SCMN 2150 Exam 3 Barto Exam Questions
with Correct Answers
What are the key supply chain data requirements Correct Answer 1. Accurate
2. Accessible
3. Relevant
4. Timely
5. Transferable
6. Reliable
7. Usable
What are the goals of supply chain planning Correct Answer solutions support the
forward-looking process of coordinating assets to optimize the delivery of goods,
services and information from supplier to customer, balancing supply and demand. SCP
software sits on top of a transactional system to provide planning, what-if scenario
analysis capabilities and real-time demand commitments, considering constraints.
What are the benefits of supply chain information technology Correct Answer Has a
positive impact on organizational performance. Benefits:
1. Cross chain visibility
2. Speed up process
3. Allows agility (adapt and change)
4. Collaboration (internal or external data pools)
5. Differentiation
6. Risk management
What are the capabilities of supply chain planning Correct Answer 1. Configure -
support a company's efforts designing their supply chains, accounting for future
alternative operating models/ trade-offs between different configuration.
2. Optimize - creation and evaluation of optimal plans within the context of the
company's current operating model.
3. Respond - support ability to profitably respond to changes in any aspect of execution
in a near-real-time manner.
What are the major categories of supply chain software Correct Answer 1. Supply Chain
2. Supply Chain Execution
3. Event Management & Visibility
4. Business Intelligence
5. Facilitating tools
What is business intelligence Correct Answer Extract key data across the supply chain
and provide to decision makers
, Standard and ad hoc reporting, dashboards, alerts, queries. Structured data, traditional
sources, manageable data sets.
What happened last quarter, how many did we sell, wheres the problem
What is predictive analytics Correct Answer optimization, predictive modeling,
forecasting, statistical analysis. Structured/unstructured data, internal/external data,
massive data sets
What if, whats the optimal scenario for our business, what will happen next, what if
these trends continue, why is this happening
How is global SCM different from domestic SCM? Correct Answer Global SCM focuses
on planning, implementing, and controlling the cross-border flows of materials, money
and information between companies in different countries
Global networks are more complicated
-multiple participants
-new types of orgs & role players
-Global logistics operations are more challenging
-greater distance & +3 distinct moves
-extensive product handling
-shipment visibility issues
What is the purpose of global sourcing Correct Answer capacity access, risk reduction,
supplier innovation
What costs and risks must be considered for global sourcing? Correct Answer longer
lead times, high transportation cost, higher logistics costs via inventory, increased
chance for in transit damage and theft, reduced supply chain visibility, and lower
intellectual property protection
What are the drivers of global sourcing Correct Answer social changes, technology, the
environment, economics, and politics
What are the advantages of global sourcing Correct Answer reducing costs, growth in
developing countries, improve quality, respond quickly to a changing market
What are the disadvantages of global sourcing Correct Answer increase unemployment,
child labor exploitation ($200 million), unfair labor practices, negative environment
What are your global production alternatives in managing risk, investment, and control
Correct Answer avoidance, retention, sharing, transferring, and loss prevention and
How do you calculate an exchange rate Correct Answer starting amount/ending amount
= exchange rate