Core Power Yoga C1 Class – Cues Exam/226
Accurate Questions with Answers
Exhale - Child's Pose (Balasana) - - (2 min)
Move to the middle of your mat with your knees to the edges and your big
toes touching,
Melt your forehead on the mat,
Sink your hips down
Take this time to really find yourself on the mat. Maybe our minds are taking
us somewhere far away, worried about this or stressed about that, but go
ahead and give your mind permission to just be here, within the four corners
of your mat.
Notice your natural breath here. The ebb and flow. Maybe close your eyes.
Then we'll begin to deepen the breath by taking a deep inhale through the
nose, and exhale through the mouth. Inahale again through the nose, exhale
through the mouth. We're going to do the same thing this time, but with the
lips closed. Create a constriction in the back of your throat so that the inhale
and exhale are audible. Inhale, exhale. One more time. Inhale, exhale.
This is your ujayi breath, the breath of fire. It is energizing as it brings heat to
he body, but it also anchors the busy mind during practice. I encourage you
to practice this breath as we move through the flow, letting it be the
soundtrack to your movement.
We'll take another inhale together, and exhale, let's get moving.
- Inhale Table top - - (transition)
- Exhale - Downward Facing Dog (Ahdo Mukha Svanasana) - - (1 min)
Step your feet hip-width distance apart,
Send your hips back and up,
Spread your fingers wide and press your thumbs and forefingers into the mat
- Ihale look forward - - (transition)
- Exhale - Ragdoll Pose (Uttanasana). Walk to the top of your mat - - (1 min)
Step your feet hip-width distance apart,
Send your tailbone up,
Interlace your arms and let head and arms hang heavy
, - Release your fingertips to the mat. Toe-heel your feet together. Inhale roll
yourself up to standing - - Release your fingertips to the mat and toe/heel
your feet together- Inhale slowly roll up
- Exhale - Samasthiti - - (3 breaths)
Bring your big toes to touch and heels behind your ankles,
Lift your chest up,
Bring your hands to heart center.
Our thoughts are powerful tools. We are creating energy on the mat, so why
not channel that energy into creating a reality that is meaningful for us? This
is the purpose of setting an intention for class. If you have an intention
already in mind, go ahead and call that forward, and affirm that intention
with your whole body. If you don't have an intention, go ahead and begin to
reflect on Acceptance. Baron Baptiste says to stand in front of your past and
let it be.
That can be a lot easier said than done. Let's dedicate this practice to
accepting who we are and where we are at this time and being confident
that we are exactly where we are meant to be in this given moment.
- Inhale - Mountain Pose (Tadasana) - - Re-engage your legs,
Pull your belly button toward your spine,
Reach your arms up, rotate your pinky fingers in and soften your shoulders
- Exhale - Forward Fold (Uttanasana) - - Place a slight bend in your knees,
Hinge from your hips and draw your tailbone up,
Draw your shoulders away from your ears
- Inhale - Halfway lift (Ardha Uttanasana) - - Shift your weight forward,
Lift your chest away from your thighs,
Draw your shoulder blades together and down your back
- Exhale - High Plank to Low Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana).. - - (Demo)
Step your feet back and bring them hip-width distance apart,
Bring your hips in line with your heels and shoulders,
Plant your hands apart and stack your shoulders over your wrists
- Inhale - Updward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) - - Bring the tops
of your feet to the mat,
Open and pull your chest forward,
Straighten your arms and stack your shoulders over your wrists
- Exhale -Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) - - (2-3B)
Spread your fingers wide and press into your palms,
Engage your abdominals,
Press your heels closer to the mat
, - Demo Chaturanga - - Option 1: Chatarugna full expression.
Stack your joints. When you move into High Plank, align your shoulders over
your elbows and your elbows over your wrists. Palms should be shoulder-
width apart.
Pin elbows to ribs. When you lower down to Mid Plank, this alignment will
support your transition. Also, make sure your shoulders do not dip below
your elbows - arms should maintain a 90-degree angle.
Fire up your core. Chaturanga is all about core strength, so pull your belly
button in toward your spine throughout the entire posture. This will help you
keep your thighs and knees off of the mat, and will also protect your lower
Option 2: Drop to your knees
Option 3: Notarunga
- Transition from Down Dog> - - Inhale gaze toward your fingertips; Exhale
bend you knees and walk your feet to the top of your mat
- Inhale - Halfway Lift (Ardha Uttanasana-) - - Halfway lift with your hands
on your shins and a flat back
- Exhale - Forward Fold (Uttanasana) - - Forward Fold
- Inhale Mountain Pose - -
- Exhale Standing forward fold - -
- Inhale Halfway lift - -
- Exhale high to low plank - -
- Inhale Upward facing dog - -
- Exhale doward facing dog - -
- (1 more time) Inhale look forward, exhale walk to the top of your mat - -
- Inhale halfway lift - -
- Exhale forward fold - -