Reference for Pathfinder Operations: ANSWER FM 3-21.38
Reference for Airborne and Air Assault Operations - ANSWER FM 3.99
HLZ Considerations - Answer Tactical and Technical
Technical selection factors - ANSWER. Landing formations, surface
conditions, obstacles, approach and departure routes, atmospheric conditions,
and the type of load
Size of HLZ variables - ANSWER Size/type of air conditioning, pilot/unit
proficiency, day/night operations, and atmospheric conditions (humidity,
altitude, temperature).
TDP Size 1 Diameter and Type of A/C - Answer: 25 meters, OH-6, OH-58,
MH-6, AH-6, UH-72A.
TDP Size 2 Diameter and Type of A/C - Answer: 35 meters, AH-1W/Z, UH-
TDP Size 3 Diameter and Type of A/C - ANSWER 50 meters, UH-60, AH-64
, SH-60, MH-60 (all 60 series).
TDP Size 4 Diameter and Type of A/C: ANSWER 80 meters, All Cargo A/C,
,TDP Size 5 Diameter and Type of A/C - ANSWER 100 meters, all daylight SL,
A/C of unknown origin, A/C with Land-Safe Systems
TDP Size 6 Diameter and Type of A/C - Answer: 125 meters, all SL using long
TDP size 7 Diameter and Type of A/C - ANSWER 150 meters, all night SL, SL
A/C with Land-Safe
Landing Formations: ANSWER Trail, Echelon Left, Echelon Right, Diamond,
Vee, Staggered Trails: Right, Left.
What surface conditions are required? - ANSWER Firm enough to support the
weight of the air conditioner and free of loose sand, snow, and debris (Use
Alabama Heel Stomp). A maximum of two inches.
Minimum obstacle characteristics: ANSWER 18" in height, width, or depth.
Slope is considered an impediment.
Four R's - ANSWER. Remove, Reduce, Red (Mark), Radio (Advise Pilot)
Where should you attempt to land A/C on slope? ANSWER: Upslope.
Ground Slope limitations - ANSWER: 0-7 degrees, no limitations.
7-15 degrees of skid A/C terminated at hover. Wheeled A/C issued advisory and
landed upslope.
, over 15 degrees, all a/c terminates at hover.
Slope formula: ANSWER (difference in elevation/horizontal distance) * 57.3.
How should approaches be made? - ANSWER The long axis of the HLZ faces
the wind.
Obstacle Buffer Ratio - ANSWER: 10:1 or 100 meters maximum.
5:1 or 50 metres if you can reduce
Wind max: 0-9 knots crosswind.
0-5 knot tailwind
departure heading changing maximum - ANSWER 45°
Atmospheric Conditions - ANSWER Humidity, elevation above sea level, and
Type of load: Internal, External, Personnel, Equipment
Night operations have two types of markings: ANSWER Inverted Y and NATO
When is the fifth light utilized on Inverted Y? - ANSWER: All cargo A/C