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FAML 430 Exam 4 Questions and Answers
FAML 430 Exam 4 Questions and Answers
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FAML 430 Exam 4 Questions and
Serving iiNOT iiFixing iior iiHelping ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-1. iiRecognize iiyou iiserve iias
iibeing ii"whole" iiand iicentral iicontributors iito iithe iisolution
2. iiCreating iian iiatmosphere iiwhere iithere iiis iiequality iiin iithe iirelationship.
3. iiAllowing iiourselves iito iibe iivulnerable iiso iiwe iican iiserve iifrom iiour iiwounds,
iilimitations iiand iiweaknesses
4. iiAvoid ii"judgment" iiin iiour iirelationships iiwith iithose iiwe iiserve. iiAvoid iiseeing iithose
iiwe iiserve iias iibroken
AmeriCorps ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Service iiClub iiwhich iiis iia iiNational iiService iiprogram
iiExpanded iiand iigiven iia iinew iiname iiin ii1993 iiby iiPresident iiClinton iito iiget iivolunteers
iito iiwork iiin iicommunities iiin iithe iiUnited iiStates iiin iireturn iifor iicollege iituition iimoney.
iiEngages iivolunteers iiin iiserving iidirectly iiwith iinonprofit iiorganizations iito iitackle iithe
iination's iimost iipressing iichallenges.
VISTA ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Volunteers iiin iiService iito iiAmerica iiwhich iisent iivolunteers
iito iihelp iipeople iiin iipoor iicommunities.It iiis iia iinetwork iiof iinational iiservice iiprograms,
iimade iiup iiof iithree iiprimary iiprograms iithat iieach iitake iia iidifferent iiapproach iito
iiimproves iilives iiand iifoster iicivic iiengagement. iiMembers iicommit iitheir iitime iito
iiaddress iicritical iicommunity iineeds iilike iiincreasing iiacademic iiachievement, iimentoring
iiyouth, iifighting iipoverty, iisustaining iinational iiparks, iipreparing iifor iidisasters, iiand
Ladder iiof iiCitizen iiParticipation iisteps ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Developed iiby iiSherry
iiArnstein, iidefines iicitizen iiparticipation iiin iiterms iiof iithe iiamount iiof iicontrol iicitizens
iihave iiover iipolicy iidecisions. iione iiof iithe iimost iiinfluential iimodels iifor iiunderstanding
iipublic iiengagement iiand iiencouraging iicitizen iiparticipation
8. iiCitizen iiControl ii= iiCitizens iihave iitotal iicontrol iiof iiall iiaspects
7. iiDelegated iipower ii- iiWe'll iigive iipower, iicontrol, iiand iifunding iidecisions iito iia iigroup
iiof iicitizens, iibut iisome iiaspects iiof iimanagement iiare iimaintained.
6. iiPartnership ii- iiWe'll iinegotiate iiand iiredistribute iipower iiand iiresources
5. iiPlacation ii- iiWe'll iiinvolve iia iifew iihand-picked iiindividuals iito iidemonstrate iithat iiwe
iidid, iibut iithey iiare iinot iiaccountable iito iithe iiconstituency iiand iican iibe iieasily iioutvoted
, 4. iiConsultation ii- iiWe'll iiinvolve iiyou iiin iiwindow iidressing iisurveys iithat iiask iifor
iiopinions iibut iiprovide iino iiassurance iiof iilistening.
3. iiInforming ii- iiWe'll iiinvolve iiyou iiso iiwe iican iiinform iiyou iiwith iiexpert iijargon iiand iione-
way iicommunication, iiso iiyou'll iiendorse iiproposals
2. iiTherapy ii- iiWe'll iiinvolve iiyou iiso iiwe iican iifix iiyou
1. iiManipulation ii- iiWe'll iiinvolve iiyou iiso iiwe iican iieducate iiyou iiand iiengineer iiyour
Citizen iiProfessional ii( iiknow iiat iileast iithree iicharacteristics) ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-1.
iiSeeing iiyourself iias iia iicitizen iifirst, iia iiprofessional iisecond
2. iiWorking iialongside iiother iicitizens iias iian iiequal iirather iithan iithe iisage iiwho iiknows
3. iiRecognize iilife iiexperiences iiand iiwisdom iiare iiimportant iiadditions iito iithe iibody iiof
iiknowledge iineeded iito iisolve iiproblems
4. iiCitizen iiprofessionals iiskillfully iiweave iithe iiprivate iiand iithe iiprofessional iidimensions
iiof iian iiissue.
5. iiProfessional iipractice iimust iiinclude iia iivision iifor iiworking iifor, iiwith, iiand iiby iicitizens
iiin iisolving iiproblems iiaffecting iiour iicommunities.
Hearing iithe iimusic ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-ofttimes iiwe iiteach iithose iiaround iius iithe
iidance iisteps, iibut iiare iinot iias iisuccessful iiin iihelping iiour iifamily iimembers iihear iiin iithe
iimusic. iiDance iisteps iiwith iiour iiminds, iibut iimusic iiwith iiour iihearts. iiWalk iithe iiwalk, iinot
iitalk iithe iitalk. iiCannot iibe iiforced iinor iicompelled.
Community iiservice iiclubs ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Rotary, iiKiwanis, iiLion, iiOptimists iiand
iiothers iiin iilocal iitowns iiand iicities
Citizens iiHealth iiCare iiModel ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-1st ii- iifamily iitherapy ii-.(Human
iibeings iias iiproducers iior iicocreators iiof iithe iiworld) ii
2. iiMedical iifamily iitherapy iiand iicollaborative iifamily iihealth iicare ii-. ii(The iiimportance
iiof iipublic iilife. ii
3. iiComes iifrom iioutside iiof iihealth iicare iiin iithe iirealm iiof iipolitical iitheory. ii(Democratic,
iirelational iipower ii- iiordinary iipeople iiworking iitogether iican iiinfluence, iithrough ii"civic
iimuscle," iithe iiworld iiof iiinstitutions, iiprofessions, iiand iithe iimarketplace. ii) ii
4. iiCommunity iiorganizing iitradition iion iithe iirenewal iiof iilocal iidemocracy, iithe
iireorganization iiof iirelationships iibetween iipower iiand iipolitics iiand iithe iirestructuring iiof
iithe iiphysical iiand iicivic iiinfrastructures iiof iicommunities.
Purpose iiand iihistory iiof iiVISTA iiand iiAmeriCorps? ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-The iipurpose
iiis iifor iicitizens iito iibe iiactively iiengaged iiin iithe iiservice iiof iitheir iicommunities. iiStarted
iiby iiJohn iiF. iiKennedy iiin ii1961.
What iiinitiatives iidid iiWilliam iiDoherty iihelp iito iilaunch iiusing iithe iiFamilies iiand
iiDemocracy iiModel? ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-When iiwe iiare iitalking iiabout iifamilies iiand
iidemocracy iimodel iiand iias iia iicitizen iiprofessional, iiDougherty iihelped iito iilaunch iisome
iiinitiatives: ii