Abruptio Placentae - ANSWER Premature separation of a normally positioned
placenta in a pregnancy of at least 20 weeks gestation either before labor or
during labor but before delivery. This serious complication of pregnancy,
occurring in one of every 200 births and often resulting in hemorrhage, may
lead to the death of the mother, the fetus, or both. Also called ablatio placentae,
accidental hemorrhage.
Abuse - ANSWER 1. Behavior toward another that is offensive, harmful, or
2. Misuse or particularly excessive use of a substance, service, or equipment;
commonly refers to improper use of a drug or similar substance.
Accommodation - ANSWER 1. The act or process of adapting to changes in the
physiologic or psychological environment to maintain homeostasis.
2. In ophthalmology: adjustment of the lens of the eye for various distances.
3. In sociology: the use of compromise, arbitration, or negotiation to resolve
conflicts between persons or groups that arise from differences in customs or
cultural norms. Also called adjustment.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - ANSWER A disorder of the
immune system characterized by an inability to mount a successful defense
against infection such as by organisms that usually aren't pathogenic
(opportunistic infections). The syndrome is caused by infection with the human
immunodeficiency virus, which causes a marked depletion in the number of
helper T cells. AIDS is currently incurable and fatal. However, recently
developed drug treatments and regimens seem to be effective in prolonging the
lives of clients with AIDS.
Active Immunity - ANSWER Acquired immunity caused by the production of
antibodies, either following infection or as a result of vaccination.
,Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) - ANSWER A form of leukemia, most
commonly occurring in children, marked by large numbers of immature
leukocytes in the blood and blood-forming tissues (including the bone marrow,
spleen, liver, and lymph nodes). The disease has a sudden onset and rapid
clinical course. Signs and symptoms include fever, pallor, fatigue, loss of
appetite, anemia, bleeding, bone pain, spleen enlargement and, because the
immune function is disturbed, frequent infection. Also called acute
lymphoblastic leukemia.
Acute Nephritis - ANSWER Acute inflammation of the kidney, possibly
involving the glomerulus, tubules, and interstitial tissues.
Addison's Disease - ANSWER A life-threatening condition characterized by
fatigue, hypotension, loss of appetite and weight, nausea or vomiting, and
increased hyperpigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes. It results from
partial or complete loss of glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and androgenic
function of the adrenal glands caused by tuberculosis, an autoimmune process,
or other disease. Also called addisonism, addisonian syndrome, chronic
adrenocortical insufficiency.
Addisonian Crisis - ANSWER An emergency situation occurring with adrenal
hypofunction and exposure to trauma, surgery, or other severe physiologic
stress that exhausts the body's stores of glucocorticoids.
Adrenergic - ANSWER 1. Activated or transmitted by epinephrine,
norepinephrine, or a similar substance.
2. Also called a sympathomimetic, a drug that stimulates alpha or beta receptors
(thus mimicking the effects of epinephrine or norepinephrine) or acts primarily
on receptors in the sympathetic nervous system that are stimulated by
Advance Directive - ANSWER Documented written or verbal instructions by
the client about his wishes for life-sustaining medical care in the event he
becomes incapacitated (for example, living wills, durable powers of attorney for
health care, or any document that states the client's wishes).
,Agonist - ANSWER 1. In anatomy: any muscle in a state of contraction whose
action is opposed by another muscle with which it's paired (called the
2. In pharmacology: a drug that has an affinity for and stimulates physiologic
activity at cell receptors.
Agoraphobia - ANSWER An intense, irrational fear of being in open spaces or
of venturing out from the home or other familiar setting. The anxiety may be
generalized to any setting beyond the home or may be specific for certain types
of situations and environments, such as open spaces or crowded places.
Akinesia - ANSWER 1. Loss of the ability to move voluntarily.
2. The rest period after systole in the normal heart rhythm.
3. In psychiatry: a neurotic condition characterized by symptoms of paralysis.
Allen's Test - ANSWER A test designed to evaluate a client's collateral
circulation in the arm before an invasive arterial procedure such as arterial
blood gas analysis. While the client's radial and ulnar arteries are occluded, he
clenches his fist, causing the hand to blanch. The client then unclenches his fist
while the pressure on the ulnar artery is released (but the radial artery remains
occluded). The hand should become pink, indicating a patent ulnar artery.
Amblyopia - ANSWER Decreased visual acuity in one eye in the absence of
detectable structural or pathologic changes.
Amenorrhea - ANSWER The absence or cessation of menstruation. Except in
preadolescents and in pregnant and postmenopausal women, amenorrhea may
reflect dysfunction of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovary, or uterus;
congenital absence or surgical removal of both ovaries or the uterus; or an
adverse effect of medication.
Amniocentesis - ANSWER Withdrawal of a sample of amniotic fluid by
transabdominal puncture and needle aspiration, usually performed during the
fifth month of pregnancy to detect such genetic disorders as Down syndrome,
neural tube defects, and Tay-Sachs disease; if the clinician suspects sex-linked
genetic defects, the procedure may be done to determine fetal gender.
Amniotomy - ANSWER Artificial rupture of membranes.
, Analgesic - ANSWER 1. Having the ability to relieve pain.
2. A medication that relieves pain.
Anaphylaxis - ANSWER A systemic reaction to a previously encountered
Anastomosis - ANSWER A surgical procedure in which two blood vessels,
ducts, or other tubelike structures are joined to allow the flow of substances
between them. Types of anastomoses are end-to-end and side-to-side.
Angina Pectoris - ANSWER Severe chest pain characterized by sensations of
spasm, constriction, and crushing weight, classically radiating from the area
over the heart to the left shoulder and arm and possibly accompanied by a
feeling of choking or suffocation. Angina usually results from myocardial
oxygen deprivation secondary to atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.
Anorexia - ANSWER Loss of appetite.
Anorexia Nervosa - ANSWER An eating disorder, most common among
adolescent girls, that is characterized by an aversion to eating, a morbid fear of
becoming obese despite significant weight loss, a disturbed body image that
results in a feeling of being fat even when extremely thin, and amenorrhea (in
Antagonist - ANSWER 1. In pharmacology: a drug that nullifies the action of
another drug.
2. In anatomy: a muscle whose effects counteract the effects of another muscle.
3. In dentistry: a tooth that meets another in the opposite jaw during chewing or
clenching of the teeth.
Anticholinergic - ANSWER 1. Of or relating to blockade of the impulses of
parasympathetic or other cholinergic nerve fibers.
2. Any agent with anticholinergic properties.
Anticipatory Guidance - ANSWER Information about a disorder or about the
normal growth and development expectations of a specific age-group given at