10/15/24, 9:03 PM Florida Fire Instructor, complete questions and verified correct solutions| 2024-2025 UPDATE |Most tested questions!! |get it …
Florida Fire Instructor, complete questions and
verified correct solutions| 2024-2025 UPDATE
|Most tested questions!! |get it 100% right!!
Terms in this set (105)
Administrator, Counselor/Adviser,
Disciplinarian/Coach, evaluator, Facilitator, Mentor,
Roles of an Instructor
Presenter, Representative/Ambassador, Role Model,
What are the different Positive, Contructive, and Corrective Feedback
types of feed back?
How do you deal with a LEAST- Leave alone, Eye contact, Action steps,
difficult student? Stops the class, Terminate.
A Reminder, A verbal reprimand, counseling session,
How to deliver discipline
removal of privileges, written warning, suspension ,
in the classroom?
and removal.
Qualities of a good Well Prepared, Enthusiastic, Cares, Positive
instructor feedback, Talks with students not to or above them.
Good Behavior begins Strict (fair) rules and regulations
Illegal activity or threaten Immediate removal.
others require?
process of learning focused on adults, how to teach
Define- andragogy
them, the strutre of the learning experience, etc.
Characteristics of an Self Directed learners- learn to achieve goal
adult learner
unspoke messege and body language is 65% of
body language?
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, 10/15/24, 9:03 PM Florida Fire Instructor, complete questions and verified correct solutions| 2024-2025 UPDATE |Most tested questions!! |get it …
Discribe how to conduct Ensure that student groups are staying on track.
a facilitated class. Keep on topic,
Four teaching modes Expository, Inquiry, Demonstration, and Activity
Expository? Lecture, videos, explanation,
Inquiry? Asking questions, discusion
Demonstration? Experiments, Exhibits, games
Activity Mode? Role playing, Projects
10% READ
20% HEAR
30% See
40% See and HEAR
70% SAY
90% SAY and DO
0-20, independence, global concern,health
Millenium, Gen Yer conscious, cyberliterate.Continuous learning is a
way of life
20-40, techno savvy, diverse,independent, skeptical,
Gen Xer entrepreneurial. The more they learn, the more they
40-50, idealistic, competitive, question athority, "ME"
Baby Boomer
generation. Train'em too much and they leave.
60-70,patriotic, loyal,fiscally conservative, faith. I
learned it the hard way: you can, too.
Creat a lasting change in behavior, Result from
Learning should?
practice or experience
learning is the result of the individual forming an
Edward Thorndike (S-R)
association between Stimuli and Responses.
Thondikes three primary Law of effect, Law of readiness, Law of exercise
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