EXAM 4 NURS 299 Review With Questions And 100%
Terms in this set (50)
(3-4 years old)
Nurse role:
- Get down on their level
Developmental stages for a preschoolers - Wear cutesy scrubs
- Use simple terms
- Do playful stuff
- Let them use a stethoscope
- Let them try it on you to make sure it doesn't hurt
42 mo (3 1/2 years old):
- Up to 4200 words; knows what, where, how, funny, we, surprise, secret. knows how
to answer questions, concepts of 2
48 mo (4 years old):
Language (receptive)
- Up to 5600 words; 3 item commands, knows why people have umbrellas, houses,
books, keys.
- Knows colors, their full name, 1-2 songs, concepts of 4, understands preschool
stories, can complete opposite analogies such as brother is boy, sister is girl,
daytime is light, nighttime is dark
, 42 mo (3 1/2 years old):
- Up to 1200 words; sentences avg 4-5 words. uses all 50 phonemes. 7% of
sentences are compound/complex.
- 203 words per hour. rate of speech accelerating. relates the experience, tells about
activities in sequential order.
- Uses what, where, how, see, little, funny, they, we he, she, several. can recite a
nursery rhyme. asks permission. 95% speech is intelligible
48 mo (4 years old):
Language (expressive)
- Up to 1500 words; sentence avg 5-6 words per sentence.
- Avg 400 words per hour.
- Counts up to 3. repeats 4 digits, name 3 objects, repeat 9-word sentence from
- Names primary colors, some coins, relates fanciful tales, enjoys rhyming, nonsense
words, and exaggerations. demands reasons why and how questioning is at a peak.
- Up to 500 questions per day.
- Passes judgment on own activity.
- Can recite a poem from memory/ sing a song
48 mo (4 years old):
- Begins to make fine discriminations among similar speech sounds; diff between f
Hearing activity and th or f and s sounds. able to be tested with an audiometer, formal hearing
testing can be done.
- Hearing developed to an optimal level and listening is also considerably refined.
- Problem at age 4
- Involuntary urination at an age when control
should be present
*handle a gentle and encouraging way
Enuresis in preschoolers responsible for changing their own clothes.
Know if stress is a problem and if you have to
address that.
Erikson: initiative vs guilt
- Sense of initiative: vigorous activity and active imagination
- Important to promote the initiative, nurture ideas, encourage behaviors for a
positive self-concept
Self-concept and autonomy in - Their self-concept is refined through task-orientated and societally orientated
preschoolers expectations
*Recommending reinforcement of behaviors and praising or methods to help
develop their, their self-worth or self-concept.
- The most common is eggs, milk, and peanuts.
Additionally, wheat, soy and tree nuts, and
Foods commonly associated with allergic
reactions in toddlers
- Family history
- Try a small portion and slowly introduce