,Chapter ai1: aiMental aiHealth aiand aiMental aiIllness
Multiple aiChoice
Identify aithe aichoice aithat aibest aicompletes aithe aistatement aior aianswers aithe aiquestion.
ai 1. A ainurse aiis aiassessing aia aiclient aiwho aiexperiences aioccasional aifeelings aiof aisadness aibecause
aiof aithe airecentaideath aiof aia aibeloved aipet. aiThe aiclient‘s aiappetite, aisleep aipatterns, aiand aidaily
airoutine aihave ainot aichanged.
How aiwould aithe ainurse aiinterpret aithe aiclient‘s aibehaviors?
1. The aiclient‘s aibehaviors aidemonstrate aimental aiillness aiin aithe aiform aiof aidepression.
2. The aiclient‘s aibehaviors aiare aiinappropriate, aiwhich aiindicates aithe aipresence
aiof aimentalaiillness.
3. The aiclient‘s aibehaviors aiare ainot aicongruent aiwith aicultural ainorms.
4. The aiclient‘s aibehaviors aidemonstrate aino aifunctional aiimpairment, aiindicating aino
ai 2.
At aiwhich aipoint aiwould aithe ainurse aidetermine aithat aia aiclient aiis aiat airisk aifor aideveloping aia
aimental aiillness?
1. When aithoughts, aifeelings, aiand aibehaviors aiare ainot aireflective aiof aithe aiDSM-5 aicriteria.
2. When aimaladaptive airesponses aito aistress aiare aicoupled aiwith aiinterference
aiin aidailyaifunctioning.
3. When aia aiclient aicommunicates aisignificant aidistress.
ai 3. 4. When aia aiclient aiuses aidefense aimechanisms aias aiego aiprotection.
A aiclient aihas aibeen aigiven aia aidiagnosis aiof aihuman aiimmunodeficiency aivirus ai(HIV).
aiWhich aistatementaimade aiby aithe aiclient aidoes aithNeUnRurSseIrN
zeCaOs aiM
the aibargaining aistage
aiof aigrief?
1. ―I aihate aimy aipartner aifor aigiving aime aithis aidisease aiI aiwill aidie aifrom!‖
2. ―If aiI aidon‘t aido aiintravenous ai(IV) aidrugs aianymore, aiGod aiwon‘t ailet aime aidie.‖
ai 4. 3. ―I aiam aigoing aito aisupport aigroups aiand ailearn aimore aiabout aithe aidisease.‖
4. ―Can aiyou aiplease aire-draw aithe aitest airesults, aiI aithink aithey aimay aibe aiwrong?‖
A ainurse ainotes aithat aia aiclient aiis aiextremely aiwithdrawn, aidelusional, aiand aiemotionally
aiexhausted. aiTheainurse aiassesses aithe aiclient‘s aianxiety aias aiwhich ailevel?
1. Mild aianxiety
2. Moderate aianxiety
ai 5. 3. Severe aianxiety
4. Panic aianxiety
A aipsychiatric ainurse aiintern aistates, ai―This aiclient‘s aiuse aiof aidefense aimechanisms aishould aibe
aieliminated.‖aiWhich aiis aia aicorrect aievaluation aiof aithis ainurse‘s aistatement?
1. Defense aimechanisms aican aibe aiappropriate airesponses aito aistress aiand
aineed ainot aibeaieliminated.
2. Defense aimechanisms aiare aia aimaladaptive aiattempt aiof aithe aiego aito aimanage
aianxiety aiandaishould aialways aibe aieliminated.
,ai 6. During aian aiintake aiassessment, aia ainurse aiasks aiboth aiphysiological aiand aipsychosocial
aiquestions. aiThe aiclient aiangrily airesponds, ai―I‘m aihere aifor aimy aiheart, ainot aimy aihead
aiproblems.‖ aiWhich aiis aithe ainurse‘s aibestairesponse?
1. ―It aiis aijust aia airoutine aipart aiof aiour aiassessment. aiAll aiclients aiare aiasked
aithese aisameaiquestions.‖
2. ―Why aiare aiyou aiconcerned aiabout aithese aitypes aiof aiquestions?‖
3. ―Psychological aifactors, ailike aiexcessive aistress, aihave aibeen aifound aito aiaffect
4. ―We aican aiskip aithese aiquestions, aiif aiyou ailike. aiIt aiisn‘t aiimperative aithat aiwe
aicomplete aithisaisection.‖
ai 7. A aiclient aiwho aiis aibeing aitreated aifor aichronic aikidney aidisease aicomplains aito aithe aihealth-care
aiprovider aithat aihe aidoes ainot ailike aithe aifood aiavailable aito aihim aiwhile aihospitalized. aiThe
aihealth-care aiprovider aiinsists aithat aithe aiclient aistrictly aiadhere aito aithe aidiet aiplan. aiWhat
aiaction aican aibe aiexpected aiis aithe aiclient aiuses aithe aidefenseaimechanism aiof aidisplacement?
1. The aiclient aiassertively aiconfronts aithe aihealth-care aiprovider.
2. The aiclient aiinsists aion aibeing aidischarged aiand aigoes aifor aia ailong, aibrisk aiwalk.
3. The aiclient aisnaps aiat aithe ainurse aiand aicriticizes aithe ainursing aicare aiprovided.
4. The aiclient aihides aihis aianger aiby aiexplaining aithe ailogical aireasoning aifor
aithe aidiet aito aihisaispouse.
ai 8. A aifourth-grade aiboy aiteases aiand aimakes aijokes aiabout aia aicute aigirl aiin aihis aiclass. aiA ainurse
aiwould airecognizeaithis aibehavior aias aiindicative aiof aiwhich aidefense aimechanism?
1. Displacement
2. Projection
3. Reaction aiformation
4. Sublimation
ai 9. aiWhich ainursing aistatement airegarding aithe aiconcept aiof aipsychosis aiis aimost aiaccurate?
1. Individuals aiexperiencing aipsychoses aiare aiaware aithat aitheir aibehaviors aiare aimaladaptive.
2. Individuals aiexperiencing aipsychoses aiexperience ailittle aidistress.
3. Individuals aiexperiencing aipsychoses aiare aiaware aiof aiexperiencing
4. Individuals aiexperiencing aipsychoses aiare aibased aiin aireality.
ai ai ai ai 10. a iWhen aiunder aistress, aia aiclient airoutinely aiuses aialcohol aito aiexcess. aiWhen aithe aiclient‘s
aihusband aifinds aiheraidrunk, aithe aihusband aiyells aiat aithe aiclient aiabout aiher aichronic aialcohol
aiabuse. aiWhich aiaction aialerts aithe ainurse aito aithe aiclient‘s aiuse aiof aithe aidefense aimechanism
aiof aidenial?
1. The aiclient aihides ailiquor aibottles aiin aia aicloset.
2. The aiclient aiyells aiat aiher aison aifor aislouching aiin aihis aichair.
3. The aiclient aiburns aidinner aion aipurpose.
4. The aiclient aisays aito aithe aispouse, ai―I aidon‘t aidrink aitoo aimuch!‖
ai ai ai ai 11. aiDevastated aiby aia aidivorce aifrom aian aiabusive aihusband, aia aiwife aicompletes aigrief
aicounseling. aiWhich aistatement aiby aithe aiwife aiwould aiindicate aito aia ainurse aithat aithe aiclient
aiis aiin aithe aiacceptance aistage aiof aigrief?
1. ―If aionly aiwe aicould aihave aitried aiagain, aithings aimight aihave aiworked aiout.‖
2. ―I aiam aiso aimad aithat aithe aichildren aiand aiI aihad aito aiput aiup aiwith aihim aias ailong aias aiwe aidid.‖
3. ―Yes, aiit aiwas aia aidifficult airelationship, aibut aiI aithink aiI aihave ailearned aifrom aithe
, experience.‖
4. ―I aihave aia aidifficult aitime aigetting aiout aiof aibed aimost aidays.‖
ai According aito aiMaslow‘s aihierarchy aiof aineeds, aiwhich aiclient aiaction aiwould
ai ai ai 12. a i
aidemonstrate aithe aihighestaiachievement aiin aiterms aiof aimental aihealth?
1. Maintaining aia ailong-term, aifaithful, aiintimate airelationship
2. Achieving aia aisense aiof aiself-confidence
3. Possessing aia aifeeling aiof aiself-fulfillment aiand airealizing aifull aipotential
4. Developing aia aisense aiof aipurpose aiand aithe aiability aito aidirect aiactivities
ai According aito aiMaslow‘s aihierarchy aiof aineeds, aiwhich aisituation aion aian aiinpatient
ai ai ai 13. a i
aipsychiatric aiunit aiwouldairequire aipriority aiintervention aiby aia ainurse?
1. A aiclient airudely aicomplaining aiabout ailimited aivisiting aihours
2. A aiclient aiexhibiting aiaggressive aibehavior aitoward aianother aiclient
3. A aiclient aistating aithat aino aione aicares
4. A aiclient aiverbalizing aifeelings aiof aifailure
Multiple aiResponse
Identify aione aior aimore aichoices aithat aibest aicomplete aithe aistatement aior aianswer aithe aiquestion.
ai ai ai ai 14. a i Which aidescribes aia aidefense aimechanism aian aiindividual aimay aiuse aito airelieve
aianxiety aiin aia aistressfulaisituation? ai(Select aiall aithat aiapply.)
1. Homework
3. Itching
4. Nail
5. Sleeping
ai ai ai ai 15. a i The ainurse aiis aireviewing aithe aiDSM-5 aidefinition aiof aia aimental aihealth aidisorder aiand
ainotes aithe aidefinitionaiincludes aia aidisturbance aiin aiwhich aiareas? ai(Select aiall aithat aiapply.)
1. Cognition
2. Physical
3. Emotional airegulation
4. Behavior
5. Developmental
Complete aieach aistatement.
16. ai is aia aidiffuse aiapprehension aithat aiis aivague aiin ainature aiand aiis
aiassociatedaiwith aifeelings aiof aiuncertainty aiand aihelplessness.
17. ai is aia aisubjective aistate aiof aiemotional, aiphysical, aiand aisocial
airesponses aitoaithe ailoss aiof aia aivalued aientity.