chapter 01: Nursing Today
Potter: Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition
1. Which cnurse cmost clikely ckept crecords con csanitation ctechniques cand cthe ceffects con chealth?
a. Florence cNightingale
b. Mary cNutting
c. Clara cBarton
d. Lillian cWald
ANS: c A
Nightingale cwas cthe cfirst cpracticing cnurse cepidemiologist. cHer cstatistical canalyses
cconnected cpoor csanitation cwith ccholera cand cdysentery. cMary cNutting, cClara cBarton, cand
cLillian cWald ccame cafter cNightingale, ceach ccontributing cto cthe cnursing cprofession cin cher
cown cway. cMary cNutting cwas cinstrumental cin cmoving cnursing ceducation cinto
cuniversities. cClara cBarton cfounded cthe cAmerican cRed cCross. cLillian cWald chelped copen
cthe cHenry cStreet cSettlement.
DIF:Understand c(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss cthe cinfluence cof csocial, chistorical, cpolitical, cand ceconomic cchanges con cnursing
TOP: Evaluation MSC: c Health cPromotion cand cMaintenance
2. The cnurse cprescribes cstrategies cand calternatives cto cattain cexpected coutcome. cWhich
cstandard cof cnursing cpractice cis cthe cnurse cfollowing?
a. Assessment
b. Diagnosis
c. Planning
d. Implementation
ANS: c C
In cplanning, cthe cregistered cnurse cdevelops ca cplan cthat cprescribes cstrategies cand
calternatives cto cattain cexpected coutcomes. cDuring cassessment, cthe cregistered cnurse
ccollects ccomprehensive cdata cpertinent cto cthe cpatient’s chealth cand/or cthe csituation. cIn
cdiagnosis, cthe cregistered cnurse canalyzes cthe cassessment cdata cto cdetermine cthe cdiagnoses
cor cissues. cDuring cimplementation, cthe cregistered cnurse cimplements c(carries cout) cthe
cidentified cplan.
DIF:Understand c(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss cthe cdevelopment cof cprofessional cnursing croles. TOP:
cPlanning cMSC: c Management cof cCare
3. An cexperienced cmedical-surgical cnurse cchooses cto cwork cin cobstetrics. cWhich
clevel cof cproficiency cis cthe cnurse cupon cinitial ctransition cto cthe cobstetrical cfloor?
a. Novice
b. Proficient
c. Competent
,d. Advanced cbeginner
ANS: c A
, A cbeginning cnursing cstudent cor cany cnurse centering ca csituation cin cwhich cthere cis cno
cprevious clevel cof cexperience c(e.g., can cexperienced coperating croom cnurse cchooses cto
cnow cpractice cin chome chealth) cis can cexample cof ca cnovice cnurse. cA cproficient cnurse
cperceives ca cpatient’s cclinical csituation cas ca cwhole, cis cable cto cassess can centire csituation,
cand ccan creadily ctransfer cknowledge cgained cfrom cmultiple cprevious cexperiences cto ca
csituation. cA ccompetent cnurse cunderstands cthe corganization cand cspecific ccare crequired
cby cthe ctype cof cpatients c(e.g., csurgical, concology, cor corthopedic cpatients). cThis cnurse cis
ca ccompetent cpractitioner cwho cis cable cto canticipate cnursing ccare cand cestablish clong-
range cgoals. cA cnurse cwho chas chad csome clevel cof cexperience cwith cthe csituation cis can
cadvanced cbeginner. cThis cexperience cmay conly cbe cobservational cin cnature, cbut cthe cnurse
cis cable cto cidentify cmeaningful caspects cor cprinciples cof cnursing ccare.
DIF:Apply c(application)
OBJ:Discuss cthe cdevelopment cof cprofessional cnursing croles. TOP:
cEvaluation cMSC: c Management cof cCare
4. A cnurse cassesses ca cpatient’s cfluid cstatus cand cdecides cthat cthe cpatient cneeds cto cdrink
cmore cfluids. cThe cnurse cthen cencourages cthe cpatient cto cdrink cmore cfluids. cWhich
cconcept cis cthe cnurse cdemonstrating?
a. Licensure
b. Autonomy
c. Certification
d. Accountability
ANS: c B
Autonomy cis can cessential celement cof cprofessional cnursing cthat cinvolves cthe cinitiation cof
cindependent cnursing cinterventions cwithout cmedical corders. cTo cobtain clicensure cin cthe
cUnited cStates, cthe cRN ccandidate cmust cpass cthe cNCLEX-RN. cBeyond cthe cNCLEX-
RN, cthe cnurse cmay cchoose cto cwork ctoward ccertification cin ca cspecific carea cof cnursing
cpractice. cAccountability cmeans cthat cyou care cresponsible, cprofessionally cand clegally, cfor
cthe ctype cand cquality cof cnursing ccare cprovided.
DIF:Apply c(application)
OBJ:Discuss cthe croles cand ccareer copportunities cfor cnurses. TOP:
cImplementation cMSC: c Management cof cCare
5. A cnurse cprepares cthe cbudget cand cpolicies cfor can cintensive ccare cunit. cWhich crole cis
cthe cnurse cimplementing?
a. Educator
b. Manager
c. Advocate
d. Caregiver
ANS: c B
, A cmanager ccoordinates cthe cactivities cof cmembers cof cthe cnursing cstaff cin cdelivering
cnursing ccare cand chas cpersonnel, cpolicy, cand cbudgetary cresponsibility cfor ca cspecific
cnursing cunit cor cfacility. cAs can ceducator, cyou cexplain cconcepts cand cfacts cabout chealth,
cdescribe cthe creason cfor croutine ccare cactivities, cdemonstrate cprocedures csuch cas cself-care
cactivities, creinforce clearning cor cpatient cbehavior, cand cevaluate cthe cpatient’s cprogress cin
clearning. cAs ca cpatient cadvocate, c you cprotect cyour cpatient’s chuman cand clegal crights cand
cprovide cassistance cin casserting cthese crights cif cthe cneed carises. cAs ca ccaregiver, cyou chelp
cpatients cmaintain cand cregain chealth, cmanage cdisease cand csymptoms, cand cattain ca
cmaximal clevel cfunction cand cindependence cthrough cthe chealing cprocess.
DIF:Apply c(application)
OBJ:Discuss cthe croles cand ccareer copportunities cfor cnurses. TOP:
cImplementation cMSC: c Management cof cCare
6. The cnurse chas cbeen cworking cin cthe cclinical csetting cfor cseveral cyears cas can cadvanced
cpractice cnurse. cHowever, cthe cnurse chas ca cstrong cdesire cto cpursue cresearch cand ctheory
cdevelopment. cTo cfulfill cthis cdesire, cwhich cprogram cshould cthe cnurse cattend?
a. Doctor cof cNursing cScience cdegree c(DNSc)
b. Doctor cof cPhilosophy cdegree c(PhD)
c. Doctor cof cNursing cPractice cdegree c(DNP)
d. Doctor cin cthe cScience cof cNursing cdegree c(DSN)
ANS: c B
Some cdoctoral cprograms cprepare cnurses cfor cmore crigorous cresearch cand ctheory
cdevelopment cand caward cthe cresearch-oriented cDoctor cof cPhilosophy c(PhD) cin cnursing.
cProfessional cdoctoral cprograms cin cnursing c(DSN cor cDNSc) cprepare cgraduates cto capply
cresearch cfindings cto cclinical cnursing. cThe cDNP cis ca cpractice cdoctorate cthat cprepares
cadvanced cpractice cnurses csuch cas cnurse cpractitioners.
DIF:Understand c(comprehension)
OBJ:Compare cand ccontrast cthe ceducational cprograms cavailable cfor cprofessional cregistered cnurse
c(RN) ceducation. TOP: c Teaching/Learning MSC: c Management cof cCare
7. A cnurse cattends ca cworkshop con ccurrent cnursing cissues cprovided cby cthe cAmerican
cNurses cAssociation. cWhich ctype cof ceducation cdid cthe cnurse creceive?
a. Graduate ceducation
b. Inservice ceducation
c. Continuing ceducation
d. Registered cnurse ceducation
ANS: c C
Continuing ceducation cinvolves cformal, corganized ceducational cprograms coffered cby
cuniversities, chospitals, cstate cnurses cassociations, cprofessional cnursing corganizations, cand
ceducational cand chealth ccare cinstitutions. cAfter cobtaining ca cbaccalaureate cdegree cin
cnursing, cyou ccan cpursue cgraduate ceducation cleading cto ca cmaster’s cor cdoctoral cdegree cin
cany cnumber cof cgraduate cfields, cincluding cnursing. cInservice ceducation cprograms care
cinstruction cor ctraining cprovided cby ca chealth ccare cfacility cor cinstitution. cRegistered cnurse
ceducation cis cthe ceducation cpreparation cfor can cindividual cintending cto cbe can cRN.
DIF:Apply c(application)
OBJ:Compare cand ccontrast cthe ceducational cprograms cavailable cfor cprofessional cregistered cnurse