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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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Psychology u- u✔✔The uscientific ustudy uand uunderstanding uof ubehavior uand umental
What uis uscience? u- u✔✔A umeans uof uacquiring uknowledge uthrough usystematic uand
uobjective uinvestigation. uThe uaim uis uto udiscover ugeneral ulaws.
Approach u- u✔✔A uperspective uthat uinvolves ucertain uassumptions uabout uhuman
Opened ufirst upsychology ulab uin u1879 u- u✔✔Wilhelm uWundt uin uLeizig uGermany
Empiricism u- u✔✔All uknowledge uderived ufrom usensory uexperience uwould ube
ustudied uusing uthe uscientific umethod
Early uroots uin u17/19th ucentury ucalled uExperimental uphilosophy u- u✔✔Rene
uPescartes u- uphilosophy uof uCartesian u
John ulock u- uempiricism u
Charles uDarwin u- uevolutionary utheories u
(Set ustage ufor uEmergence uof upsychology uin upresent uday)
Wilhelm uWunt u- u✔✔Paced uthe uway ufor upsychology uto ube uconsidered ua uscience u&
ubroke udown ubehaviours uinto ubasic uelements u(structuralism) uusing uintrospection
Intreospection u- u✔✔The uscientific uexamination uof uyour uown ucognitive uprocesses
ucarefully uand uobjectively
Introspection uis u- u✔✔Scientific umethod uin uwhich uhighly utrained uobservers uin ua ulab
uwith ucarefully ucontrolled usensory uevents uuse ua ustandard ustimulus uand ureport
usensations. u(It uis uaccurately utested uby urepeating utests u100x utimes)
Introspection uProblems u- u✔✔1. umuch uof umental uactivity uis uunconscious uand unot
uavailable uto uthe umethod uof uintrospection
2. uclaims uderived uare usubjective uand unot utestable
Wundt's uLegacy u- u✔✔Edward uB uTitchener u- uest uschool uof uthoughts
James uMackenzie uCattell u- ufirst uprof uof upsychology uin uthe uUS
G.Stanley uHill u- uest ufirst uexperimental upsychology ulab
, Iceberg uAnalogy u- u✔✔The umind uis ulike uan uiceberg, uwith uthe ulargest upart
u(unconscious) uhidden ufrom uawareness.
Conscious umind u- u✔✔level uof uthe umind uthat uis uaware uof uimmediate usurroundings
uand uperceptions
preconcious umind u- u✔✔thoughts uand ufeelings uthat uindividuals uare uunaware uof, ubut
ucan ueaisly ube uacessed
unconscious umind u- u✔✔level uof uthe umind uin uwhich uthoughts, ufeelings, umemories,
uand uother uinformation uare ukept uthat uare unot ueasily uor uvoluntarily ubrought uinto
Sigmund uFreud u- u✔✔Austrian uneurologist uand uthe ufounder uof upsychoanalysis uand
upsychodynamic uapproach. u
-He uproposed uclinical umethod uof upsychopathology uthrough udialogue ubetween ua
upatient uand ua upsychoanalyst.
-He ubeloved udreams uwere ua uroyal uroad uto uunconsciousness uand uthat uthey uwere
Assumptions uof uthe upsychodynamic uapproach u- u✔✔1. uBehaviour uand ufeelings uare
upowerful uand uare uaffected uby uthe uunconscious umotives
2. uOut ubehaviour uand ufeelings uas uadults u(even upsychological uproblems) uare
urooted uin uour uchildhood u
3. uBehaviour ulargely ucontrolled uby uunconscious umind uand uall ubehaviour uhas ua
4. uThe upersonality uis umade uup uof u3 uparts u(ID,ego,superego)
ID u- u✔✔Primitive upart uof uthe upersonality uthat's uoperated uon upressure uprinciple
uand udemands uinstant ugratification. uOnly uthe uID uis upresent uat ubirth
Ego u- u✔✔It udevelops uaround uthe uage uof u2 uand ureduces uthe uconflict ubetween uthe
uID uand usuper-ego ubeing uthe umediator ubetween uthe utwo. uIt umanages uthe utwo uby
uemploying useveral udefence umechanisms, uworking uon ureality uprinciple.
Super-Ego u- u✔✔Developed uaround uthe uage uof u5, uand uis uthe uinternalised usense
uof uright uand uwrong urepresenting uthe umoral ustandards uof uthe uchild's usame usex
uparent uand upunished uego ufor uwrong udoing uwith uguilt.
psychosexual udevelopment u- u✔✔according uto uFreud, ua useries uof ustages uthat
uchildren upass uthrough uin uwhich upleasure, uor ugratification, ufocuses uon ua uparticular
ubiological ufunction uand ubody upart, uif upleasure uis ufixated uon, ucertain ubehaviours
uoccur uin ulater ulife.