OTD 314 Week 1, 2, & 3 Questions With
AOTA vision 2025 "occupational therapy maximizes health, well-being, and quality of
life for all people, populations, and communities through effective solutions that facilitate
participation in every day living"
population health the health outcome of a group of individuals, including the distribution
of such outcomes within the group
consultant, community health advocate, case manager, entrepreneur, program manager, primary
care provider what are some roles of OT in the community
adult day program, low vision program, driving program, fall prevention program, wellness
program, lifestyle redesign some examples of OT in community practice areas
client, intervention, funding what terminology should you use in community settings?
(client vs patient, intervention vs treatment, funding vs reimbursement)?
Occupational Risk Factors precursors that increase an individual's or population's
vulnerability to developing a disease or disability or sustaining an injury
, OTD 314 Week 1, 2, & 3 Questions With
resiliency factors precursors that appear to increase an individual's or population's
resistance to developing a disease or disability or sustaining an injury
occupational determinants of health education, work, play, leisure, ADLs, IADLs, rest,
social participation
community-based interventions health services delivered by a health professional expert,
who visits clients in their environment
community focused interventions population based interventions led by a health
professional expert in partnership with the community
community centered intervention community driven; initiated by community in
partnership with health professional as a facilitator or consultant
social determinants of health economic stability, education, social and community context,
health/healthcare, neighborhood and built environment
, OTD 314 Week 1, 2, & 3 Questions With
4 goals of Healthy People 2020 1. Attain high quality, longer lives
2. Achieve health equity and improve health of all groups
3. Create physical and social environments that promote good health for all
4. Promote quality of life and health behaviors
5 Categories of Determinants of Health 1. policy-making
2. social factors
3. health services
3. individual behavior
4. biology and genetics
epidemiology the study of the distribution, frequencies, and determinants of a disease,
injury, and disability in human populations
primary prevention healthy individuals who could be at risk for a health problem; prevent
the problem from occurring