v- vThe vMarketplace vto vBuy vand vSell vyour
vStudy vMaterial
olution vManual vfor vStatistics vfor vNursing vResearch vA
Workbook vfor vEvidence-Based vPractice, v3rd vEdition,
Susan vGrove, vDaisha vCipherd vPractice v
Answer vGuidelines vfor vQuestions vto vBe vGraded
Identifying Levels
v ofMeasurement: Nominal,
v v
Ordinal, Interval, and
v v v
Ratio v
The vquestions vare vin vbold vfollowed vby vanswers.
1. In vTable v1, videntify vthe vlevel vof vmeasurement vfor vthe vcurrent vtherapy vvariable.
vProvide va vrationale vfor vyour vanswer.
Answer: vThe vcurrent vtherapy vvariable vwas vmeasured vat vthe vnominal vlevel. vThese vdrug
vcategories vwere vprobably vdeveloped vto vbe vexhaustive vfor vthis vstudy vand vincluded vthe
vcategories vof vdrugs vthe vsubjects vwere vreceiving. vHowever, vthe vcategories vare vnot
vexclusive, vsince vpatients vare vusually von vmore vthan vone vcategory vof vthese vdrugs vto
vmanage vtheir vhealth vproblems. vThe vcurrent vtherapies vare vnot vmeasured vat vthe vordinal
vlevel vbecause vthey vcannot vbe vrank vordered, vsince vno vdrug vcategory vcan vbe vconsidered
vmore vor vless vbeneficial vthan vanother vdrug vcategory v(see vFigure v1-1; vGrove v& vGray,
2. What v is v the v mode v for v the v current v therapy v variable v in v this v study? v Provide v a
v rationale v forvyour vanswer.
Answer: v The vmode v for v current v therapy v was vβ vblocker. v A v total v of v 100 v (94%) v of v the v cardiac
v patients
, v- vThe vMarketplace vto vBuy vand vSell vyour
were v receiving v this
vStudy v category v of v drug, v which v was v the v most v common v prescribed
v drug v for v thisvsample.
3. What vstatistics vwere vconducted vto vdescribe vthe vBMI vof vthe vcardiac vpatients vin vthis
vsample? vDiscuss vwhether vthese vanalysis vtechniques vwere vappropriate vor
Answer: v BMI v was v described v with v a v mean v and v standard v deviation v (SD). v BMI
v measurement v resulted vin vratio-level vdata vwith vcontinuous vvalues vand van vabsolute vzero
v(Stone v& vFrazier, v2017). vRatio- vlevel vdata vshould vbe vanalyzed vwith vparametric vstatistics
vsuch vas vthe vmean vand vSD v(Grove v& vGray,v2017; vKnapp, v2017).
4. Researchers vused vthe vfollowing vitem vto vmeasure vregistered vnurses’ v(RNs) vincome vin
va vstudy:vWhat vcategory videntifies vyour vcurrent vincome vas van vRN?
a. v Less vthan v$50,000
b. v $50,000 vto v59,999
c. v $60,000 vto v69,999
d. v $70,000 vto v80,000
e. v $80,000 vor vgreater
What v level v of v measurement v is v this v income v variable? v Does v the v income v variable
v follow v the vrules voutlined vin vFigure v1-1? vProvide va vrationale vfor vyour vanswer.
Answer: vIn vthis vexample, vthe vincome vvariable vis vmeasured vat vthe vordinal vlevel. vThe
v income v catego- vries vare vexhaustive, vranging vfrom vless vthan v$50,000 vto vgreater vthan
v$80,000. vThe vtwo vopen-ended
AG v1-1
, v- vThe vMarketplace vto vBuy vand vSell vyour
vStudy vMaterial
AG v1-2 Answer v Guidelines v for v Questions v to v Be v Graded
categories vensure vthat vall vsalary vlevels vare vcovered. vThe vcategories vare vnot vexclusive,
vsince vcatego- vries v(d) vand v(e) vinclude van v$80,000 vsalary, vso vstudy vparticipants vmaking
v$80,000 vmight vmark veither v (d) v or v (e) v or v both v categories, v resulting v in v erroneous
v data. v Category v (e) v could v be v changed vto vgreater vthan v$80,000, vmaking vthe vcategories
vexclusive. vThe vcategories vcan vbe vrank vordered vfrom vthe vlowest vsalary vto vthe vhighest
vsalary, vwhich vis vconsistent vwith vordinal vdata v(Grove v& vGray, v2019; vWaltz vet val., v2017).
5. What vlevel vof vmeasurement vis vthe vCDS vscore? vProvide va vrationale vfor vyour vanswer.
Answer: vThe vCDS vscore vis vat vthe vinterval vlevel vof vmeasurement. vThe vCDS vis va v26-item
vLikert vscale vdeveloped vto vmeasure vdepression vin vcardiac vpatients. vStudy vparticipants
vrated vtheir vsymp- vtoms von va vscale vof v1 vto v7, vwith vhigher vnumbers vindicating
vincreased vseverity vin vthe vdepression vsymptoms. vThe vtotal vscores vfor veach vsubject
vobtained vfrom vthis vmulti-item vscale vare vconsidered vto vbe vat vthe vinterval vlevel vof
vmeasurement v(Gray vet val., v2017; vWaltz vet val., v2017).
6. Were vnonparametric vor vparametric vanalysis vtechniques vused vto vanalyze vthe vCDS vscores
vforvthe vcardiac vpatients vin vthis vstudy? vProvide va vrationale vfor vyour vanswer.
Answer: vParametric vstatistics, vsuch vas v mean v and v SD, v were v conducted v to v describe
v CDS v scores vfor vstudy vparticipants v(see vTable v1). vCDS vscores vare vinterval-level vdata vas
vindicated vin vQuestions v5, vso vparametric vstatistics vare vappropriate vfor vthis vlevel vof vdata
v(Gray vet val., v2017; vKim v& vMallory, v2017).
7. Is vthe vprevalence vof vdepression vlinked vto vthe vNYHA vclass? vDiscuss vthe vclinical
vimportance vof vthis vresult.
Answer: vThe vstudy vnarrative vindicated vthat vthe vprevalence vof vdepression vincreased
vwith vthe vgreater vNYHA vclass. vIn vNYHA vclass vIII, v64% vof vthe vsubjects vwere vdepressed,
vwhereas v11% vof vthe vsubjects vwere vdepressed vin vNYHA vclass vI. vThus, vas vthe vNYHA vclass
vincreased, vthe vnumber vof vsub- vjects vwith vdepression vincreased. vThis vis van vexpected vfinding
vbecause vas vthe vNYHA vclass vincreases, vcardiac vpatients vhave vmore vsevere vphysical
vsymptoms, vwhich vusually vresult vin vemotional vdistress, vsuch v as v depression. v Nurses v need
v to v actively v assess v cardiac v patients v for v depression, v especially v those vin vhigher vNYHA
vclasses, vso vthey vmight vbe vdiagnosed vand vtreated vas vneeded.
8. What vfrequency vand vpercent vof vcardiac vpatients vin vthis vstudy vwere vnot vbeing
vtreated vwith van vantidepressant? vShow vyour vcalculations vand vround vyour vanswer vto
vthe vnearest vwhole vpercent v(%).
Answer: vA vtotal v vof v v106 v vcardiac v vpatients v vparticipated v vin v vthis v vstudy. v vThe v
vsample v vincluded v15 vpatients vwho vwere vreceiving van vantidepressant v(see vTable v1).
vThe v vnumber v vof v vcardiac vpatients v not v treated v for v depression v was v 91 v (106 v – v 15
v = v91). v The v group v percent v is v calculated vby v the v following v formula: v (group
v frequency v ÷ v total v sample v size) v × v 100%. v For v this v study, v(91 vpatients v÷ v106
vsample vsize) v× v100% v= v0.858 v× v100% v= v85.8% v= v86%. vThe v vfinal vanswer v is
, v- vThe vMarketplace vto vBuy vand vSell vyour
v rounded vStudy
v to v the v nearest v whole v percent v as v directed v in v the v question. v You v could
v have valso vsubtracted vthe v14% vof vpatients vtreated vwith vantidepressants vfrom v100% vand
vobtained vthe v86% v who v were v not v treated v with v an v antidepressant.
9. What vwas vthe vpurpose vof vthe v6-minute vwalk vtest v(6MWT)? vWould vthe v6MWT vbe
vuseful vin vclinical vpractice?
Answer: vHa vet val. v(2018) vstated, v“The v6-min vwalk vtest v(6MWT) vis va vmeasure vof vthe
vsubmaximal, vsteady-state vfunctional vcapacity” vof vcardiac vpatients. vThis vtest vwould vbe va
vquick, veasy vway vto vdetermine va vcardiac vpatient’s vfunctional vstatus vin va vclinical v
vsetting. v vThis v vfunctional v vstatus vscore v could v be v used v to v determine v the v treatment
v plan v to v promote v or v maintain v functional v statusvof vcardiac vpatients.