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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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The rtwo rroles rof rthe rhuman rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔To rcollect, rprocess rand rrespond
rto rinformation rin rthe renvironment
to rco-ordinate rthe rworking rof rdifferent rorgans rand rcells rin rthe rbody
the rtwo rsubsystems rof rthe rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔peripheral rnervous rsystem
central rnervous rsystem
The rdivisions rof rthe rperipheral rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔autonomic rnervous rsystem r
somatic rnervous rsystem
The rautonomic rnervous rsystem rfunction r- r✔✔governs rall rvital rfunctions rin rthe rbody
rsuch ras rbreathing, rheart rrate, rdigestion, rsexual rarousal rand rstress rresponses
Split rinto rthe rsympathetic rnervous rsystem rand rthe rparasympathetic rnervous rsystem
The rparts rof rthe rcentral rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔The rbrain: rcentre rof rall rconscious
rawareness, rthe router rlayer ris rcalled rthe rcerebral rcortex rand ris rdivided rinto rtwo
The rspinal rcord: ran rextension rof rthe rbrain, rresponsible rfor rreflex ractions
The rperipheral rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔sends rinformation rto rthe rCNS rfrom rthe routside
rworld rand rtransmits rmessages rfrom rthe rCNS rto rmuscles rand rglands
The rcentral rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔is rthe rorigin rof rall rcomplex rcommands rand
Sympathetic rstate r- r✔✔- rIncreases rheart rrate
- rIncreases rbreathing rrate
- rDilates rpupils
- rInhibits rdigestion
- rInhibits rsaliva rproduction
- rContracts rrectum
Parasympathetic rstate r- r✔✔- rdecreases rheart rrate
- rdecreases rbreathing rrate
,- rcontracts rpupils
- rstimulates rdigestion
- rstimulates rsaliva rproduction
- rrelaxes rrectum
The rstructure rof ra rneuron r- r✔✔- rVary rin rsize rfrom rless rthan ra rmillimeter rto rup rto ra
rmeter rlong
- rthe rcell rbody r(or rsoma), rdendrites, raxon, rmyelin rsheath, rnodes rof rRanvier rand
rterminal rbuttons
Cell rbody r(soma) rof ra rneuron r- r✔✔includes ra rnucleus, rwhich rcontains rthe rgenetic
rmaterial rof rthe rcell
Dendrites r- r✔✔branch-like rstructures rthat rprotude rfrom rthe rneuron rcell rbody
Axon r- r✔✔carries rthe rimpulses raway rfrom rthe rcell rbody
Myelin rsheath r- r✔✔fatty rlayer rthat rprotects rthe raxon rand rspeeds rup rchemical
electric rtransmission r- rfiring rof ra rneuron r- r✔✔1. rwhen ra rneuron ris rin ra rresting rstate
rthe rinside rof rthe rcell ris rnegatively rcharged rcompared rto rthe routside
2. rwhen ra rneuron ris ractivated rby ra rstimulus, rthe rinside rof rthe rcell rbecomes
rpositively rcharged rfor ra rsplit rsecond rcausing ran raction rpotential rto roccur
- rthis rcreates ran relectrical rimpulse rthat rtravels rdown rthe raxon rtowards rthe rend rof
rthe rneuron
types rof rneuron r- r✔✔motor rneurons, rsensory rneurons rand rrelay rneurons
neural rnetworks r- r✔✔Groups rof rneurons rcommunicating rwith reach rother
The rsynapse r- r✔✔includes rthe rspace rbetween rthe rneuron r(called rthe rsynaptic rcleft
ras rwell ras rthe rpresynaptic rterminal rand rpost rsynaptic rreceptor rsite
Synaptic rtransmission r- r✔✔how rsignals rbetween rneurons rare rtransmitted rchemically
what rhappens rwhen rthe relectrical rimpulse rreaches rthe rend rof rthe rneuron r- r✔✔the
rend rof rthe rneuron ris rcalled rthe rpresynaptic rterminal, rit rtriggers rthe rrelease rof
rneurotransmitter rfrom rtiny rsacs rcalled rsynaptic rvesicles
neurotransmitters r- r✔✔chemicals rthat rdiffuse racross rthe rsynapse rto rthe rnext rneuron
rin rthe rchain, rthey rare rtaken rup rby rthe rpostsynaptic rreceptor rsites rand rare rthen
rconverted rback rinto ran relectrical rimpulse r
- reach rhas rits rown rspecific rmolecular rstructure rthat rfits rperfectly rinto ra rpost-synaptic
rreceptor rsite
- rhas ra rspecialist rfunction
,inhibition r- r✔✔decreases rthe rlikelihood rthat rthe rneuron rwill rfire
excitation r- r✔✔increases rthe rneurons rpositive rcharge rand rmaking rit rmore rlikely rto
Localisation rversus rholistic rtheory r- r✔✔- rPaul rBroca rand rKarl rWernicke rdiscovered
rthat rspecific rareas rof rthe rbrain rare rassociated rwith rparticular rphysical rand
rpsychological rfunctions
- rscientists rbelieved rthat rall rparts rof rthe rbrain rwere rinvolved rin rthe rprocessing rof
rthoughts rand raction
Localisation rof rfunction rin rthe rbrain r- r✔✔The ridea rthat rdifferent rparts rof rthe rbrain
rperform rdifferent rtasks rand rare rinvolved rwith rdifferent rparts rof rthe rbody, rif ra rcertain
rarea rof rthe rbrain rbecomes rdamaged rthe rfunction rassociated rwith rthat rarea rwill ralso
rbe raffected
hemispheres rof rthe rbrain r- r✔✔the rbrain ris rdivided rinto rtwo rsymmetrical rhalves
rcalled rthe rleft rand rright rhemispheres
activity ron rthe rleft-hand rside rof rthe rbody ris rcontrolled rby rthe rright rhemisphere rand
rvice rversa
The rcerebral rcortex r- r✔✔the router rlayer rof rboth rhemispheres, rabout r3mm rthick rand
ris rwhat rseparates rus rfrom rother ranimals ras rit rit rmore rdeveloped
- rappears rgrey rdue rto rthe rlocation rof rcell rbodies
the rsub-divisions rof rthe rcortex rof rthe rbrain r- r✔✔named rafter rthe rbones rbeneath
rwhich rthey rlie; rthe rfrontal rlobe, rthe rpariental rlobe, rthe roccipital rlobe rand rthe
rtemporal rlobe
the rmotor rarea r- r✔✔located rin rthe rback rof rthe rfrontal rlobe, rcontrols rvoluntary
rmovement rin rthe ropposite rside rof rthe rbody rand rdamage rresults rin ra rloss rof rcontrol
rover rfine rmovements
the rsomatosensory rarea r- r✔✔located rin rthe rfront rof rthe rpariental rlobe, ra rvalley
rseparates rthe rfrontal rlobe rand rpariental rlobe rcalled rthe rcentral rsulcus
it ris rwhere rsensory rinformation ris rrepresented r(from rthe rskin)
visual rarea r- r✔✔located rin rthe roccipital rlobe, rworks rin ropposite rto rthe reye
auditory rarea r- r✔✔located rin rthe rtemporal rlobe, ranalyses rspeech rbased rinformation,
rdamage rmay rproduce rpartial rhearing rloss
Broca's rarea r- r✔✔responsible rfor rspeech rproduction, rdamage rcauses rBroca's
raphasia rwhich ris rcharacterised rby rspeech rthat ris rslow, rlaborious rand rlacking rin
, Wernicke's rarea r- r✔✔responsible rfor rlanguage rcomprehension, rdamage rleads rto
rWernicke's raphasia, roften rproducing rnonsense rwords r(neologisms)
Brain rscan revidence rof rlocalisation r- rPeterson ret ral r- r✔✔used rbrain rscans rto
rdemonstrate rhow rWernicke's rarea rwas ractive rduring ra rlistening rtask rand rthat
rBroca's rarea rwas ractive rduring ra rreading rtask, rshows rdifferent rareas rhave rdifferent
Brain rscan revidence rof rlocalisation r- rTulving ret ral r- r✔✔long-term rstudy rrevealed rthat
rsemantic rand repisodic rmemories rreside rin rdifferent rparts rof rthe rprefrontal rcortex
Now ra rnumber rof rhighly rsophisticated rand robjective rmethods rfor rmeasuring ractivity
rin rthe rbrain rprovide rsound rscientific revidence
Neurosurgical revidence rof rlocalisation r- rDougherty ret ral r- r✔✔The rpractice rof
rsurgically rremoving rand rdestroying rareas rof rthe rbrain rto rcontrol raspects rof
rbehaviour, rdiscovered rin r1950s
44 rOCD rpatients rundergone rangulotomy, rafter r32 rweeks r1/3 rmet rcriteria rfor
rsuccessful rresponse r- rshows rthat rsymptoms rand rbehaviours rare rlocalised
Lobotomy r- r✔✔A rbrutal rand rimprecise rmethod rof rneurosurgery, ronly rused rin
rextreme rcases rof rOCD rand rdepression
Lashley's rresearch rto rdisprove rlocalisation r- r✔✔suggests rthat rhigher rcognitive
rfunctions, rsuch ras rthe rprocess rof rlearning rare rnot rlocalised rbut rdistributed rin ra
rmore rholistic rway rin rthe rbrain
Karl rremoved rareas rof rthe rcortex rin rrats rthat rwere rlearning ra rmaze, rno rarea rwas
rproven rto rbe rmore rimportant rthan rany rother rarea
The rprocess rof rlearning rappeared rto rrequire revery rpart rof rthe rcortex; rlearning ris rtoo
rcomplex rto rbe rlocalised rand rrequires rinvolvement rof rthe rwhole rbrain
Plasticity rand rlocalisation r- r✔✔when rthe rbrain rhas rbecome rdamaged rthe rappears
rable rto rreorganise ritself rin ran rattempt rto rrecover rthe rlost rfunction, rknown ras rthe rlaw
rof requipotentiality, rstroke rvictims rare rable rto rrecover rthose rabilities rthat rwere
rseemingly rlost ras ra rresult rof rthe rillness
Brain rplasticity r- r✔✔The rbrain rhas rthe rability rchange rthroughout rlife;
during rinfancy, rthe rbrain rexperiences ra rrapid rgrowth rin rthe rnumber rof rsynaptic
rconnections rit rhas, rpeaking rat rapproximately r15,000 rat rage r2-3 ryears
More rand rmore rresearch rsuggests rthat rat rany rtime rin rlife rexisting rneural
rconnections rcan rchange ror rform
synaptic rpruning r- r✔✔as rwe rage, rrarely rused rconnections rare rdeleted rand
rfrequently rused rconnections rare rstrengthened