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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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Coding gof gsensory gregister g- g✔✔icohically gand gechoically
Capacity gof gsensory gregister g- g✔✔unlimited
Duration gof gsensory gregister g- g✔✔Less gthan ghalf ga gsecond
Coding gof gshort gterm gmemory g- g✔✔Acoustically
capacity gof gshort gterm gmemory g- g✔✔7 g+/- g2
duration gof gshort gterm gmemory g- g✔✔18-30 gseconds
coding gof glong gterm gmemory g- g✔✔semantically
capacity gof glong gterm gmemory g- g✔✔unlimited
duration gof glong gterm gmemory g- g✔✔potentially ghuman glife gspan
short gterm gmemory g(STM) g- g✔✔limited gcapacity gmemory gstore
long gterm gmemory g(LTM) g- g✔✔permanent gmemory gstore
Research gon gcoding g(Baddeley) g- g✔✔Gave gdifferent glists gof gwords gto gfour ggroups
gof gparticipants gto gremember: g
group g1- gwords gthat gsounded gsimilar
group g2- gwords gsounded gdifferent
group g3- gwords gwith gsimilar gmeaning g
group g4- gwords gthat ghad gdifferent gmeanings
words gthat gsounded gsimilar gwere gworse grecalled gimmediately gafter ghearing gthem
words gthat ghad gsimilar gmeanings gwere gworse grecalled gafter g20 gminutes gafter
ghearing gthe glist.
research gon gcapacity g(joseph gjacobs- gdigit gspan) g- g✔✔the gresearcher ggives, gfor
gexample, g4 gdigits gand gthen gthe gparticipant gis gasked gto grecall gthese gnumbers gin
gthe gcorrect gorder gout gloud. gIf gthis gis gcorrect gthe gresearcher greads gout g5 gnumbers
gand gso gon guntil gthe gparticipant gcannot grecall gthem gcorrectly. gJacobs gfound gthat
gthe gmean gdigit gspan gwas g9.3
,research gon gcapacity g(george gmiller- gchunking) g- g✔✔Miller gmade gobservations gfor
geveryday gpractice. gFor gexample, ghe gnoted gthat gthings gcom gin g7s: gthere gare
gseven gnotes gon gthe gmusical gscale, g7 gdays gof gthe gweek, g7 gdeadly gsins, gand gso
gon.suggesting gthat gthe gcapacity gof gthe gSTM gis garound g7 gitems g(plus gor gminus).
gHowever, gMiller galso gnoticed gthat gpeople gcan grecall g5 gwords gas gwell gas g5
gletters, gthey gdo gthis gby gchunking.
Research gon gduration gof gSTM g(peterson gand gpeterson) g- g✔✔student gwas ggiven ga
gconsonant gsyllable g(aka gtrigram, gsuch gas gYCG) gto gremember, gand gwas galso
ggiven ga g3-diget gnumber. gThey gwere gthen gasked gto gcount gback gfrom gthat g3 gdigit
gnumber g(to gprevent grehearsal). gThey gwere gasked gto gdo gthis g8 gtimes, gon geach
gtrial gthey gwere gtold gto gstop gafter gdifferent gamounts gof gtime- g3,6,9,12,15 gor g18
peterson gand gpeterson g- gresults g- g✔✔Participants gcould grecall gfewer gtrigrams gas
gthe gtime ggap gincreased.
o g3-second ginterval g- gparticipants grecalled g80% gcorrectly.
o g6-second ginterval g- gparticipants grecalled g50% gcorrectly.
18-second ginterval g- gparticipants grecalled g10% gcorrectly.
It gsuggested gthat gthat gthe gSTM ghas ga gshort gduration g(18 gseconds gat gmost)
pros gand gcons gof gpeterson gand gpeterson g- g✔✔Pros:
o gGood gcontrol gof gvariables g- gbecause gof gthe glaboratory gsetting.
o gLow gecological gvalidity g- gbecause gof gthe gartificial gset-up.
o gLacking gvariety gof gstimulus g- gno gdata gon gwhether gthe gtype gof gstimulus gaffects
gthe gduration gof gthe gshort-term gmemory.
Research gon gduration gof gLTM g( gBahrick get gal) g- g✔✔High gschool gyear gbooks
gwere gobtained gfrom gparticipants. grecall gwas gtested gby: g
1. gphoto-recognition gtest gconsisting gof g50 gphotos g
2. gFree grecall gtest gwhere gparticipants gwere gasked gto gname gpeople gin gtheir
ggraduating gclass
participants gwho gwere gtested gwithin g15 gyears gof ggraduating gwere g90% gaccurate
gafter g48 gyears, grecall gdeclined gto g70% gfor gphoto grecognition. gFree grecall gwas
gworse gthan gphoto grecognition. gafter g15 gyears gthis gwas gabout g60% gaccurate,
gdropping gto g30% gafter g48 gyears.
Glanzer g& gCunitz g(1966) gThe gSerial gPosition gEffect g- g✔✔Aim: ginvestigate grecency
geffect gin gfree grecall g
Method: gLab gexperiment, gparticipants g1st gheard ga glist gof gitems gand gthen
gimmediately grecall gthem gin gany gorder. g
Results: gparticipants grecalled gwords gfrom gthe gbeginning gof gthe glist g(primacy geffect)
gand gthe gend gof gthe glist g(the grecency geffect) gbest. g
The gresults gshowed ga gU-shaped gcurve.
, If gparticipants gwere ggiven ga gfiller gtask gjust gafter ghearing gthe glast gwords, gthe
gprimary geffect gdisappeared gbut gthe grecency geffect gremained. gThe grecency geffect
gcould gbe gdue gto gthe gwords gstill gbeing gactive gin gSTM g(working gmemory).
gRehearsal gcould gbe ga gfactor gin gthe gtransfer gof ginformation ginto gLTM. g
Evaluation: gstudy gsupports gthe gidea gof gmultiple gstores g(STM gand gLTM). g
controlled gstudy gwith ghighly gcontrolled gvariables, gbut gthere gis gno grandom
gallocation gof gparticipants gto gexperimental gconditions gso git gis gnot ga gtrue
gexperiment. gEcological gvalidity?
Strength gfor gCoding: gSeparate gMemory gStores g- g✔✔identified ga gclear gdifference
gbetween gthe gtwo gmemory gstores.
Later gresearch gshowed gthat gthere gare gsome gexceptions gto gBaddeley's gfindings. g
But gthe gidea gthat gSTM guses gmostly gacoustic gcoding gand gLTM gmostly gsemantic
ghas gstood gthe gtest gof gtime.
This gwas gan gimportant gstep gin gour gunderstanding gof gthe gmemory gsystem, gwhich
gled gto gthe gmulti-store gmodel
Limitation gfor gCoding: gArtificial gStimuli g- g✔✔used gquite gartificial gstimuli grather gthan
gmeaningful gmaterial.
For gexample, gthe gword glists ghad gno gpersonal gmeaning gto gparticipants. gSo
gBaddeley's gfindings gmay gnot gtell gus gmuch gabout gcoding gin gdifferent gkinds gof
gmemory gtasks, gespecially gin geveryday glife. g
When gprocessing gmore gmeaningful ginformation, gpeople gmay guse gsemantic gcoding
geven gfor gSTM gtasks.
This gsuggests gthat gthe gfindings gfrom gthis gstudy ghave glimited gapplication.
Strength gfor gCapacity: ga gvalid gstudy g- g✔✔has gbeen greplicated. g
The gstudy gis ga gvery gold gone gand gearly gresearch gin gpsychology goften glacked
gadequate gcontrols. g
For gexample, gsome gparticipants' gdigit gspans gmight ghave gbeen gunderestimated
gbecause gthey gwere gdistracted gduring gtesting g(confounding gvariable). gDespite gthis,
gJacobs' gfindings ghave gbeen gconfirmed gby gother, gbetter-controlled gstudies g(e.g.
gBopp gand
Verhaeghen g2005). g
This gsuggests gthat gJacobs' gstudy gis ga gvalid gtest gof gdigit gspan gin gSTM.
Limitation gfor gCapacity: gnot gso gmany gchunks g- g✔✔he gmay ghave goverestimated
gSTM gcapacity.