Created in:
Chapter: - Texas Juvenile Justice Department (state government)
TJJD Functions: - Allocation of state funds to local communities,
setting standards and strategic direction,
Balanced Approach: - (1) protection of community, (2) accountability, (3) rehabilitation
Supervision ratio during program hrs VS non-program hrs: - 1:12 VS 1:24
Duties of JSO: - Supervise
Role Model
ANE - Abuse, neglect, and exploitation
Signs of physical abuse: - unexplained injuries, wounds/bruises in unusual patters,
frequent injuries, marks/lacerations.
Physical abuse behavioral indicators: - Frequent complaints of pain w/o injury,
aggression, disruptive/destructive behavior, passivity/withdrawal.
Emotional Abuse: - Psychological/emotional injury resulting in observable impairments
of growth, development, and psychological functioning.
Typically "verbal" in nature
, Signs of Emotional Abuse: - Low self-esteem, depressed (particularly around parent or
guardian), withdrawal.
Emotional Behavioral Indicators: - Delayed physical/emotional development, substance
use, suicidal ideation, delinquency.
My coworkers can emotionally abuse juveniles by: - Communicating inappropriately,
using disparaging names, mocking, and using racial slurs when addressing them.
Sexual Abuse: - Contact and non-contact
Sexual Abuse by Contact: - Any sexual act causing sexual organs of one person to
contact or penetrate the mouth, anus, or sexual organ of juvenile.
Sexual Abuse by Non-Contact: - Any sexual behavior, conduct, harassment, or actions
other than those defined as sexual abuse by contact; which are exhibited, performed, or
simulated in the presence of a juvenile. Ex: requesting sex from juvenile or displaying
sex organs to juvenile.
Sexual Abuse Behavioral Indicators: - Nightmares/trouble sleeping, sudden change in
appetite, knowledgeable of sexual terms, runaway history, STI's/pregnancy..etc.
Neglect: - Leaving a juvenile in a situation where there is substantial risk of harm,
whether housed at home or facility, failing to remove juvenile from dangerous situations,
no medical care/basic needs for juvenile, refusing to allow juvenile to return home.
Neglect Behavioral Indicators: - Physical appearance, grooming habits and depression.
Examples of Neglect in Facility: - Failing to do room checks and failing to seek medical
Exploitation: - Illegal or improper use of a child or their resources for monetary or
personal benefit, profit, or gain; by an employee, volunteer, or other individual working
under the auspices of a department, facility, or program.
Ex: human trafficking
Failure to Report ANE: - Class A misdemeanor or state jail felony if abuse is
intentionally concealed.
False Report of ANE: - State jail felony, pay legal fees of person accused, $1,000
Where to Report ANE: - Local or state law enforcement agency, local probation
departments, state agency.