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TEST BANK For Prescott’s Microbiology, 12th Edition by Joanne Willey, ISBN:9781265123031, All 42 Chapters Covered, Verified Latest Edition
TEST BANK For Prescott’s Microbiology, 12th Edition by Joanne Willey, ISBN:9781265123031, All 42 Chapters Covered, Verified Latest Edition
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,Test jBank jfor jPrescott's jMicrobiology, j12th jEdition jby jJoanne
jWilleyjVerified jChapter j1-42 jcomplete
Prescott's jMicrobiology, j12e j(Willey)
Chapter j1 The jEvolution jof jMicroorganisms jand jMicrobiology
1) Archaea jare jcellular jorganisms jthat jhave junique jcell jmembrane .
Answer: j lipids
j Archaea
Bloom's/Accessibility: j1. jRemember j/ jKeyboard
jNavigationjASM jTopic: j Module j02 jCell jStructure jand
ASM jObjective: j 02.03 jBacteria jand jArchaea jhave jspecialized jstructures j(e.g.
jflagella,jendospores, j and jpili) jthat joften jconfer j critical jcapabilities.
Learning jOutcome: j01.01c jDetermine jthe jtype jof jmicrobe j(e.g., jbacterium, jfungus, jetc.)
jwhenjgiven ja jdescription jof ja jnewly jdiscovered j one
2) Extant jmicroorganisms jare jorganisms jfrom jthe jfossil jrecord jthat jare jno jlonger jpresent jon
Answer: jFALSE
Topic: Taxonomy jof jMicroorganisms
jBloom's/Accessibility: j2. jUnderstand j/ jKeyboard
jNavigationjASM jTopic: j Module j01 jEvolution
ASM jObjective: j01.05 jThe jevolutionary jrelatedness jof jorganisms jis jbest jreflected
jinjphylogenetic jtrees.
Learning jOutcome: j01.02a jPropose ja jtimeline jof jthe jorigin jand jhistory jof jmicrobial jlife
jandjintegrate jsupporting jevidence j into j it
3) All jcellular jorganisms jcan jbe jplaced j into jone jof jthree , jwhich jinclude jthe
jBacteria,jArchaea, j and jthe jEukarya.
,Answer: j domains
Topic: Taxonomy jof jMicroorganisms
jBloom's/Accessibility: j2. jUnderstand j/ jKeyboard
jNavigationjASM jTopic: j Module j01 jEvolution
ASM jObjective: j01.05 jThe jevolutionary jrelatedness jof jorganisms jis jbest jreflected
jinjphylogenetic jtrees.
Learning jOutcome: j 01.01b jExplain jCarl jWoeses jcontributions jin jestablishing jthe jthree-
domainjsystem jfor j classifying jcellular j life
4) Viruses jare jnot jgenerally jstudied jby jmicrobiologists jbecause jthey jare jnot jclassified jas
Answer: jFALSE
Topic: j Taxonomy jof jMicroorganisms
jBloom's/Accessibility: j2. jUnderstand j/ jKeyboard
jNavigationjASM jTopic: j Module j05 jMicrobial jSystems
ASM jObjective: j02.05 jThe jreplication jcycles jof jviruses j(lytic jand jlysogenic) jdiffer
jamongjviruses jand j are jdetermined j by jtheir junique jstructures jand jgenomes.
Learning jOutcome: j 01.01a jDefine jthe jterm jmicrobiology
5) Microbiologists jstudy ja jvariety jof jorganisms, j but jall jare jconsidered jeither j Bacteria jor jArchaea.
Answer: jFALSE
Topic: j Taxonomy jof jMicroorganisms
jBloom's/Accessibility: j2. jUnderstand j/ jKeyboard
jNavigationjASM jTopic: j Module j05 jMicrobial jSystems
ASM jObjective: j 05.04 jMicroorganisms, jcellular jand jviral, jcan jinteract jwith jboth jhuman
jandjnonhuman jhosts jin jbeneficial, j neutral jor j detrimental jways.
Learning jOutcome: j j j 01.01a jDefine jthe jterm jmicrobiology
6) All jeukaryotes jhave ja jmembrane-delimited jnucleus.
Answer: j TRUE
Topic: Taxonomy jof jMicroorganisms
jBloom's/Accessibility: j2. jUnderstand j/ jKeyboard
jNavigationjASM jTopic: j Module j02 jCell jStructure jand
ASM jObjective: j02.04 jWhile jmicroscopic jeukaryotes j(for jexample, jfungi, jprotozoa jand
jalgae) jcarry jout jsome jof jthe jsame jprocesses jas jbacteria, jmany jof jthe jcellular jproperties jare
Learning jOutcome: j01.01c jDetermine jthe jtype jof jmicrobe j(e.g., jbacterium, jfungus, jetc.)
jwhenjgiven ja jdescription jof ja jnewly jdiscovered j one
7) Viruses jconstitute jthe jfourth jdomain jof jlife jin jcurrent j biological jclassification jschemes.
Answer: jFALSE
, Topic: Taxonomy jof jMicroorganisms
jBloom's/Accessibility: j2. jUnderstand j/ jKeyboard
jNavigationjASM jTopic: j Module j01 jEvolution
ASM jObjective: j01.05 jThe jevolutionary jrelatedness jof jorganisms jis jbest jreflected
jinjphylogenetic jtrees.
Learning jOutcome: j 01.01b jExplain jCarl jWoeses jcontributions jin jestablishing jthe jthree-
domainjsystem jfor j classifying jcellular j life