1. Which donurse domost dolikely dokept dorecords doon dosanitation dotechniques doand dothe doeffects
doon dohealth?
a. Florence doNightingale
b. Mary doNutting
c. Clara doBarton
d. Lillian doWald
ANS: d o A
Nightingale dowas dothe dofirst dopracticing donurse doepidemiologist. doHer dostatistical doanalyses
doconnected dopoor dosanitation dowith docholera doand dodysentery. doMary doNutting, doClara
doBarton, doand doLillian doWald docame doafter doNightingale, doeach docontributing doto dothe
donursing doprofession doin doher doown doway. doMary doNutting dowas doinstrumental doin
domoving donursing doeducation dointo douniversities. doClara doBarton dofounded dothe doAmerican
doRed doCross. doLillian doWald dohelped doopen dothe doHenry doStreet doSettlement.
DIF:Understand do(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss dothe doinfluence doof dosocial, dohistorical, dopolitical, doand doeconomic dochanges doon
donursing dopractices.
TOP: Evaluation MSC: d o Health doPromotion doand doMaintenance
2. The donurse doprescribes dostrategies doand doalternatives doto doattain doexpected dooutcome.
doWhich dostandard doof donursing dopractice dois dothe donurse dofollowing?
a. Assessment
b. Diagnosis
c. Planning
d. Implementation
ANS: d o C
In doplanning, dothe doregistered donurse dodevelops doa doplan dothat doprescribes dostrategies doand
doalternatives doto doattain doexpected dooutcomes. doDuring doassessment, dothe doregistered
donurse docollects docomprehensive d o data dopertinent doto dothe dopatient’s dohealth doand/or dothe
dosituation. doIn dodiagnosis, dothe doregistered donurse doanalyzes dothe doassessment dodata doto
dodetermine dothe dodiagnoses door doissues. doDuring doimplementation, dothe doregistered donurse
doimplements do(carries doout) dothe doidentified doplan.
DIF:Understand do(comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss dothe dodevelopment doof doprofessional donursing doroles. TOP:
doPlanning doMSC: d o Management doof doCare
3. An doexperienced domedical-surgical donurse dochooses doto dowork doin doobstetrics.
doWhich dolevel doof doproficiency dois dothe donurse doupon doinitial dotransition doto dothe
doobstetrical dofloor?
a. Novice
b. Proficient
c. Competent
d. Advanced dobeginner
ANS: d o A
, A dobeginning donursing dostudent door doany donurse doentering doa dosituation doin dowhich dothere
dois dono doprevious dolevel doof doexperience do(e.g., doan doexperienced dooperating doroom
donurse dochooses doto donow dopractice doin dohome dohealth) dois doan doexample doof doa donovice
donurse. doA doproficient donurse doperceives doa dopatient’s doclinical dosituation doas doa dowhole,
dois doable doto doassess doan doentire dosituation, doand docan doreadily dotransfer doknowledge
dogained dofrom domultiple doprevious doexperiences doto doa dosituation. doA docompetent donurse
dounderstands dothe doorganization doand dospecific docare dorequired doby dothe dotype doof
dopatients do(e.g., dosurgical, dooncology, door doorthopedic dopatients). doThis donurse dois doa
docompetent dopractitioner dowho dois doable doto doanticipate donursing docare doand doestablish
dolong-range dogoals. doA donurse dowho dohas dohad dosome dolevel doof doexperience dowith dothe
dosituation dois doan doadvanced dobeginner. doThis doexperience domay doonly dobe doobservational
doin donature, dobut dothe donurse dois doable doto doidentify domeaningful doaspects door doprinciples
doof donursing docare.
DIF:Apply do(application)
OBJ:Discuss dothe dodevelopment doof doprofessional donursing doroles. TOP:
doEvaluation doMSC: d o Management doof doCare
4. A donurse doassesses doa dopatient’s dofluid dostatus doand dodecides dothat dothe dopatient doneeds doto
dodrink domore dofluids. doThe donurse dothen doencourages dothe dopatient doto dodrink domore
dofluids. doWhich doconcept dois dothe donurse dodemonstrating?
a. Licensure
b. Autonomy
c. Certification
d. Accountability
ANS: d o B
Autonomy dois doan doessential doelement doof doprofessional donursing dothat doinvolves dothe
doinitiation doof doindependent donursing dointerventions dowithout domedical doorders. doTo
doobtain dolicensure doin dothe doUnited doStates, dothe doRN docandidate domust dopass dothe
doNCLEX-RN. doBeyond dothe doNCLEX-RN, dothe donurse domay dochoose doto dowork
dotoward docertification doin doa dospecific doarea doof donursing dopractice. doAccountability
domeans dothat doyou doare doresponsible, doprofessionally doand dolegally, dofor dothe dotype doand
doquality doof donursing docare doprovided.
DIF:Apply do(application)
OBJ:Discuss dothe doroles doand docareer doopportunities dofor donurses. TOP:
doImplementation doMSC: d o Management doof doCare
5. A donurse doprepares dothe dobudget doand dopolicies dofor doan dointensive docare dounit.
doWhich dorole dois dothe donurse doimplementing?
a. Educator
b. Manager
c. Advocate
d. Caregiver
ANS: d o B
, A domanager docoordinates dothe doactivities doof domembers doof dothe donursing dostaff doin
dodelivering donursing docare doand dohas dopersonnel, dopolicy, doand dobudgetary doresponsibility
dofor doa dospecific donursing dounit door dofacility. doAs doan doeducator, doyou doexplain doconcepts
doand dofacts doabout dohealth, dodescribe dothe doreason dofor doroutine docare doactivities,
dodemonstrate doprocedures dosuch doas doself-care doactivities, doreinforce dolearning door
dopatient dobehavior, doand doevaluate dothe dopatient’s doprogress doin dolearning. doAs doa dopatient
doadvocate, doyou doprotect doyour dopatient’s dohuman doand dolegal dorights doand doprovide
doassistance doin doasserting dothese dorights doif dothe doneed doarises. doAs doa docaregiver, doyou
dohelp dopatients domaintain doand doregain dohealth, domanage dodisease doand dosymptoms, doand
doattain doa domaximal dolevel dofunction doand doindependence dothrough dothe dohealing
DIF:Apply do(application)
OBJ:Discuss dothe doroles doand docareer doopportunities dofor donurses. TOP:
doImplementation doMSC: d o Management doof doCare
6. The donurse dohas dobeen doworking doin dothe doclinical dosetting dofor doseveral doyears doas doan
doadvanced dopractice donurse. doHowever, dothe donurse dohas doa dostrong dodesire doto dopursue
doresearch doand dotheory dodevelopment. doTo dofulfill dothis dodesire, dowhich doprogram
doshould dothe donurse doattend?
a. Doctor doof doNursing doScience dodegree do(DNSc)
b. Doctor doof doPhilosophy dodegree do(PhD)
c. Doctor doof doNursing doPractice dodegree do(DNP)
d. Doctor doin dothe doScience doof doNursing dodegree do(DSN)
ANS: d o B
Some dodoctoral doprograms doprepare donurses dofor domore dorigorous doresearch doand dotheory
dodevelopment doand doaward dothe doresearch-oriented doDoctor doof doPhilosophy do(PhD) doin
donursing. doProfessional dodoctoral doprograms doin donursing do(DSN door doDNSc) doprepare
dograduates doto doapply doresearch dofindings doto doclinical donursing. doThe doDNP dois doa
dopractice dodoctorate dothat doprepares doadvanced dopractice donurses dosuch doas donurse
DIF:Understand do(comprehension)
OBJ:Compare doand docontrast dothe doeducational doprograms doavailable dofor doprofessional
doregistered donurse do(RN) doeducation. TOP: d o Teaching/Learning
MSC: d o Management doof doCare
7. A donurse doattends doa doworkshop doon docurrent donursing doissues doprovided doby dothe
doAmerican doNurses doAssociation. doWhich dotype doof doeducation dodid dothe donurse
a. Graduate doeducation
b. Inservice doeducation
c. Continuing doeducation
d. Registered donurse doeducation
ANS: d o C
Continuing doeducation doinvolves doformal, doorganized doeducational doprograms dooffered doby
douniversities, dohospitals, dostate donurses doassociations, doprofessional donursing
doorganizations, doand doeducational doand dohealth docare doinstitutions. doAfter doobtaining doa
dobaccalaureate dodegree doin donursing, doyou docan dopursue dograduate doeducation doleading doto
doa domaster’s door dodoctoral dodegree doin doany donumber doof dograduate dofields, doincluding
donursing. doInservice doeducation doprograms doare doinstruction door dotraining doprovided doby
doa dohealth docare dofacility door doinstitution. doRegistered donurse doeducation dois dothe
doeducation dopreparation dofor doan doindividual dointending doto dobe doan doRN.
DIF:Apply do(application)
OBJ:Compare doand docontrast dothe doeducational doprograms doavailable dofor doprofessional doregistered
donurse do(RN)