,Chemistry andPhysics f
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or Nurse Anesthesia
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, David Shubert, PhD, is a dean in the College of Arts and Sciences at Newman University, Wichita,
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Kansas, where until recently he designed and cotaught the combined chemistry–physics for
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nurse anesthesia course with Dr. Leyba. He was inducted into the national Achievement
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Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation prior to joining Newman University in
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1987. Although his area of expertise lies in organometallic chemistry, Dr. Shubert has taught
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intro- ductory, general, organic, analytical, and instrumental analytical chemistry, as well as
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bio- chemistry, earth and space science, general physical science, and chemistry/physics for
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nurse anesthesia. In 1995, Dr. Shubert was honored by his students and peers with the
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Teaching Excellence Award. He has worked as a chemical consultant with several local
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industries, includ- ing Vulcan Chemicals and BG Products. Working with colleagues from five
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independent col- leges, and with financial support from the National Science Foundation, the
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Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, and the A. V. Davis Foundation, Dr. Shubert has
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offered numerous work- shops that provided training and access to modern instrumentation to
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high school chemistry teach- ers. Most recently, he was recognized by the Wichita Business
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Journal in 2014 as a Healthcare Hero. His research interests have evolved from organometallic
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chemistry to chemical education.
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John Leyba, PhD, is a professor of chemistry and head of the Department of Chemistry and
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Biochemistry, University of North Georgia, Dahlonega, Georgia. Previously, he was a faculty mem-
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ber at Newman University for 12 years, where he served as the chair of the Division of Science and
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Mathematics and where he cotaught the combined chemistry–physics for nurse anesthesia course
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with Dr. Shubert. Dr. Leyba has extensive industrial experience in the Department of Energy
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Complex. He was senior scientist, senior scientist A, and principal scientist with Westinghouse
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Savannah River Company. In addition, he was the radiochemistry group leader for Rust
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FederalServices Clemson Technical Center in Anderson, South Carolina. He was also a visiting
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assistant professor in the Chemistry Department and adjunct assistant professor in the
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Department of Environmental Engineering and Science at Clemson University. Dr. Leyba was
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also the Denver Area director of operations for Canberra Industries. His research interests
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involve the rapid chemical separation and detection of radioactive materials. Dr. Leyba has
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won several teaching awards including the Newman University 2005 Teaching Excellence
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Award and two Outstanding Didactic Instructor Awards from the Newman University Nurse
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Anesthesia Program.
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Sharon Niemann, DNAP, CRNA, is director of the Nurse Anesthesia Program, Newman
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University,Wichita, Kansas (since 2004). She has practiced as a certified registered nurse anesthetist
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since 1995 and has been employed as a cardiovascular nurse anesthetist with Anesthesia
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Consulting Service (Wichita) since certifying. She is a retired captain in the U.S. Army Reserve,
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having served overseas in spring 2001. Dr. Niemann serves on the Steering Committee, Mid-
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Continent Regional Center for Health Care Simulation and is a member of numerous
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professional organizations including the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA)
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and the Kansas Association of Nurse Anesthetists (KANA), where she has held numerous offices,
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including president and treasurer, and currently is the program chair. She was also an item
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writer for the Council on Certification of Nurse Anesthetists (2006–2009) and a member of
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Sigma Theta Tau International. Dr. Niemann has presented widely for KANA and other state and
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local organizations on topics such as conscioussedation, anesthesia for total joint replacement, and
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anesthesia for cardiovascular procedures. She teaches a variety of courses in the Newman
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University Nurse Anesthesia Program and is principal investigator and clinical advisor for
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