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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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Give wone wreason wwhy wschema's ware wuseful? w- w✔✔When wwe're win wunknown
wsituations wschemas whelp wus wknow whow wto wbehave. wSo wwhen wwe wdo wnot wknow
wwhat wto wdo wour wschema wfills win wthe wgaps wfor wus wand wallow wus wto wprocess
wsituations wbetter.
Give wone wreason wwhy wschema's ware wnot wuseful? w- w✔✔schemas wmay wexclude
winformation wwhich wdoesn't wconform wto wour wprior wexpectations. wAs wa wresult, wwe
wmay wform wstereotypes wwhich ware wdifficult wto wshift, weven wif wnew,disputing
winformation wis wpresented. wThis wmeans wwe wmay wnot wbe wprocessing wthe wworld
waround wus waccurately wand wmay wmisjudge wor wrepresent wa wperson wor wsituation.
Discuss wthe wdefense wmechanism wshown wby wJed? w- w✔✔Displacement wis wwhen
wwe wredirect wour whostile wfeelings wonto wsomething welse wbecause wit wis wnot
wappropriate wto wexpress wtheir wfeeling wtowards wthe wperson wor wobject win wquestion.
wJed wcan't wtake whis wfrustration wout won whis wteacher, wwho wissued wthe wdetention
wand whe wdisplaced whis wfeelings wby wkicking wthe wlocker.
Outline wthe wkey wfeatures wof wthe wbehaviourist wapproach. wCompare wto wthe
wbiological wapproach, w
(A01 wBehaviourist) w- w✔✔The wbehaviourist wapproach wsuggests wthat wthe wbasic
wprocesses wthat wgovern wlearning win wall wspecies ware wthe wsame. wWe wlearn
wthrough wtwo wconcepts: woperant wconditioning wand wclassical wconditioning.
Outline wthe wkey wfeatures wof wthe wbehaviourist wapproach. wCompare wto wthe
wbiological wapproach, w(classical wconditioning) w- w✔✔The widea wof wclassical
wconditioning wwas wdeveloped wby wPavlov wwho wfound wthat wwe wlearn wthrough
wassociation. wHe wfound wthat wit wwas wpossible wto wcondition wdogs wto wassociate wthe
wsound wof wa wbell wwith wfood. wThis wresulted win wthe wdogs wproducing wa wsalivation
wresponse wat wthe wsound wof wa wbell weven wwhen wno wfood wwas wpresent. wPavlov
wdemonstrated wthat wrepeated wexposure wto wan wevent wleads wto wa wlearned wand
wuncontrollable wbehaviour.
Outline wthe wkey wfeatures wof wthe wbehaviourist wapproach. wCompare wto wthe
wbiological wapproach, w(operant wconditioning) w- w✔✔Skinner wsuggested wbehaviour
, wresulted wfrom wlearning wthrough wthe wconsequences wof wour wactions. wHe
wconducted wresearch winto woperant wconditioning wtheory wusing wrats, wand wfound wthat
wthree wtypes wof wconsequences wwill waffect wbehaviour: wpositive wreinforcement
winvolves wrewarding wa wbehaviour, wwhich wincreases wit wbeing wrepeated; wnegative
wreinforcement winvolves wremoving wan wunpleasant woutcome wto wincrease wit wbeing
wrepeated; wpunishment winvolves wadding wan wunpleasant woutcome,reducing wthe
Outline wthe wkey wfeatures wof wthe wbehaviourist wapproach. wCompare wto wthe
wbiological wapproach, w(similarity wto wbiological) w- w✔✔Both wthe wbehaviourist
wapproach wand wbiological wapproach wshare wa wsimilarity win wbeing wdeterminist. wBoth
wignore wthe winfluence wthat wthe wperson wcan whave wand wwhether wthey whave wfree
wwill wand wcan wmake wtheir wown wchoices win wthese wdecisions.
Outline wthe wkey wfeatures wof wthe wbehaviourist wapproach. wCompare wto wthe
wbiological wapproach, w(difference) w- w✔✔However, wthey wdiffer win wthat wthe
wbehaviourist wapproach wis wenvironmentally wdeterminist wwhile wthe wbiological
wapproach wis wbiologically wdeterminist. wStating wthat wbehaviour wis wthe wproduct wof
winternal wbiological wfactors w(e.g. wgenes, whormones, wneurotransmitters, wetc.) wwhile
wbehaviourists wargue wthat wbehaviour wis wdetermined wby wthe wenvironment wand wis wa
wproduct wof wstimulus-response wassociations
Outline wthe wkey wfeatures wof wthe wbehaviourist wapproach. wCompare wto wthe
wbiological wapproach w(similarity) w- w✔✔Both wapproaches wtake wa wnomothetic
wapproach wwhen wstudying whuman wbehaviour. wBoth winvestigate wbehaviour wto wtry
wto wcreate wuniversal wlaws wthat wapply wto wall whuman wbeings. wBiologists wargue wthat
wthis wis wpossible wbecause whuman wbeings wshare wsimilar wphysiologies, wand
wbehaviourists wargue wthat wthis wis wpossible wbecause wall wbehaviour wis wthe wresult
wof wlearning wand wstimulus-response wassociations. wTherefore, wthe waim wof
wgenerating wuniversal wlaws wthat wapply wto wall whumans wis wanother wsimilarity
wbetween wthe wbehaviourist wand wbiological wapproaches.
Outline wthe wkey wfeatures wof wthe wbehaviourist wapproach. wCompare wto wthe
wbiological wapproach w(nature w+ wnurture) w- w✔✔the wbehaviourist wapproach wand
wbiological wapproach ware wdifferent win wtheir wposition won wthe wnature-nurture wdebate.
wBehaviourist wviews wrest wfirmly won wthe wnurture wside wof wthe wdebate, wand wthat
whuman wbeings ware wblank wslates wand wthat wall wbehaviour wis wlearned. wBiological
wpsychologists wargue wa wnature-based wview wof wbehaviour. wThey wposit wthat
wbehaviour wis wthe wresult wof winnate wbiological wfactors w(e.g. wgenes, whormones,
wneurotransmitters. wetc.) wand wis, wtherefore, wthe wproduct wof wnature wand wnot
wnurture. wTherefore, wdespite wtheir wsimilarities win wterms wof wdeterminism wand wtheir
wapproach wto winvestigation, wthe wbehaviourist wand wbiological wapproaches ware
wradically wdifferent win wterms wof wtheir wposition won wthe wnature-nurture wdebate.
Name wa wdifference wbetween wsomatic wnervous wsystem wand wautonomic wnervous
wsystem? w- w✔✔The wsomatic wnervous wsystem wfacilitates wcommunication wbetween