr itr morer difficultr tor commitrpeo
pler forr mentalr healthrtreatmentragainstrtheirr will.rDeinstitutionalizationraccomplishedr
ther releaser ofr individuals r fromr long-
termr staysr inr stater institutions.rDeinstitutionalizationr alsor hadr negativer effectsr inr thatr s
omer mentallyr illr personsr arersubjectedr tor ther revolvingr doorr effect,r whichr mayr limitr c
arer forr mentallyr illr persons.
9. Ther goalr ofr ther 1963r Communityr Mentalr HealthrCentersr Actr wasrto
A) ensurer patients'r rightsr forr ther mentallyr ill.
B) deinstitutionalizer stater hospitals.
C) provider fundsr tor buildr hospitalsr withr psychiatricr units.
D) treatrpeoplerwithr mentalr illnessr inrar humaner fashion.r
Ans:r B
Ther 1963r Communityr Mentalr Healthr Centersr Actr intimatedr ther movementr towardrtrea
tingr thoser withr mentalr illnessr inr ar lessr restrictiver environment.r Thisr legislationrresulte
dr inr ther shiftr ofr clientsr withr mentalr illnessr fromr larger stater institutionsr tor carerbasedr inr
ther community.r Answerr choicesr A,r C,r andr Dr werer notr purposesr ofr ther 1963rCommunit
10. Ther creationr ofr asylumsr duringr ther 1800sr wasr meantr to
A) improver treatmentr ofr mentalr disorders.
B) provider foodr andr shelterr forr thermentallyr ill.
C) punishr peopler withr mentalr illnessr whor werer believedr tor ber possessed.
D) remover dangerousr peopler withr mentalr illnessr fromr ther community.r
Ans:r B
Ther asylumr wasr meantr tor ber ar safer havenr withr food,r shelter,r andr humaner treatmentr forrth
er mentallyr ill.r Asylums r werer notr usedr tor improver treatmentr ofr mentalr disordersr orr torpuni
shr mentallyr illrpeoplerwhorwererbelievedrtor berpossessed.rTherasylumrwasr notrcreatedrtor
removertherdangerouslyr mentallyr illrfromrthercommunity.
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