Operations and Supply Chain Management
Operations and Supply Chain Management, 17th Edition
by F. Robert Jacobs and Richard Chase
Chapters 1 - 22 | Complete
, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Chapterj 1:j Introduction
Chapterj 2:j Strategy
Chapterj 3:j Designj ofj Productsj andj Services
Chapterj 4:j Projects
Chapterj 5:j Strategicj Capacityj Management
Chapterj 6:j Learningj Curves
Chapterj 7:j Manufacturingj Processes
Chapterj 8:j Facilityj Layout
Chapterj 9:j Servicej Processes
Chapterj 10:j Waitingj Linej Analysisj andj Simulation
Chapterj 11:j Processj Designj andj Analysis
Chapterj 12:j Qualityj Management
Chapterj 13:j Statisticalj Qualityj Control
Chapterj 14:j Leanj Supplyj Chains
Chapterj 15:j Logisticsj andj Distributionj Management
Chapterj 16:j Globalj Sourcingj andj Procurement
Chapterj 17:j Thej Internetj ofj Thingsj andj ERP
Chapterj 18:j Forecasting
Chapterj 19:j Salesj andj Operationsj Planning
Chapterj 20:j Inventoryj Management
Chapterj 21:j Materialj Requirementsj Planning
Chapterj 22:j Workcenterj Scheduling
, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Discussionj Questions
1. Usingj Exhibitj 1.3j asj aj model,j describej thej source-make-deliver-returnj relationshipsj inj
thejfollowingj systems:
a. Anj airline
Source:j Aircraftj manufacturer,j in-flightj food,j repairj parts,j computerj systems
Make:j Aircraftj andj flightj crewj scheduling,j groundj servicesj providedj atj airports,j
aircraftjmaintenancej andj repair
Deliver:j Outboundj andj arrivingj passengerj service,j baggagej handlingj
Return:j Resolvej anyj post-servicej issuesj suchj asj lostj orj damagedj
b. Anj automobilej manufacturer
Source:j Suppliersj ofj componentsj andj rawj materials
Make:j Manufacturingj ofj vehiclesj andj componentsj orj subassembliesj toj bej soldj asj
Deliver:j Deliveryj toj andj salesj fromj dealerships,j deliveryj ofj sparej partsj toj thej
Return:j Warrantyj andj recallj repairs,j trade-ins
c. Aj hospital
Source:j Medicalj supplies,j cleaningj services,j disposalj services,j foodj services,j qualifiedj
Make:j Inpatientj rooms,j outpatientj clinics,j emergencyj room,j operatingj rooms
Deliver:j Schedulingj patients,j providingj treatment,j ambulancej service,j familyj
counselingjReturn:j Billingj errors,j followj upj visits
d. Anj insurancej company
Source:j Suppliesj neededj forj thej office,j underwriters,j legalj authorityj toj operate
, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Make:j Establishj policyj guidelinesj andj pricing,j fieldj agent/representativej andj facilityj
network,j developj Internetj servicej capabilities,j establishj preferredj vehiclej repairj
Deliver:j Meetj withj andj advisej clients,j writej policies,j processj andj payj
claimsjReturn:j refundj ofj overpayments
2. Definej thej servicej packagej ofj yourj collegej orj university.j Whatj isj itsj strongestj element?j
Whatj isjitsj weakestj one?
Thej categoriesj withj examplesj are:
Supportingj facilityj -j location,j buildings,j labs,j parkingj
Facilitatingj goodsj –j classj schedules,j computers,j books,j chalk
Explicitj servicesj –j classesj withj qualifiedj instructors,j placementj
officesjImplicitj servicesj –j statusj andj reputationj (e.g.,j Ivyj Leaguej
Atj Indianaj Universityj andj thej Universityj ofj Southernj California,j amongj theirj strongestj
elementsj arej theirj businessj schoolsj andj theirj Operationsj Managementj programsj (ofj
course).jBothj alsoj havej veryj dedicatedj alumnij networks.j Aj weakj elementj ofj Indianaj
Universityj isj itsj weakj footballj program;j forj USC,j weakj elementsj arej on-campusj parkingj
andj housing.
3. Whatj servicej industryj hasj impressedj youj thej mostj withj itsj innovativeness?
Ourj votej goesj toj cruisej linesj whichj havej introducedj suchj onboardj innovationsj asj wavej
machinesj forj bellyj boardingj andj rockj climbingj walls,j asj wellj asj allj sortsj ofj otherj
amenitiesj tojkeepj cruisersj involved.j Thej industryj isj doingj recordj businessj asj well.
Somej ofj thej standoutj companiesj inj lessj innovativej industriesj arej Bankj ofj Americaj (hasj aj
formalizedj researchj programj toj tryj outj newj customerj services/amenitiesj suchj asj videoj
screensjinj nextj toj tellerj lines),j Intuitj (e.g.,j puttingj Quickenj moneyj managementj softwarej
online),j Ikea,jJetBluej Airlines,j andj Progressivej Insurancej (discussedj laterj inj thej book).
4. Whatj isj product-servicej bundlingj andj whatj arej thej benefitsj toj customers?
Product-servicej bundlingj isj addingj Value-addedj servicesj toj aj firm’sj productj offeringsj toj
createjmorej valuej forj thej customer.j Thisj providesj benefitsj inj twoj areas.j First,j thisj
differentiatesj thejorganizationj fromj thej competition.j Secondly,j thesej servicesj tiej customersj
toj thej organizationjinj aj positivej way.j Alternatively,j bundlingj canj alsoj involvej addingj
productsj toj aj service,j forj example,j addingj thej salej ofj conveniencej itemsj andj snacksj atj aj
5. Whatj isj thej differencej betweenj aj servicej andj aj good?
Aj servicej isj anj intangiblej processj (youj can’tj holdj itj inj yourj hands),j whilej aj goodj isj thej
physicaljoutputj ofj aj process.
6. Lookj atj thej jobj postingsj atj http://www.indeed.comj andj evaluatej thej opportunitiesj
forj anjOSMj majorj withj severalj yearsj ofj experience.