BMS 127 Midterm 2 - Exam Latest
It is debatable whether or not viruses are ___________ - Answer alive
Most scientists would say that they're chemicals, not ___________. - Answer organisms
They are called ___________ ___________ ___________, which literally means they have to
do something, they're inside a cell, and they are harmful to their host - Answer obligate
intracellular parasite
A single virus particle is called a ___________ - Answer virion
Viruses are very ___________ and they need to be seen with an electron microscope -
Answer small
___________ is the only human viral disease that has been completely eradicated,
___________ will probably be next, it is almost eradicated - Answer Smallpox, Polio
A ___________ is a virus that only infects bacteria cells - Answer bacteriophage (aka
Viruses have great ___________ ___________, they can only infect a very narrow subtype -
Answer host specificity
An example of this is the fact that HIV only infects ___________ ___________ cells in
humans - Answer helper T
There are three main virus shapes, these are ___________, ___________, and ___________ -
Answer icosahedral, helical, and complex
Icosahedral (photo in reader) - Answer Icosahedron is a 20-sided polyhedron
Helical (photo in reader) - Answer protein stuck to DNA/RNA inside
Complex (photo in reader) - Answer
For complex viruses, know the 4 parts, these are - Answer Icosahedral head
Helical tail
tail fibers
Base plate
There are 3 virus components:
,1. ___________ ___________ genome
2. ___________ - a protein coating around the genome
3. ___________ - only some virions have it - Answer nucleic acid
Capsids are made of ___________, each protein is a ___________ - Answer capsomere
If a virus only has the first 2, then it is called a ___________ virus - Answer naked
Naked viruses are thought to be more ___________, they are spread through the air -
Answer durable
The envelope, found on some viruses, has a ___________ bilayer - Answer phospholipid
A ___________ is a nucleic acid genome and a capsid - Answer nucleocapsid
If a virus has an envelope it is called an ___________ virus - Answer enveloped
___________ ___________ give an enveloped cell host specificity, it binds to different cells.
- Answer Viral glycoproteins
The envelopes outside of host cells are ___________, and generally, enveloped viruses
are spread through ___________ - Answer unstable, contact (fluids)
If the virus is naked, it carries out host specificity by the ___________, which bind to
specific things - Answer capsomeres
___________ inject their genome into host bacteria - Answer Bacteriophages
The tail fibers of a complex virus have a variety of targets, they have a ___________
affinity, so theyre constantly unbinding then rebinding, they appear to "crawl" - Answer
They "crawl" until the ___________ ___________ proteins find its target, it has high affinity,
it hardly lets go. - Answer base plate
When it binds, it causes a ___________ ___________ in the helix, which results in the
genome being injected into the host cell, this is the ___________ step of infection -
Answer conformational change, 1st
After injecting its genome, it becomes ___________ - Answer debris
The chart of the novel properties of viruses is found IN READER - Answer
Envelopes have ___________ on them, they are viral ___________, encoded by the viral
genome - Answer glycoproteins, proteins
, The source of the envelope is the ___________ ___________ that the virus came from -
Answer host cell
Viruses ___________ inside cells, which only happens in the cell. - Answer replicate
The lytic/lysogenic cycle of bacteriophages in reader - Answer
In the beginning step, the ___________ attaches to the bacterial cell, this is called
___________ - Answer bacteriophage, attachment
In the next step, entry, also called ___________ ___________, the viral genome is inserted
into the bacteria cell - Answer direct penetration
In the next step, the DNA from the bacteriophage codes for the creation of __________
which is an enzyme that destroys DNA. It destroys the bacterial DNA. It is the first gene
on the ___________ genome to be coded by the ribosomes in the bacterial cells. The
viruses rely on bacterial enzymes to read their ___________. - Answer DNAse, viral,
The next step is ___________, this is when all the genes on the viral genome are read and
expressed, and the cell is now dead. - Answer synthesis
The next step, called ___________ or the maturation phase, is when the assembled
components become new potentially functional ___________, and the threshold is
reached - Answer assembly, virions
The final stage is called the ___________ stage, this is when the virions burst out of the
cell - Answer release
The error rate in viral replicated is ___________ ___________, 20% have some mistake in
how they're built and they become non functional. They replicate so quickly that this
doesn't matter. Their ___________ is so small that they don't have redundant proteins or
proofreading which leads to high rates of mutation - Answer very high, genome
The lysogenic life cycle is carried out by ___________ ___________. - Answer temperate
These viruses can complete the lytic cycle, but can also change their minds and do the
___________ cycle instead - Answer lysogenic
It is at the ___________ phase of the lytic cycle that these viruses can change their mind.
The DNAse is not made. - Answer entry
Instead of DNAse being produced, the viral DNA integrates into bacterial ___________
genome. - Answer DNA