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AIRS Certification Exam Questions With
Correct Answers.
Service Delivery Standards - answer✔The _____________________ optimize access for all. The
service recognizes the inquirer's right to accurate, comprehensive and
unbiased information provided in a confidential and/or anonymous,
nonjudgmental manner; and is a non-partisan, non-ideological and
impartial information source for available nonprofit, government
and for-profit services that meet the I&R service's inclusion/exclusion
criteria. Service is provided by trained community resource specialists
and is delivered in a variety of ways that support the mission of the
I&R program, the accessibility requirements of the community and the
communication preferences of inquirers (for example, a combination
of telephone, in-person, email, instant messaging (IM), text/SMS
messaging, online chat, video relay service, social media and other
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methods of communication). Although the channel of service delivery
may affect the nature of the interaction with inquirers, the essential
elements of the I&R process remain the same.
Resource Database Standards - answer✔The __________________ require that the I&R service
develop, maintain, use and disseminate an accurate, up-to-date
online resource database that contains information about available
community resources including details about the services provided and
the conditions under which they are available. The resource database
supports the inquirer's right to accurate, consistent, comprehensive
and unbiased information and the ability of the I&R service to be a
non-partisan, non-ideological and impartial information source for
available nonprofit, government and for-profit services that meet the
organization's inclusion/exclusion criteria. The resource database is used
internally by community resource specialists to identify resources for
inquirers and is maintained by resource database curators. Resource data
is also available externally to other human services organizations and
the public via an online database that is structured to make searching as
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intuitive and user friendly as possible.
Cooperative Relationships Standards - answer✔The ________________ describe how I&R
at local, regional, state/provincial, and national levels work cooperatively
with one another to establish and maintain meaningful working
relationships while also participating in the broader service delivery
system in their own community.
Disaster Preparedness Standards - answer✔The _________________ state that I&R services
have a
role in meeting the needs of their community during times of disaster,
acknowledging their role may vary depending on the population they
serve, or the phase of the disaster, (i.e., preparedness, response, relief
and recovery). The I&R service is prepared to assess and provide referrals
for inquirers who are experiencing a crisis due to a disaster, or who
want to offer assistance and contact the I&R service for a means to do
so. Preparation includes development of an emergency operations and
continuity of operations plan that enables the I&R service to continue to
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provide services during and after a disaster.
Organizational Effectiveness Standards - answer✔The ___________________ describe the
governance and operational structure an I&R service needs in order to
fulfill its mission. Activities include establishing itself as (or within) a
legal entity, developing policies and procedures and an organizational
code of ethics that guide the organization, adopting sound fiscal and
personnel management practices, providing a safe and secure work
environment, offering new hire onboarding and ongoing professional
development, establishing and maintaining an effective technological
infrastructure, increasing public awareness of the value of I&R services to
the community, and developing and implementing an ongoing quality
assurance and evaluation process.
Information and Referral (I&R) - answer✔_________________ is the art, science and practice
of bringing people and services together. When individuals,
families and communities don't know where to turn, _______ is
there for them.