Which term refers to a template for creating an object? Application | Class | Algorithm | Method - ANS -
Which characteristic of an algorithm is independent in nature? Uses Python to implement the algorithm
| Uses MySQL for the database needs of the algorithm's application | Uses Windows to install the
application | Uses an agnostic code repository - ANS - Uses an agnostic code repository
What is referred to as a data structure that stores subitems? Array | Matrix | Record | Graph - ANS -
Which factor takes the ability to easily update an algorithm into consideration? Scalability | Feasibility |
Maintainability | Modularity - ANS - Maintainability
What is a component of an algorithm that specifies a stopping point? Sequencing | Finiteness | Iteration
| Looping - ANS - Finiteness
Which term refers to a type of search algorithm? Linear | Divide-and-conquer | Greedy | Quicksort - ANS
- Linear
What is a high-level consideration in an algorithm's design? Simplicity | Database type | Finiteness |
Browser type - ANS - Simplicity
What is the primary method used to search for an item in a sorted array? Binary search | Jump search |
Exponential search | Linear search - ANS - Binary Search
, 2
Which review of an algorithm happens after implementation? Binary search | A posteriori analysis | A
priori analysis | Linear search - ANS - A posteriori analysis
Which statement describes a queue data structure? - ANS - It is a sequence of elements in which
insertions can take place only at the back end and deletions can take place only at the front end.
Which data structure allows inserting and deleting data elements at both the front and the rear? - ANS -
Which data structure allows elements to be inserted and deleted from one end and provides no direct
access to the other end? - ANS - Stack
What are the official indexes for the list list01 given this declaration? int [] list01 = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10}; - ANS
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Which abstract data type (ADT) has elements of the same type so that the elements can be retrieved
based on the index or position? - ANS - List
Which data structure allows insertion and removal from only one end of the data structure? - ANS - Stack
Which data type does the mystery function return?
return type mystery (int R)
int Num Units = Return Num Units * 3.14;
} - ANS - Double
Which category of data does ("FB", 75.00, 75.03, 74.90) represent in the pseudocode?
import datetime
def middle (stock, date):
symbol, current, high, low = stock
return (((high + low) / 2), date)
, 3
Midvale, date = middle (("FB", 75.00, 75.03, 74.90),
datetime. date (2014, 10, 31)) - ANS - Tuple
Which value is appropriate for Test1 given the expression?
char Test1; - ANS - 'L'
Which value is appropriate for the variable middle given the pseudocode?
function mystery ()
string last;
string first;
char middle;
int phone;
float rate;
} - ANS - 'D'
Which type of operation is represented in the pseudocode?
int x, y, z;
x=y=z=100; - ANS - Assignment
What is the most efficient data type to use for this data set of a fixed size in Java?
a = [0, 0, 1, 4, 7, 16, 31, 64, 127] - ANS - Array
Which data type is appropriate for this array to store the given data?
a = ["AF", "71", "BC", "157", "BA", "253"] - ANS - String
Which data type is appropriate for the given data set?
a = [1, 717, 23, 12, 314, 6] - ANS - Int
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Which data type should be used for this object?
days = {“Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"} - ANS - String
Which data type should be used for this variable?
phone Num = "212-555-1212" - ANS - String
What is true about garbage collection? - ANS - It reclaims memory from data structures implemented
using linked allocations.
What is true about a data structure implemented using linked allocation? - ANS - Storage is allocated
using pointers to new locations as needed.
What are the array elements corresponding to the mid-values in the first and second iterations of a
binary search in an array are = {45, 77, 89, 90, 94, 99, 100} and key = 100? - ANS - 90 and 99
What is the effect on the object Computing regarding garbage collection?
Computing obj = new Computing (); obj = null; - ANS - It is automatically available for garbage collection.
What are the mid-values in the first and second levels of recursion in this binary search?
int are = {46, 76, 89, 90, 94, 99, 100} and key = 99 - ANS - 90 and 99
Which data set is represented using the dictionary data type? - ANS - A set of students and their test
What is a characteristic of keys in an associative dictionary data type? - ANS - They are unique and
Which method can be used to take a value out of a dictionary? - ANS - D1[key]. remove(value)