,Chapter 01: Information Sources, Regulatory Agencies, Drug Legislation, and Prescription W
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Haveles: Applied Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist, 9th Edition
i i i i i i i i
1. Knowledgeiofpharmacologyaidstheidentalprofessionalin
a. obtainingapatient’s health history. hh hh
b. administeringidrugsintheoffice.
c. handlingiemergencysituations.
d. selectionofianonprescription medication. hh
e. Alloftheiabove.
ANS: E hh
Allofthechoicesareitrue. Becausemanyofourpatientsiareibeingitreatedwithdrugs, knowledgeiofpharm
hh hh
h acologyhelpsinunderstandingandinterpretingpatients’ responsestoihealthhistoryquestions.Knowled
h hh
geiof thetherapeuticiandiadverseieffects ofmedicationsobviouslyhelpsintheirproperadministration init
h h hh hh hh
heioffice. Emergencysituationsmaybecausedbydrugsiortreatedbydrugs; thus, knowledgeiofpharmaco
hh hh hh hh
logyisof greathelp, especiallybecauseiarapidresponseissometimesrequired. Aclearunderstandingioft
hh hh hh hh
h heiconceptsofdrugaction, drughandlingbythebody, anddruginteractionsiwillallowthedentalpractitio
h hh hh
h nertomakeproperjudgmentsandgrasptheconceptsrelevanttonewdrugtherapiesionthemarket.
DIF: Application
h h h h
REF: Roleofthe Dental Hygienist (Medication/Health History), Roleof the Dental Hygienist
hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
(MedicationAdm inistration), Roleiof the Dental Hygienist (Emergency Situations), Role of the Dental
hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
Hygienist (Nonprescriptio n Medication) |pp. 2-3 OBJ:
hh hh 1 hh hh hh hh
TOP: NBDHE, 6.0. Pharmacology
hh hh hh
2. Whichofthefollowingstatementsiistrueregardingiplanningiappointments?
a. Whetherornot patientsiareitakingmedicationiforsystemicdiseasesisoflittle
b. Asthmaticpatients ishouldhavedental appointmentsinitheimorning. hh
c. Diabeticpatients usuallyhavefewerproblemsiwithamorningappointmentco
d. Both Band Careitrue. hh hh
ANS: D hh
Asthmaticipatients whoiexperienceidentalanxietyshouldischeduletheirappointmentswhentheyarenotr
ushedorunderpressureiearlyinthemorning. Diabeticpatients usuallyhaverelativelyfewerproblems wi
hh hh hh hh
hh Patients takingimedicationforsystemicdiseasesmayrequirespecial hh hh
handling inthedentaloffice.
hh hh
DIF: Comprehension
h h h h
REF: Roleofthe Dental Hygienist (Appointment Scheduling) | p. 3OB
hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
J: 1
hh h h TOP: NBDHE, 6.0. Pharmacology h h hh hh
,3. Nutritionalorherbal supplements hh
a. carrythe U.S. FoodandiDrugiAdministrationi(FDA) approval fordiseaseistates.
hh hh hh hh
b. arenotdrugs.
c. can causeadverseeffects.hh
d. willnotinteract withotherdrugsthepatient maybeitaking. h h h h
ANS: C hh
Nutritionalorherbal supplementsarequiteicapableiofcausingadverseeffects. Theimajorityofnutr
hh hh
hh orherbalsupplements doinoticarry
hh FDAapprovalfortreatingidiseaseistates. hh hh
Theseisupplem entsiareidrugs and can causeiadverseeffectsiandiinteract withidifferent drugs.
hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
DIF: Comprehension
h h h h
REF: Roleofthe Dental Hygienist (Nutritional or Herbal Supplements) | p. 3OB
hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
J: 1
hh h h TOP: NBDHE, 6.0. Pharmacology h h hh hh
4. Whichtypeofdrugnameusuallybeginsiwithialowercaseletter?
a. Brandname
b. Codename
c. Genericname
d. Tradeiname
ANS: C hh
Beforeanydrugismarketed, itiis givenaigenericnamethatbecomesthei―official‖ nameiofthedrug.Each hh hh hh
hh genericinameselectedbytheiU.S. Adopted Name Council, hh hh hh hh
hh apitalized. Thebrandnameisiequivalenttothetradenameiandisicapitalized. hh hh
hh echnicallytheinameoftheicompanymarketingtheproduct, this hh hh
hh eitradename. hh
Thecodenameistheiinitialtermusediwithiniapharmaceutical companytorefertoaidrug wh ile itiis
hh hh hh hh hh
undergoingiinvestigationandisofteniacombinationiof capital letters andnumbers, theiletters repre
hh hh hh hh hh hh
senting an abbreviation oftheicompanyname.
hh hh hh hh
DIF: h h Comprehension
h h
REF: DrugiNames | p. 4OBJ: 3
hh hh hh hh h h
TOP: NBDHE, 6.0.
hh hh hh
5. A drug’s genericinameisselectedbythe
hh hh
a. pharmaceutical companymanufacturingiit. hh
b. Foodand Drug Administration(FDA). hh hh
c. U.S. Adopted Name Council. hh hh hh
d. Federal Patent Office. hh hh
ANS: C hh
Eachdrugiisassignedonlyonegenericname(e.g., ibuprofen). It is selectedbytheiU.S. Adopted Name hh hh hh hh hh hh
hh ouncil. Theigenericnameisnotselectedbythe
hh FDAorthe
hh Federal Patent Office. hh hh hh hh
hh co mpanymanufacturingthedrugiclearlyhas an hh hh hh
influenceontheigenericnameigiveniits drug, butthefinalde cision is notthecompany’s.
hh hh hh hh hh hh
DIF: Recall REF: DrugiNames |p. 4 h h hh hh
OBJ: 3TOP: NBDHE, 6.0.
hh hh hh hh
6. Whichoftheifollowingiistrueconcerningigenericandtradenamesofdrugs?
a. Adrugimayonlyhaveoneigenericnameiandionetradeiname.
, b. Adrugimayonlyhaveoneigenericname, butiitimayhaveiseveral tradenames. hh hh
c. Adrugimayhaveseveral genericinames, but itimayonlyhaveoneitradename. hh hh hh
d. Adrugimayhaveseveral genericnamesandseveraltradenames. hh
ANS: B hh
Eachdrugihasonlyoneigenericnameibutmayhaveiseveralitradenames. Foreachidrug, thereiis onlyonegen hh hh hh
hhericname. It is not capitalized, anditbecomesthe―official‖ nameoftheidrug. Thepharmaceutical
hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
hhcompan ydiscoveringitheidruggivesthedrugatradename. Thetradenameiisprotected bytheiFederal
hh hh hh
hhPatent Law fo r 20 yearsfromtheearliestclaimedifilingdate, pluspatentitermextensions.
hh hh h h hh hh hh
Althoughthebrandnameistech nicallythenameofithecompanymarketingtheproduct, itiis
hh hh hh
DIF: Comprehension
REF: DrugiNames | p. 4OBJ: 3
hh hh hh hh h h
TOP: NBDHE, 6.0.
hh hh hh
7. Twodrugsthatiareifoundtobeichemicallyequivalent, butnotibiologicallyequivalentorther hh
apeuticallyequivalent aresaidtoidifferin
hh hh
a. potency.
b. efficacy.
c. bioavailability.
d. therapeuticindex.
ANS: C hh
Apreparation can bechemicallyequivalent yetnotbiologicallyortherapeuticallyequivalent.
hh hh hh
Theseprodu ctsiareisaidito differ in theirbioavailability. Thepotencyofadrugisafunctionoftheamount
hh hh hh hh hh hh
ofidrugirequire dito produce an effect. Theiefficacyisthemaximumintensityofeffect orresponseithat
hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
hh beproducedbya hhdrug. Theitherapeuticindex istheratioofthelethaldosefor 50% hh hh hh hh
oftheiexperimentalanimals dividedbyth eieffectivedosefor 50% of theiexperimentalanimals. Ifithe
hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
valueoftheitherapeuticindex is small, toxicityi smorelikely.
hh hh hh hh hh
DIF: Recall
REF: DrugiNames (Drug Substitution) | p. 5OBJ: 4
hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
TOP: NBDHE, 6.0. Pharmacology
hh h h hh hh
8. Howmanyyearsmust passafteradrugipatentexpiresbeforeotherdrugcompaniesicanimarket thesame
hh hh
h h compound as agenericidrug? hh hh
a. 20iyears
b. 17 years
c. 7 years
d. 0iyears
ANS: D hh
Onceiadrugipatentiexpires, competingicompaniesmayimmediatelymarketthesameicompoundiingene hh
hh form. Theipharmaceutical
hh companydiscoveringthedrugigivesthedrugiatradename.
hh hh
hh is protectedbythe Federal Patent hh Lawfor 20 hh hh hh hh hh
yearsfromtheearliestclaimedfilingidate,plus thepatentte rm extensions.
hh hh hh h
DIF: h h Application
h h
REF: DrugiNames (Drug Substitution) | p. 5OBJ: 4
hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
TOP: NBDHE, 6.0. Pharmacology
hh h h hh hh