What is hepatic encephalopathy? - CORRECT ANSWERS-neuropsychiatric syndrome
from too much ammonia in the blood as the liver cannot break it down.
Dementia=ammonia and psychotic symptoms common along with jerking
What is portal hypertension? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Increased pressure in the portal
venous system from a build-up of portal vein pressure due to progressive hepatic
fibrosis which increases hepatic resistance
What is esophageal varices? - CORRECT ANSWERS-a complication of portal
hypertension resulting from alcoholism or hepatitis. Causes the vessels in the
esophagus to become dilated and bleed, and the rupturing can be forceful enough for
one to bleed out
How do we treat esophageal varices? - CORRECT ANSWERS-reduce the
hypertension, banding the varices to prevent rupturing and bleeding by cutting of the
flow with a band
what is jaundice? - CORRECT ANSWERS-green yellow staining of tissues from
increased level of bilirubin as the liver cannot metabolize extra bilirubin. Found on eyes,
skin, and mouth. present with liver disease
What is ascites? - CORRECT ANSWERS-pathological accumulation of fluid in the
peritoneal cavity due to the loss of albumin in the liver, causing fluid to be free amongst
the cells. It can cause a lot of pain in the abdomen, and it must be drained with a
What role does albumin play in the blood? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Albumin helps keep
fluid in the blood stream and in cells so it does not leak into other tissues. It can also
carry other substances in the body
What happens to albumin during liver failure? - CORRECT ANSWERS-leads to low
albumin levels, causing edema in the extremities and buildup of fluid in abdomen called
ascites from fluid leaking through the cells and vessels into the tissues
Three functions of the kidneys - CORRECT ANSWERS-elimination, excretion,
Explain elimination - CORRECT ANSWERS-discharge of waste (urine) from the body
,Explain Excretion - CORRECT ANSWERS-removal of organic wastes from the blood
Explain regulation - CORRECT ANSWERS-regulating blood volume, ion concentration,
blood pH and nutrients
How do we treat type 1 hypersensitivity reactions? - CORRECT ANSWERS-
antihistamines to block histamine, beta adrenergics to bronchodilator , corticosteroids,
to decrease inflammation. IgE therapy, epinephrine given during anaphylaxis through IV
or through IM in epipens
What are signs and symptoms of a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction? - CORRECT
ANSWERS-hives, runny nose, eczema, throat constriction, ,localized edema, wheezing,
tachycardia, anaphylaxis.
Explain Type 2 Hypersensitivity - CORRECT ANSWERS-The cells attack healthy
organs and blood, causing symptoms
Mediating factor for type 2 hypersensitivity - CORRECT ANSWERS-cytotoxic- IgM/ IgG
Examples of type 2 hypersensitivity - CORRECT ANSWERS-Blood transfusions when
wrong blood given, hemolytic disease of newborn, grans disease, myasthenia gravis
What is type 3 hypersensitivity? - CORRECT ANSWERS-The igG antibodies are stuck
beneath the membranes of cells. Can activate immune responses that can damage
tissues. Immune complex
Mediating factor type 3 hypersensitivity - CORRECT ANSWERS-immune complexes
Examples type 3 hypersensitivity - CORRECT ANSWERS-RA, lupus
What is type 4 hypersensitivity? - CORRECT ANSWERS-there is a delayed cell
reaction caused by the T cells. Antigens are phagocytized and are sensitized to
receptors on the t cell. Reexposure causes the memory cells to release destructive
Mediating factor type 4 hypersensitivity - CORRECT ANSWERS-delayed cell mediated
Examples type 4 hypersensitivity - CORRECT ANSWERS-TB test, contact dermatitis
Characteristics of benign tumors – CORRE
CT ANSWERS-Localized growth that is curable. They more closely resemble the
original tissue type, they grow slowly, have little vascularity, rarely necrotic, and usually
have similar function to the original cells. Can be fatal depending on the location (brain,
heart,etc), usually grows at the original areas of the body. Encapsulated
, Characteristics of malignant tumors - CORRECT ANSWERS-usually cancerous. They
ignore growth controlling signals and replicate despite signals from the environment.
They can escape signals and can die. they can also display different functions poorly or
not at all related to the tissue. Greater degree of differentiation means that it is more
aggressive. Can move around with a poor prognosis. Anaplasia, metastasis
Manifestations of renal disorders - CORRECT ANSWERS-Pain: usually in the back-
flank area, felt at the CVA angle when one palpates with a closed fist and it causes the
client tenderness. Pain upon micturition
What are abnormal urinalysis findings? - CORRECT ANSWERS-dark, strong smelling
urine could denote decreased renal function, infection or dehydration, cloudy urine
could denote infection or high WBC count. Ketones or glucose suggest diabetes, and
Normal GFR - CORRECT ANSWERS-125 mL/min
Normal urine output per hour - CORRECT ANSWERS-30 mL/hr
What is polycystic kidney disease? - CORRECT ANSWERS-a congenital abnormality of
the kidney that is genetically transmitted, and it results in fluid filled cysts on one or both
kidneys that can lead to renal failure, needing dialysis, or kidney transplantation
What causes polycystic kidney disease? - CORRECT ANSWERS-genetics
Explain nephron - CORRECT ANSWERS-in the kidney and helps to filter blood and
remove waste products. The kidney has 1-2 million of them
Explain hematuria - CORRECT ANSWERS-blood found in the urine not due to
Explain proteinuria - CORRECT ANSWERS-protein found in the urine
What is nephrolithiasis? - CORRECT ANSWERS-kidney stones that obstruct the
ureters and kidneys. Usually made of calcium and can cause urinary stasis and pain
What is pyleonephritis? - CORRECT ANSWERS-infected and inflamed kidney, usually
caused by e.coli from the lower urinary tract that ascends
Explain how to assess for pyelonephritis - CORRECT ANSWERS-Percussion at the
CVA noting tenderness, pain when urinating, low GFR, concentrated urine with things in