Test jBank jEssentials jof jNursing jLeadership
j&jManagement j8th jEdition jSally jA. jWeiss
Chapter j1: jNursing jLeadership jand
1. According jto jHenri jFayol, jthe jfunctions jof jplanning, jorganizing, jcoordinating, jand
jcontrollingjare jconsidered jwhich jaspect jof jmanagement?
a. Roles
b. Process
c. Functions
d. Taxonomy
ANS: jB, jThe jmanagement jprocess jincludes jplanning, jorganizing, jcoordinating, jand jcontrolling. jManagement jroles
jinclude jinformation jprocessing, jinterpersonal jrelationships, jand jdecision jmaking. jManagement jfunctions jinclude jplanning,
jorganizing,jstaffing, jdirecting, jcoordinating, jreporting, jand jbudgeting. jA jtaxonomy jis ja jsystem jthat jorders jprinciples
jinto ja jgrouping jor jclassification.
2. Which jof jthe jfollowing jis jconsidered ja jdecisional jmanagerial jrole?
a. Disseminator
b. Figurehead
c. Leader
d. Entrepreneur
ANS: jD, jThe jdecisional jmanagerial jroles jinclude jentrepreneur, jdisturbance jhandler, jallocator jof jresources, jand
jnegotiator. jThe jinformation jprocessing jmanagerial jroles jinclude jmonitor, jdisseminator, jand jspokesperson. jThe
jinterpersonal jmanagerial jrolesjinclude jfigurehead, jleader, jand jliaison.
3. A jnurse jmanager jmeets jregularly jwith jother jnurse jmanagers, jparticipates jon jthe
jorganizations jcommittees, jand jattends jmeetings jsponsored jby jprofessional jorganizations jin
jorderjto jmanage jrelationships. jThese jactivities jare jconsidered jwhich jfunction jof ja jmanager?
a. Informing
b. Problem jsolving
c. Monitoring
d. Networking
ANS: jD, jThe jrole jfunctions jto jmanage jrelationships jare jnetworking, jsupporting, jdeveloping jand jmentoring, jmanaging
jconflict jand jteam jbuilding, jmotivating jand jinspiring, jrecognizing, jand jrewarding. jThe jrole jfunctions jto jmanage jthe
jwork jare jplanning jand jorganizing, jproblem jsolving, jclarifying jroles jand jobjectives, jinforming, j monitoring, jconsulting,
jand jdelegating.
4. A jnurse jwas jrecently jpromoted jto ja jmiddle-level jmanager jposition. jThe jnurses jtitle
jwouldjmost jlikely jbe jwhich jof jthe jfollowing?
a. First-line jmanager
b. Director
c. Vice jpresident jof jpatient jcare jservices
, d. Chief jnurse jexecutive
ANS: jB, jA jmiddle-level jmanager j is jcalled ja jdirector. jA jlow jmanagerial- jlevel jjob jis jcalled jthe jfirst-line jmanager. jA
jnurse jin janjexecutive jlevel jrole jis jcalled ja jchief jnurse jexecutive jor jvice jpresident jof jpatient jcare jservices.
5. A jnurse jmanager jwho juses jFrederick jTaylors jscientific jmanagement japproach, jwould jmost
jlikelyjfocus jon jwhich jof jthe jfollowing?
, a. General jprinciples
b. Positional jauthority
c. Labor jproductivity
d. Impersonal jrelations
ANS: jC, jThe jarea jof jfocus jfor jscientific jmanagement jis jlabor jproductivity. jIn jbureaucratic jtheory, jefficiency jis jachieved
jthroughjimpersonal jrelations jwithin ja jformal jstructure jand jis jbased jon jpositional jauthority. jAdministrative jprinciple
jtheory jconsists jof jprinciples jof jmanagement j that jare jrelevant jto jany jorganization.
6. According jto jVrooms jTheory jof jMotivation, jforce:
a. is jthe jperceived jpossibility jthat jthe jgoal jwill jbe jachieved.
b. describes jthe jamount jof jeffort jone jwill jexert jto jreach jones jgoal.
c. describes jpeople jwho jhave jfree jwill jbut jchoose jto jcomply jwith jorders jthey jare jgiven.
d. is ja jnaturally jforming jsocial jgroup jthat jcan jbecome ja jcontributor jto jan jorganization.
ANS: jB, jAccording jto jVrooms jTheory jof jMotivation, jForce jdescribes jthe jamount jof jeffort jone jwill jexert jto jreach
jones jgoal. jValence jspeaks jto jthe jlevel jof jattractiveness jor junattractiveness jof jthe jgoal. j Expectancy jis jthe jperceived
jpossibility jthat jthe jgoal jwill jbe jachieved. jVrooms jTheory jof jMotivation jcan jbe jdemonstrated jin jthe jform jof jan
jequation: jForce j= jValence jExpectancy j(Vroom, j1964). jThe jtheory jproposes jthat jthis jequation jcan jhelp jto jpredict jthe
jmotivation, jor jforce, jof jan jindividual jas jdescribedjby jVroom.
7. According jto jR. jN. jLussier, jmotivation:
a. is junconsciously jdemonstrated jby jpeople.
b. occurs jexternally jto jinfluence jbehavior.
c. is jdetermined jby jothers jchoices.
d. occurs jinternally jto jinfluence jbehavior.
ANS: jD, jMotivation jis ja jprocess jthat joccurs jinternally jto jinfluence jand jdirect jour jbehavior jin jorder jto jsatisfy jneeds.
jMotivationjis jnot jexplicitly jdemonstrated jby jpeople, jbut jrather jit jis jinterpreted jfrom jtheir jbehavior. jMotivation jis
jwhatever jinfluences jour jchoices jand jcreates jdirection, jintensity, jand jpersistence jin jour jbehavior.
8. According jto jR. jN. jLussier, jthere jare jcontent jmotivation jtheories jand jprocess
jmotivationjtheories. jWhich jof jthe jfollowing jis jconsidered ja jprocess jmotivation jtheory?
a. Equity jtheory
b. Hierarchy jof jneeds jtheory
c. Existence-relatedness-growth jtheory
d. Hygiene jmaintenance jand jmotivation jfactors
ANS: jA, jThe jprocess jmotivation jtheories jare jequity jtheory jand jexpectancy jtheory. jThe jcontent jmotivation jtheories
jinclude jMaslows jhierarchy jof jneeds jtheory, jAldefers jexistence- jrelatedness-growth j(ERG) jtheory, jand jHerzbergs jhygiene
jmaintenancejfactors jand jmotivation jfactors.
9. The jtheory jthat jincludes jmaintenance jand jmotivation jfactors jis:
a. Maslows jhierarchy jof jneeds.
b. Herzbergs jtwo-factor jtheory.
c. McGregors jtheory jX jand jtheory jY.
d. Ouchis jtheory jZ.
, ANS: jB, jThe jtwo-factor jtheory jof jmotivation jincludes jmotivation jand jmaintenance jfactors. jMaslows jhierarchy jof jneeds
jincludesjthe jfollowing jneeds: jphysiological, jsafety, jsecurity, jbelonging, jand jself-actualization. jIn jtheory jX, jemployees
jprefer jsecurity, jdirection, jand jminimal jresponsibility. jIn jtheory jY, jemployees jenjoy jtheir jwork, jshow jself-control jand
jdiscipline, jare jable jto jcontribute jcreatively, jand jare jmotivated jby jties jto jthe jgroup, jorganization, jand jthe jwork jitself.
jThe jfocus jof jtheory jZ jis jcollective jdecision jmaking jand jlong-term jemployment jthat jinvolves jslower jpromotions jand
jless jdirect jsupervision.
10. A jnurse jis jappointed jto ja jleadership jposition jin jthe jlocal jhospital. jThe jnurses jposition
jwould jbejconsidered jwhich jof jthe jfollowing?
a. Informal
jleadershipjb. j j j jFormal
jleadership jc.
d. j Management
ANS: jB, jFormal jleadership jis jbased jon joccupying ja jposition jin jan jorganization. jInformal jleadership jis jshown jby jan
jindividual jwho jdemonstrates jleadership joutside jthe jscope jof ja jformal jleadership jrole jor jas ja jmember jof ja jgroup.
jLeadership jis ja jprocess jofjinfluence jwhereby jthe jleader jinfluences jothers jtoward jgoal jachievement. jManagement jis ja
jprocess jto jachieve jorganizational jgoals.
11. A jnursing jinstructor jis jevaluating jwhether jthe jnursing jstudents junderstand jthe
jthree jfundamental jqualities jthat jleaders jshare. jAccording jto jBennis jand jNanus, jthe
jfundamentaljqualities jof jeffective jleaders jare:
a. guided jvision, jpassion, jand jintegrity.
b. knowledge jof jself, jhonesty, jand jmaturity.
c. intelligence, jself-confidence, jand jdetermination.
d. honesty, jself-awareness, jand jsociability.
ANS: jABennis jand jNanus jlist jguided jvision, jpassion, jand jintegrity jas jfundamental jqualities jof jeffective jleaders.
jKnowledge jof jself, jhonesty jand jmaturity; jintelligence, j self-confidence jand jdetermination; jself-awareness jand
jsociability jare jall jdesirable jtraits jin jleaders jas jwell jas jin jothers.
12. The jsix jtraits jidentified jby jKirkpatrick jand jLocke jthat jseparate jleaders jfrom jnon-leaders
a. respectability, jtrustworthiness, jflexibility, jself-confidence, jintelligence, jsociability.
b. self-confidence, jprogression jof jexperiences, jinfluence jof jothers, jpersonal jlife jfactors,
c. intelligence, jself-confidence, jdetermination, jintegrity, jsociability, jhonesty.
d. drive, jdesire jto jlead, jhonesty, jself-confidence, jcognitive jability, jknowledge jof jbusiness.
ANS: jD, jResearch jby jKirkpatrick jand jLocke jconcluded jthat jleaders jpossess jsix jtraits: jdrive, jdesire jto jlead, jhonesty,
jself- jconfidence, jcognitive jability, jand jknowledge jof jthe jbusiness. jWoods jidentified jfive jdominant jfactors jthat jinfluenced
jleadershipjdevelopment: jself-confidence, jinnate jqualities, jprogression jof jexperience, jinfluence jof jsignificant jothers, jand
jpersonal jlife jfactors. jStogdill jidentified jthe jfollowing jtraits jof ja jleader: jintelligence, jself- jconfidence, jdetermination,
jintegrity, jand jsociability. jMurphy jand jDeBack jidentified jthe jfollowing jleader jcharacteristics: jcaring, jrespectability,
jtrustworthiness, jand jflexibility.
13. A jnurse jmanager jwho juses ja jleadership jstyle jthat jis jparticipatory jand jwhere
jauthorityjis jdelegated jto jothers jis jmost jlikely jusing jwhich jof jthe jfollowing jleadership
a. Autocratic
b. Democratic
c. Laissez-faire