Fisdap Paramedic Operations Review Questions with complete Solutions Graded A+
Steps or elements of a EMS research project - Answers Identify the group, develop parameters of the
study, aquire the data, standard diviation- analysis of the data
Elements to preserve a crime scene - Answers Always use paper bags not plastic, don't cut through
bullet holes or stab marks, don't move things or touch things unnecessarily, inform law enforcement of
anything done, don't put yourself or others in danger, always wait for law enforcement to secure the
Resources for pt with language barrier - Answers Wong baker universal pain chart, interpreters, family
members, other responders, electronic translation (app), minors acting as interpreters, interpreters
provided by the hospital or dispatch
How to clean backboard - Answers Use either commercial disinfecting wipes or bleach 1:10, may need to
leave wet for 5mins, this is for reasonable medical equipment, or for stretcher clean with an
environment protection agency registered germicidal/virucidal solution or with bleach and water at
1:100 dilution
When to check out your ambulance - Answers At the beginning of your shift, after each call to make sure
you have the equipment restocked from the previous call, also restock any missing equipment at the
end of your shift
When driving code three - Answers You are requesting the right of way, use due regard
Procedures when staging away from the scene - Answers Staging areas are assigned during MCIS that
require response from many agencies, stage equipment in cold zone along with vehicle with command
post, any unsafe scenes, stage away from active fires to safely clear the way for arriving apparatus, stage
away from flames, building collapses, smoke and other scene hazards, upwind and uphill on hazmat
scenes, in some situations you should be visible to other emergency workers to find you and some you
must wait to be called in to prevent clogging modes of egress, should be in contact with triage command
and logistics
Positioning the ambulance at a traffic accident - Answers If first on scene, park the unit between the
scene and traffic to block any potential accidents or traffic driving onto your scene. If second on, park
ahead of the accident to have ease of egress
How to handle large crowds - Answers Keep them away from hazards to prevent them from becoming
victims, contact pd to help control the scene, keep crowd, media away from all cold, hot and warm
Elements of ICS - Answers Command, operations, finance, logistics, planning, command staff
Triage green tag - Answers Walking wounded- guide them out first to a safe area away from the scene,
injures usually are soft tissue injuries, broken bones