Test oBank oFor oFundamentals oof oNursing o11th oEdition
oPotter oPerryoAll ochapters o- oVerified
1. Which onurse omost olikely okept orecords oon osanitation otechniques oand othe oeffects oon
a. Florence oNightingale
b. Mary oNutting
c. Clara oBarton
d. Lillian oWald
Nightingale owas othe ofirst opracticing onurse oepidemiologist. oHer ostatistical oanalyses
oconnected opoor osanitation owith ocholera oand odysentery. oMary oNutting, oClara
oBarton, oand oLillian oWald ocame oafter oNightingale, oeach ocontributing oto othe
onursing oprofession oin oher oown oway. oMary oNutting owas oinstrumental oin omoving
onursing oeducation ointo ouniversities. oClara oBarton ofoundedothe oAmerican oRed
oCross. oLillian oWald ohelped oopen othe oHenry oStreet oSettlement.
DIF:Understand o(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss othe oinfluence oof osocial, ohistorical, opolitical, oand oeconomic ochanges oon onursing
TOP: Evaluation MSC: o Health oPromotion oand oMaintenance
2. The onurse oprescribes ostrategies oand oalternatives oto oattain oexpected ooutcome.
oWhich ostandard oofonursing opractice ois othe onurse ofollowing?
In oplanning, othe oregistered onurse odevelops oa oplan othat oprescribes ostrategies oand
oalternatives oto oattain oexpected ooutcomes. oDuring oassessment, othe oregistered onurse
ocollects ocomprehensive odata opertinent oto othe opatient’s ohealth oand/or othe osituation.
oIn odiagnosis, othe oregistered onurse oanalyzes othe oassessment odata oto odetermine othe
odiagnoses oor oissues. oDuring oimplementation, otheoregistered onurse oimplements
o(carries oout) othe oidentified oplan.
DIF:Understand o(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss othe odevelopment oof oprofessional onursing oroles. TOP:
oPlanningoMSC: o Management oof oCare
3. An oexperienced omedical-surgical onurse ochooses oto owork oin oobstetrics.
oWhich olevel oofoproficiency ois othe onurse oupon oinitial otransition oto othe
oobstetrical ofloor?
a. Novice
b. Proficient
c. Competent
d. Advanced obeginner
, A obeginning onursing ostudent oor oany onurse oentering oa osituation oin owhich othere
ois ono oprevious olevel oof oexperience o(e.g., oan oexperienced ooperating oroom onurse
ochooses oto onow opractice oin ohome ohealth) ois oan oexample oof oa onovice onurse.
oA oproficient onurse operceives oa opatient’s oclinicalosituation oas oa owhole, ois oable
oto oassess oan oentire osituation, oand ocan oreadily otransfer oknowledge ogained ofrom
omultiple oprevious oexperiences oto oa osituation. oA ocompetent onurse ounderstands othe
oorganization oand ospecific ocare orequired oby othe otype oof opatients o(e.g., osurgical,
ooncology, oor oorthopedic opatients). oThis onurse ois oa ocompetent opractitioner owho
ois oable oto oanticipate onursing ocare oand oestablish olong-range ogoals. oA onurse owho
ohas ohad osome olevel oof oexperience owith othe osituation ois oan oadvanced obeginner.
oThis oexperience omay oonly obe oobservational oin onature, obut othe onurse ois oable oto
oidentify omeaningful oaspects oor oprinciples oof onursing ocare.
DIF:Apply o(application)
OBJ:Discuss othe odevelopment oof oprofessional onursing oroles. TOP:
oEvaluationoMSC: o Management oof oCare
4. A onurse oassesses oa opatient’s ofluid ostatus oand odecides othat othe opatient oneeds oto
odrink omore ofluids.oThe onurse othen oencourages othe opatient oto odrink omore ofluids.
oWhich oconcept ois othe onurse odemonstrating?
a. Licensure
b. Autonomy
c. Certification
d. Accountability
Autonomy ois oan oessential oelement oof oprofessional onursing othat oinvolves othe
oinitiation oof oindependent onursing ointerventions owithout omedical oorders. oTo oobtain
olicensure oin othe oUnited oStates, othe oRN ocandidate omust opass othe oNCLEX-RN.
oBeyond othe oNCLEX-RN, othe onurse omay ochoose oto owork otoward ocertification
oin oa ospecific oarea oof onursing opractice. oAccountabilityomeans othat oyou oare
oresponsible, oprofessionally oand olegally, ofor othe otype oand oquality oof onursingocare
DIF:Apply o(application)
OBJ:Discuss othe oroles oand ocareer oopportunities ofor onurses. TOP:
oImplementationoMSC: o Management oof oCare
5. A onurse oprepares othe obudget oand opolicies ofor oan ointensive ocare ounit. oWhich
orole ois othe onurseoimplementing?
a. Educator
b. Manager
c. Advocate
d. Caregiver
, A omanager ocoordinates othe oactivities oof omembers oof othe onursing ostaff oin
odelivering onursing ocare oand ohas opersonnel, opolicy, oand obudgetary oresponsibility
ofor oa ospecific onursing ounit oor ofacility. oAs oan oeducator, oyou oexplain oconcepts
oand ofacts oabout ohealth, odescribe othe oreason ofor oroutine ocare oactivities,
odemonstrate oprocedures osuch oas oself-care oactivities, oreinforce olearning oor opatient
obehavior, oand oevaluate othe opatient’s oprogress oin olearning. oAs oa opatient oadvocate,
oyouoprotect oyour opatient’s ohuman oand olegal orights oand oprovide oassistance oin
oasserting othese orights oifothe oneed oarises. oAs oa ocaregiver, oyou ohelp opatients
omaintain oand oregain ohealth, omanage odisease oand osymptoms, oand oattain oa
omaximal olevel ofunction oand oindependence othrough othe ohealing oprocess.
DIF:Apply o(application)
OBJ:Discuss othe oroles oand ocareer oopportunities ofor onurses. TOP:
oImplementationoMSC: o Management oof oCare
6. The onurse ohas obeen oworking oin othe oclinical osetting ofor oseveral oyears oas oan
oadvanced opractice onurse. oHowever, othe onurse ohas oa ostrong odesire oto opursue
oresearch oand otheory odevelopment. oToofulfill othis odesire, owhich oprogram oshould
othe onurse oattend?
a. Doctor oof oNursing oScience odegree o(DNSc)
b. Doctor oof oPhilosophy odegree o(PhD)
c. Doctor oof oNursing oPractice odegree o(DNP)
d. Doctor oin othe oScience oof oNursing odegree o(DSN)
Some odoctoral oprograms oprepare onurses ofor omore origorous oresearch oand otheory
odevelopment oand oaward othe oresearch-oriented oDoctor oof oPhilosophy o(PhD) oin
onursing. oProfessional odoctoraloprograms oin onursing o(DSN oor oDNSc) oprepare
ograduates oto oapply oresearch ofindings oto oclinical onursing. oThe oDNP ois oa
opractice odoctorate othat oprepares oadvanced opractice onurses osuch oas onurse
DIF:Understand o(comprehension)
OBJ:Compare oand ocontrast othe oeducational oprograms oavailable ofor oprofessional oregistered
onurse o(RN)oeducation. TOP: o Teaching/Learning
MSC: o Management oof oCare
7. A onurse oattends oa oworkshop oon ocurrent onursing oissues oprovided oby othe
oAmerican oNursesoAssociation. oWhich otype oof oeducation odid othe onurse
a. Graduate oeducation
b. Inservice oeducation
c. Continuing oeducation
d. Registered onurse oeducation
Continuing oeducation oinvolves oformal, oorganized oeducational oprograms ooffered oby
ouniversities, ohospitals, ostate onurses oassociations, oprofessional onursing oorganizations,
oand oeducational oand ohealth ocare oinstitutions. oAfter oobtaining oa obaccalaureate
odegree oin onursing, oyouocan opursue ograduate oeducation oleading oto oa omaster’s oor
odoctoral odegree oin oany onumber oof ograduate ofields, oincluding onursing. oInservice
oeducation oprograms oare oinstruction oor otraining oprovided oby oa ohealth ocare ofacility
oor oinstitution. oRegistered onurse oeducation ois othe oeducation opreparation ofor oan
oindividual ointending oto obe oan oRN.
DIF:Apply o(application)
OBJ:Compare oand ocontrast othe oeducational oprograms oavailable ofor oprofessional oregistered
onurse o(RN)