1.Clinical bSupervision: bA bdisciplined, btutorial bprocess bwherein bprinciples
bare btrans- bformed binto bpractical bskills bwith b4 boverlapping bfocus:
badministrative, bevaluative, bclinical, bsupportive
2.What bare bthe b4 boverlapping bfoci bof bclinical bsupervision: bAdministrative,
bevalu- bative, bclinical, bsupportive.
3.What bare b3 bmain bpurposes bof bcounselor bsupervision: b1- bto bnurture
bcounselor bprofessional bdevelopment b(and bpersonal bdevelopment bas
2- to bpromote bdevelopment bof bspecialized bskills band bcompetencies
bto bbring babout bmeasurable boutcomes
3- to braise blevel bof baccountability bin bservices band bprograms
4.What bare bthe btwo bmain bstages bof bevaluation?
Bonus: bhow bshould bthe bevaluation bleave bthe bsupervisee bfeeling?: b1) bGoal
2) bfeedback b—clear, btimely, bconstructive
Should bleave bthem bfeeling bpositively bmotivated bfor bgrowth brather bthan
bobstruct bimproved bperformance bby breducing benergy band blimiting brisk
1 b/
5.How bdoes bthe bsupervisor bincorporate bcase bmanagement binto
bsupervision/ bwithin bthe bsupervisory brelationship?: bWithin bclinical
bfunction bof bsupervision bas ba bconsultant: bsolicits bsupervisee bneeds;
bstimulates bdiscussion bof bclinical bproblems;
encourages b-visee bto bdevise bstrategies band binterventions, boffers
balternative bconcep- btualization band binterventions
6.Administrative bsupervision: bPlanning, borganizing, bcoordinating band
bdelegating btasks, bselecting band bassisting bstaff, bdetermining bclinical
band badministrative bprivileges
7.Evaluative bsupervision: bAsses bcounselor bskills, bclarify bperformance
bstandards, bnegotiate bobjectives bfor blearning, buse bappropriate
bsanctions bfor bjob bperformance bimpairment band bskill bdeficits
8.Clinical bSupervision: bDeveloping bcounselor bknowledge band bskills,
bidentifying blearning bissues band bproblems, bdetermining bcounselor
bstrengths band bweaknesses, bpromote bself bawareness band
bprofessional/personal bgrowth, btransmit bknowledge bfor bpractical buse.
bTeacher, bmentor, btrainer, bprofessional brole bmodel
9.Supportive bsupervision: bHand-holding, bcheerleading, bcoaching,
bmorale bbuild- bing, bburnout bprevention, band bencouragement bof
bpersonal bgrowth
10.Leadership babilities: bEstablish btrust; bserve bas bteam bleader; bdefine
band bset bdepartment band borganizational bgoals; binspire bstaff;
bcommunicate benthusiasm band bcapability; bkeep bup bmorale; btake
bappropriate brisks band bbe bdecisive bin baction; bchange baccording bto
bneeds; bhave bvision, bdrive, bclear bjudgment, band bmaturity; bexercise
2 b/
,11.Management babilities: bGet bwork bdone bthru bstaff; bmake beffective buse
bor bre- bsources; bget bresults bin bgoals band bobjectives; bcontrol bthru
bcommand; bidentify, banalyze, band bsolve bproblems; badapt bto bchange;
borganize bwork bas bneeded; bintervene bto bbring bpositive bresults; bsee ball
baspects bof boperations
12.Supervision babilities: bTo bknow bresponsibilities bof bstaff; bcommunicate
bthese bclearly; buse bthe bperformance bappraisal bsystem beffectively; bwrite
bclear bjob bdescriptions band bquarterly/annual bgoal band bwork
bstatements; bmanage btime beffectively; bdelegate bresponsibilities;
bpromote bprofessional bdevelopment
13.Command-control bstructure: bA bstructure bof borganizational
bmanagement bbased bon bheirarchies, bpyramid bstructure; btop bdown
bcommunication bwhere bthe bgoal bis bto bsatisfy bmanagement band bclimb
bto bthe btop binstead bof bimprove borganizational bgoals band boutcomes.
bPlease bthe bboss, bnot bthe bcustomer
14.Networked, bteam bbased bstructure: bA bstructure bof borganizational
bmanagement bthat bis bbased bon bthe bbig bpicture binstead bof blinear
bthinking; bflattened bwith bdecentralized bfunctions, bbased bon boutcomes.
bCore bcompetencies. bAll bemployees binteract bwith bcus- btomers band bare
bencouraged bto bdo bthis; bfunctional brelationships binstead bof bdepartment
15.Servant bleadership: bThe bleader bis bat bthe bfoundation bof bthe
benterprise, bsupport- bing, bnot bdirecting bthe bteams bthat bdesign band
bimplement bthe btasks.
16.6 bmajor borganizational bstakeholders: bOwners, bemployees,
bcustomers, bven- bdors, bcompetitors, bcommunity.
17.Describe bthe bcommon bfeatures bof bthe bnew bwork benvironment:
bCamaraderie b(laughter bin bthe bhalls, bparties); bdeemphasis bon bpolitics
b(mutual brespect band bshared bgoals binstead), bgrowth bvalues b(truth, brisk
btaking, bauthentic bcommunication, bcon- bnectedness, bemployee
bempowerment); bfamily band bcommunity b(healthy, bshared btable btime,
beating btogether)
18.The b4 bAs bof bsupervision: bAvailable: bopen, breceptive, btrusting,
bnonthreatening bAccessible: beasy bto bapproach band bspeak bfreely bwith
Able: bhaving breal bknowledge band bskills bto
btransmit bAffable: bpleasant, bfriendly,
19.10 bdimensions bof beffectiveness: bEmpathy, brespect, bgenuineness,
bconcrete- bness, bconfrontation, bself bdisclosure, bimmediacy, bwarmth,
3 b/
, bpotency, band bself bactual- bization
20.Common bexamples bof bPsychopharmacology: bMAT: bmethadone b(full
bagonist), bbuprenorphine b(partial bagonist), bnaltrexone b(full bantagonist)
21.Insight bOriented bPsychotherapy: bMotivational bEnhancement
bTherapy bStages bof bchange b(Motivational bInterviewing)
12 bsteps
4 b/