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Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball $17.99
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Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball

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Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball

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  • September 20, 2024
  • 831
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • 9th edition
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  • Edition:
  • Seidel's To Physical
  • Seidel's To Physical
,Chapterz01: zThezHistory zandzInterviewing zProcess
d d d

d d d d d


1. Which zquestion zwould zbe zconsidered za z―leading zquestion?‖
d d d d d d d

a. ―Please zdescribe zany zassociated zsymptoms zwith zyour zheadaches?‖
d d d d d d d

b. ―You zdon't zget zheadaches zoften, zdo z you?‖
d d d d d d

c. ―What zactivities zaffect zthe zseverity zof zyour zheadaches?‖
d d d d d d d

d. ―What ztimes zof zthe zday zare zyour zheadaches zthe zmost zsevere?‖
d d d d d d d d d d

e. ―What zworries zyou zmost zabout zyour zheadache?‖
d d d d d d

ANS: z B d d

This zquestion zwould zlimit zthe zinformation zin zthe zpatient's zanswer. zThe zother zchoices zallowzthe
d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

zpatient zmore zdiscretion zabout zthe zextent zof zan zanswer.
d d d d d d d d d

TOP: d z d Discipline: dzBehavioraldzScience MSC: d z dOrgandzSystem: dzGeneral

2. Which zaction zwould zbest zpromote zaccurate ztranslations zas zwell zas
d d d d d d d d d

zconfidentialitydzwhendzthedzcaregiverdzdoesdznotdzspeakdzthedzpatient's dzlanguage?

a. Ask za zperson zunfamiliar zwith zthe zpatient zto ztranslate.
d d d d d d d d

b. Have za zfriend zof zthe zpatient ztranslate.
d d d d d d

c. Ask zsimple zleading zquestions zthat zthe zpatient zmay zunderstand.
d d d d d d d d

d. Use za zneighbor zas ztranslator.
d d d d

e. Involve zthe zfamilyzwith zthe ztranslation.d d d d d

ANS: d z d A
When zyou zdo znot zspeak zthe zpatient's zlanguage, zfamily zmembers zor zfriends zmay zpose
d d d d d d d d d d d d d

zazcommunication zbarrier zand zmayzhave zissues zof zconfidentiality; za zstranger zas zan
d d d d d d d d d d d d

zinterpreter zis zless zbiased.
d d d d

TOP: d z d Discipline: dzBehavioraldzScience MSC: d z dOrgandzSystem: dzGeneral

3. Periods zof zsilence zduring zthe zinterview zcan zserve zimportant zpurposes, zsuch zas:
d d d d d d d d d d d

a. allowing zthe zclinician zto zcatch zup zon zdocumentation. d d d d d d d

b. giving zyou za zclue zthat zyou zshould zspeed zup zthe zinterview.
d d d d d d d d d d

c. providing ztime zfor zreflection. d d d

d. increasing zthe zlength zof zthe zvisit. d d d d d

e. promoting za zcalm zenvironment. d d d

ANS: z C d d

Silence zis za zuseful ztool zduring zinterviews zfor zthe zpurposes zof zreflection, zsummoning
d d d d d d d d d d d d

zofzcourage, zand zdisplaying zcompassion. zIt zis zusually za zclue zfor zyou zto zgo zslower zand znot
d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

zto zpush ztoo zhard.
d d d d

TOP: d z d Discipline: dzBehavioraldzScience MSC: d z dOrgandzSystem: dzGeneral

4. Which ztechnique zis zmost zlikelyzto zresult zin zthe zpatient's zunderstanding zof zquestions?
d d d d d d d d d d d d

a. Use zphrases zthat zare zcommonlyzused zby zother zpatients zin zthe zarea.
d d d d d d d d d d

b. Use zthe zpatient's zown zterms zif zpossible.
d d d d d d

, c. Usezlanguage zthat zkeeps zthe zpatient zfrom zbeing zexpansive zin zhis zor zher zanswer.
d d d d d d d d d d d d d

d. Use zproper zmedical zand ztechnical zterminology.
d d d d d

e. Use zthe zsimplest zlanguage zpossible.
d d d d

ANS: z B d d

To zensure zthat zyour zquestions zhave zbeen zcorrectly zunderstood, zbe zclear, zand
d d d d d d d d d d d

zexplicitzwhile zusing zthe zpatient's zidiom zand zlevel zof zunderstanding.
d d d d d d d d d d

TOP: d z d Discipline: dzBehavioraldzScience MSC: d z dOrgandzSystem: dzGeneral

5. A zpatient zbecomes zrestless zduring zthe zhistory zand zsays, z―I zdon't zhave ztime zfor
d d d d d d d d d d d d d

zalldzof dzthis dzconversation. dzI've dzgot dzto dzget dzback dzto dzwork.‖ dzYour dzmost dzappropriate

d zresponsedzwoulddzbedzto:
a. stop zusing zopen-ended zquestions zand zbecome zmore zdirect.
d d d d d d d

b. ask zanother zopen-ended zquestion zand zinsist zon zan zanswer.
d d d d d d d d

c. ask zquestions zabout zhis zanger zand zmove zcloser zto zhim.
d d d d d d d d d

d. acknowledge zhis zanger zand zproceed zwith zthe zhistoryzand zexamination.
d d d d d d d d d

e. ignore zhis zdispleasure zand zbecome zmore zassertive zabout zgetting zanswers.
d d d d d d d d d

ANS: z D d d

This zis zthe zonlyzanswer zthat zresists zthe ztendency zfor zpatient zmanipulation, zpursues
d d d d d d d d d d d

zthezinformation, zand zconfronts zthe zpatient's zanger.
d d d d d d d

TOP: d z d Discipline: dzBehavioraldzScience MSC: d z dOrgandzSystem: dzGeneral

6. When zquestioning za zpatient zregarding zalcohol zintake, zshe ztells zyou zthat zshe zis z―only za
d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

d zsocialdzdrinker.‖dzWhichdzinitialdzresponsedzisdzappropriate?
a. ―I'm zglad zthat z you zare za zresponsible zdrinker.‖
d d d d d d d

b. ―Manyz people z who z are z reN
al lyRalc
c. ―What U zSIzoNhozT
d Gl ic z sBay.tCheyMare z social z drinkers.‖
d d

zamount zand zwhat zkind zof zalcoholzdo
d d d d
d d
d d d

d d


d d

d d

d d

d. ―If zyou zonly zdrink zsocially, zyou zwon't zneed zto zworry zabout zalways
d d d d d d d d d d

dzhavingdzadzdesignated dzdriver.‖

e. ―Do zthe zother zpeople zin zyour zhousehold zconsume zalcohol?‖
d d d d d d d d

ANS: z C d d

This zanswer zclarifies zthe zpatient's zown zterm zwithout zasking za zleading zquestion zor
d d d d d d d d d d d d

d d

TOP: d z d Discipline: dzBehavioraldzScience MSC: d z dOrgandzSystem: dzGeneral

7. A z50-year-old zman zcomes zto zthe zprimary zcare zclinic. zHe ztells zyou zhe zis
d d d d d d d d d d d d d

d zworrieddzbecausedzhedzhasdzhaddzseveredzchestdzpainsdzfordzthedzpastdz2dzweeks.dzWhichdzinitial
zhistorydzinterviewdzquestiondzisdzmost dzappropriate?

a. ―Can zyou zdescribe zthe zpain?‖
d d d d

b. ―The zpain zdoesn't zradiate zto z your zarm, zdoes zit?‖
d d d d d d d d

c. ―Have zyou zbeen ztreated zfor zanxiety zbefore?‖
d d d d d

d. ―Does zyour zfather zhave zheart zdisease?‖
d d d d d

e. ―Are zthe zpains zworse zafter zyou zeat?‖
d d d d d d

ANS: z A d d

Initially, zan zopen-ended zquestion zis za zmore zappropriate zresponse. z―Can zyou zdescribe zthe zpain?‖
d d d d d d d d d d d d d

zis zan zopen-ended zquestion zthat zoffers zclues zto zthe zchief zconcern.
d d d d d d d d d d d

, TOP: d z d Discipline: dzBehavioraldzScience MSC: d z dOrgandzSystem: dzGeneral

8. Ms. zA. zstates, z―My zlife zis zjust ztoo zpainful. zIt zisn't zworth zit.‖ zShe zappears zdepressed.
d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

zWhichdzonedzofdzthe dzfollowingdzstatementsdzisdzthedzmostdzappropriatedzcaregiverdzresponse?

a. ―Try zto zthink zabout zthe zgood zthings zin zlife.‖
d d d d d d d

b. ―You zshouldn't zfeel zthat zway; zlook zat zall zthe zgood zthings zin zyour zlife.‖
d d d d d d d d d d d d d

c. ―You zcan't zmean z what z you're zsaying.‖
d d d d d

d. ―If zyou zthink zabout zit, znothing zis zworth zgetting zthis zupset zabout.‖
d d d d d d d d d d d

e. ―What zin zlife zis zcausing zyou zsuch zpain?‖
d d d d d d d

ANS: z E d d

Specific zyet zopen-ended zquestions zare zbest zused zwhen zthe zpatient zhas zfeelings zofzloss
d d d d d d d d d d d d d

zof zself-worth zand zdepression. zThe zother zresponses zhurry zthe zpatient zand zoffer
d d d d d d d d d d d d

zsuperficial zassurance.
d d

TOP: d z d Discipline: dzBehavioraldzScience MSC: d z dOrgandzSystem: dzGeneral

9. During zan zinterview, zyou zhave zthe zimpression zthat za zpatient zmayzbe
d d d d d d d d d d

zconsideringdzsuicide. dzWhichdzactiondzisdzessential?

a. Immediately zbegin zproceedings zfor zan zinvoluntary zcommitment. d d d d d d

b. Ask zwhether zthe zpatient zhas zconsidered zself-harm.
d d d d d d

c. Ask zwhether zthe zpatient zwould zlike zto zvisit za zpsychiatrist.
d d d d d d d d d

d. Record zthe zimpression zin zthe zpatient's zchart zand zrefer
d d d d d d d d

zthezpatient zfor zhospitalization.
d d d d

e. Avoid zdirectlyzconfronting zthe zpatient zregarding zyour zimpression.
d d d d d d d

ANS: z B d d

Ifzyou zthinkzthe zpatient zmay zbNe zc R
d d
U ozSn zsNiIzdTe riGn g zB
zgiveszpermission zto ztalk zabout zit.
d su.
ide,Mhe zor zshezprobably zis. zMentioning zit

d d


d d d d d d d d

TOP: d z d Discipline: dzBehavioraldzScience MSC: d z dOrgandzSystem: dzGeneral

10. You zare zcollecting za zhistoryzfrom zan z11-year-old zgirl. zHer zmother zis zsitting znext
d d d d d d d d d d d d d

ztodzher dzin dzthe dzexamination dzroom. dzWhen dzcollecting dzhistory dzfrom dzolder dzchildren dzor

d zadolescents,dztheydzshould:
a. never zbe zinterviewed zalone zbecause zthis zmay zalienate zthe zparent.
d d d d d d d d d

b. be zmailed za zquestionnaire zin zadvance zto zavoid zthe zneed zfor zher zto ztalk.
d d d d d d d d d d d d d

c. be zgiven zthe zopportunity zto zbe zinterviewed zwithout zthe zparent zat zsome zpoint.
d d d d d d d d d d d d

d. be zallowed zto zdirect zthe zflow zof zthe zinterview.
d d d d d d d d

e. be zignored zwhile zyou zaddress zall zquestions zto zthe zparent.
d d d d d d d d d

ANS: z C d d

An zolder zchild zshould zbe zgiven zthe zopportunityzto zgive zinformation zdirectly. zThis zenhanceszthe
d d d d d d d d d d d d d

zprobability zthat zthe zchild zwill zfollow zyour zadvice.
d d d d d d d d

TOP: d z d Discipline: dzBehavioraldzScience MSC: d z dOrgandzSystem: dzGeneral

11. When zcommunicating zwith zolder zchildren zand zteenagers, zyou zshould zbe zsensitive zto ztheir:
d d d d d d d d d d d d

a. parent'szneeds. d

b. natural zurge zto zcommunicate. d d d

c. need zfor zverbal zinstructions. d d d

d. typical zreluctance zto ztalk. d d d

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