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Exam (elaborations)


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  • October 13, 2024
  • 31
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • PNLE
  • PNLE

1. pNurse pMichelle pshould pknow pthat pthe pdrainage pis pnormal p4 pdays pafter pa
psigmoid pcolostomy pwhen pthe pstool pis:

A. pGreen pliquid
B. pSolid pformed
C. pLoose, pbloody
D. pSemi pformed p- p✔✔Answer: p(C) pLoose, pbloody. p
Normal pbowel pfunction pand psoft-formed pstool pusually pdo pnot poccur puntil paround
pthe pseventh pday pfollowing psurgery. pThe pstool pconsistency pis prelated pto phow
pmuch pwater pis pbeing pabsorbed.

2. pWhere pwould pnurse pKristine pplace pthe pcall plight pfor pa pmale pclient pwith pa pright-
sided pbrain pattack pand pleft phomonymous phemianopsia?

A. pOn pthe pclient's pright pside
B. pOn pthe pclient's pleft pside
C. pDirectly pin pfront pof pthe pclient
D. pWhere pthe pclient plike p- p✔✔Answer: p(A) pOn pthe pclient's pright pside. p
The pclient phas pleft pvisual pfield pblindness. pThe pclient pwill psee ponly pfrom pthe pright

3. pA pmale pclient pis padmitted pto pthe pemergency pdepartment pfollowing pan paccident.
pWhat pare pthe pfirst pnursing pactions pof pthe pnurse?

A. pCheck prespiration, pcirculation, pneurological presponse.
B. pAlign pthe pspine, pcheck ppupils, pand pcheck pfor phemorrhage.
C. pCheck prespirations, pstabilize pspine, pand pcheck pcirculation.
D. pAssess plevel pof pconsciousness pand pcirculation. p- p✔✔Answer: p(C) pCheck
prespirations, pstabilize pspine, pand pcheck pcirculation. p
Checking pthe pairway pwould pbe ppriority, pand pa pneck pinjury pshould pbe psuspected.

4. pIn pevaluating pthe peffect pof pnitroglycerin, pNurse pArthur pshould pknow pthat pit
preduces ppreload pand prelieves pangina pby:

A. pIncreasing pcontractility pand pslowing pheart prate.
B. pIncreasing pAV pconduction pand pheart prate.
C. pDecreasing pcontractility pand poxygen pconsumption.

,D. pDecreasing pvenous preturn pthrough pvasodilation. p- p✔✔Answer: p(D) pDecreasing
pvenous preturn pthrough pvasodilation.
The psignificant peffect pof pnitroglycerin pis pvasodilation pand pdecreased pvenous preturn,
pso pthe pheart pdoes pnot phave pto pwork phard.

5. pNurse pPatricia pfinds pa pfemale pclient pwho pis ppost-myocardial pinfarction p(MI)
pslumped pon pthe pside prails pof pthe pbed pand punresponsive pto pshaking por pshouting.
pWhich pis pthe pnurse pnext paction?

A. pCall pfor phelp pand pnote pthe ptime.
B. pClear pthe pairway
C. pGive ptwo psharp pthumps pto pthe pprecordium pand pcheck pthe ppulse.
D. pAdminister ptwo pquick pblows. p- p✔✔Answer: p(A) pCall pfor phelp pand pnote pthe
ptime. p
Having pestablished, pby pstimulating pthe pclient, pthat pthe pclient pis punconscious prather
pthan psleep, pthe pnurse pshould pimmediately pcall pfor phelp. pThis pmay pbe pdone pby
pdialing pthe poperator pfrom pthe pclient's pphone pand pgiving pthe phospital pcode pfor
pcardiac parrest pand pthe pclient's proom pnumber pto pthe poperator, pof pif pthe pphone pis
pnot pavailable, pby ppulling pthe pemergency pcall pbutton. pNoting pthe ptime pis pimportant
pbaseline pinformation pfor pcardiac parrest pprocedure.

6. pNurse pMonett pis pcaring pfor pa pclient precovering pfrom pgastro-intestinal pbleeding.
pThe pnurse pshould:

A. pPlan pcare pso pthe pclient pcan preceive p8 phours pof puninterrupted psleep peach
B. pMonitor pvital psigns pevery p2 phours.
C. pMake psure pthat pthe pclient ptakes pfood pand pmedications pat pprescribed pintervals.
D. pProvide pmilk pevery p2 pto p3 phours. p- p✔✔Answer: p(C) pMake psure pthat pthe pclient
ptakes pfood pand pmedications pat pprescribed pintervals. p
Food pand pdrug ptherapy pwill pprevent pthe paccumulation pof phydrochloric pacid, por pwill
pneutralize pand pbuffer pthe pacid pthat pdoes paccumulate.

7. pA pmale pclient pwas pon pwarfarin p(Coumadin) pbefore padmission, pand phas pbeen
preceiving pheparin pI.V. pfor p2 pdays. pThe ppartial pthromboplastin ptime p(PTT) pis p68
pseconds. pWhat pshould pNurse pCarla pdo?

A. pStop pthe pI.V. pinfusion pof pheparin pand pnotify pthe pphysician.
B. pContinue ptreatment pas pordered.
C. pExpect pthe pwarfarin pto pincrease pthe pPTT.
D. pIncrease pthe pdosage, pbecause pthe plevel pis plower pthan pnormal. p- p✔✔Answer:
p(B) pContinue ptreatment pas pordered. p
The peffects pof pheparin pare pmonitored pby pthe pPTT pis pnormally p30 pto p45 pseconds;
pthe ptherapeutic plevel pis p1.5 pto p2 ptimes pthe pnormal plevel.

,8. pA pclient pundergone pileostomy, pwhen pshould pthe pdrainage pappliance pbe papplied
pto pthe pstoma?

A. p24 phours plater, pwhen pedema phas psubsided.
B. pIn pthe poperating proom.
C. pAfter pthe pileostomy pbegin pto pfunction.
D. pWhen pthe pclient pis pable pto pbegin pself-care pprocedures. p- p✔✔Answer: p(B) pIn
pthe poperating proom. p
The pstoma pdrainage pbag pis papplied pin pthe poperating proom. pDrainage pfrom pthe
pileostomy pcontains psecretions pthat pare prich pin pdigestive penzymes pand phighly
pirritating pto pthe pskin. pProtection pof pthe pskin pfrom pthe peffects pof pthese penzymes pis
pbegun pat ponce. pSkin pexposed pto pthese penzymes peven pfor pa pshort ptime pbecomes
preddened, ppainful, pand pexcoriated.

9. pA pclient pundergone pspinal panesthetic, pit pwill pbe pimportant pthat pthe pnurse
pimmediately pposition pthe pclient pin:

A. pOn pthe pside, pto pprevent pobstruction pof pairway pby ptongue.
B. pFlat pon pback.
C. pOn pthe pback, pwith pknees pflexed p15 pdegrees.
D. pFlat pon pthe pstomach, pwith pthe phead pturned pto pthe pside. p- p✔✔Answer: p(B) pFlat
pon pback. p
To pavoid pthe pcomplication pof pa ppainful pspinal pheadache pthat pcan plast pfor pseveral
pdays, pthe pclient pis pkept pin pflat pin pa psupine pposition pfor papproximately p4 pto p12
phours ppostoperatively. pHeadaches pare pbelieved pto pbe pcauses pby pthe pseepage pof
pcerebral pspinal pfluid pfrom pthe ppuncture psite. pBy pkeeping pthe pclient pflat, pcerebral
pspinal pfluid ppressures pare pequalized, pwhich pavoids ptrauma pto pthe pneurons.

10. pWhile pmonitoring pa pmale pclient pseveral phours pafter pa pmotor pvehicle paccident,
pwhich passessment pdata psuggest pincreasing pintracranial ppressure?

A. pBlood ppressure pis pdecreased pfrom p160/90 pto p110/70.
B. pPulse pis pincreased pfrom p87 pto p95, pwith pan poccasional pskipped pbeat.
C. pThe pclient pis poriented pwhen paroused pfrom psleep pand pgoes pback pto psleep
D. pThe pclient prefuses pdinner pbecause pof panorexia. p- p✔✔Answer: p(C) pThe pclient pis
poriented pwhen paroused pfrom psleep, pand pgoes pback pto psleep pimmediately. p
This pfinding psuggest pthat pthe plevel pof pconsciousness pis pdecreasing.

11. pMrs. pCruz, p80 pyears pold pis pdiagnosed pwith ppneumonia. pWhich pof pthe
pfollowing psymptoms pmay pappear pfirst?

A. pAltered pmental pstatus pand pdehydration
B. pFever pand pchills
C. pHemoptysis pand pDyspnea

, D. pPleuritic pchest ppain pand pcough p- p✔✔Answer: p(A) pAltered pmental pstatus pand
pdehydration. p
Fever, pchills, phemoptysis, pdyspnea, pcough, pand ppleuritic pchest ppain pare pthe
pcommon psymptoms pof ppneumonia, pbut pelderly pclients pmay pfirst pappear pwith ponly
pan paltered plentil pstatus pand pdehydration pdue pto pa pblunted pimmune presponse.

12. pA pmale pclient phas pactive ptuberculosis p(TB). pWhich pof pthe pfollowing psymptoms
pwill pbe pexhibit?

A. pChest pand plower pback ppain
B. pChills, pfever, pnight psweats, pand phemoptysis
C. pFever pof pmore pthan p104°F p(40°C) pand pnausea
D. pHeadache pand pphotophobia p- p✔✔Answer: p(B) pChills, pfever, pnight psweats, pand
phemoptysis. p
Typical psigns pand psymptoms pare pchills, pfever, pnight psweats, pand phemoptysis.
pChest ppain pmay pbe ppresent pfrom pcoughing, pbut pisn't pusual. pClients pwith pTB
ptypically phave plow-grade pfevers, pnot phigher pthan p102°F p(38.9°C). pNausea,
pheadache, pand pphotophobia paren't pusual pTB psymptoms.

13. pMark, pa p7-year-old pclient pis pbrought pto pthe pemergency pdepartment. pHe's
ptachypneic pand pafebrile pand phas pa prespiratory prate pof p36 pbreaths/minute pand phas
pa pnonproductive pcough. pHe precently phad pa pcold. pForm pthis phistory; pthe pclient
pmay phave pwhich pof pthe pfollowing pconditions?

A. pAcute pasthma
B. pBronchial ppneumonia
C. pChronic pobstructive ppulmonary pdisease p(COPD)
D. pEmphysema p- p✔✔Answer:(A) pAcute pasthma. p
Based pon pthe pclient's phistory pand psymptoms, pacute pasthma pis pthe pmost plikely
pdiagnosis. pHe's punlikely pto phave pbronchial ppneumonia pwithout pa pproductive pcough
pand pfever pand phe's ptoo pyoung pto phave pdeveloped p(COPD) pand pemphysema.

14. pMarichu pwas pgiven pmorphine psulfate pfor ppain. pShe pis psleeping pand pher
prespiratory prate pis p4 pbreaths/minute. pIf paction pisn't ptaken pquickly, pshe pmight phave
pwhich pof pthe pfollowing preactions?

A. pAsthma pattack
B. pRespiratory parrest
C. pSeizure
D. pWake pup pon phis pown p- p✔✔Answer: p(B) pRespiratory parrest. p
Narcotics pcan pcause prespiratory parrest pif pgiven pin plarge pquantities. pIt's punlikely pthe
pclient pwill phave pasthma pattack por pa pseizure por pwake pup pon phis pown.

15. pA p77-year-old pmale pclient pis padmitted pfor pelective pknee psurgery. pPhysical
pexamination preveals pshallow prespirations pbut pno psign pof prespiratory pdistress.
pWhich pof pthe pfollowing pis pa pnormal pphysiologic pchange prelated pto paging?

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