Name: Score:
215 Multiple choice questions
Term 1 of 215
Why is it important to track the life stage of pests you are trying to control?
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (that's the name of the law) and it's
enforced by the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 100% test question.
To ensure consumers are not exposed to unsafe levels of pesticide residues in food.
The State isn't about to let some Yahoo farmer hose down his apples with pesticide and get
everyone sick. They want to make sure the pesticide "wears off" below a certain level so no
one gets sick eating that apple.
Successful control efforts must coincide with pest's most vulnerable life stage
On the pesticide LABEL
Where else do you think you would find it?! Sports Illustrated?! YES...READ THE LABEL
Term 2 of 215
For a PCB (pest control business) to meet requirements in the HSA (Healthy Schools Act), the PCB
shall . . .
No. You can sell pesticide to others WITHOUT A DEALERS LICENSE (think Veseris) as long
as you have 1. A pest control business license and; 2. You USE that product yourself.
Have been properly emptied according to the Dept. of Pesticide Regulation's "Guidelines
for Emptying and Burning Pesticide Bags"
We are talking about bags, not bottles. When the bags are empty, you can throw them into
the regular trash BECAUSE they held a dry pesticide.
submit a school and childcare pesticide use report to the DPR at least annually
In other words, the State wants to know EXACTLY what chemicals you sprayed around little
Ricky's preschool playground and they want to know that ANNUALLY.
Absolutely true--The Government can throw your ass in front of a jury, convict you of a
FELONY for misusing a pesticide , throw you in prison and then SUE your ass for MILLIONS
of dollars in fines. Moral of the story? Read and follow the label.
,Term 3 of 215
Describe pest monitoring:
Once a pest manager has taken precautions to prevent pest infestations, it is important to
watch regularly for the appearance of insects, weeds, diseases, and other pests. This is
called monitoring. The primary goals are to locate, identify, and rank the severity of pest
At the end of each WORK PERIOD
Remember, it's not EACH DAY for a part time employee because they don't work EACH
DAY. We say "Work Period" just so everyone understands that at the end of a work day, you
HAVE to clean your PPE.
Detection and tracking of development of pests; key to building effective management
programs; verifies pest presence and helps predict outbreaks; helps observe habits, life
cycles, natural enemies, properly time applications, assess effectiveness of control
measures Don't memorize this statement...try to UNDERSTAND the statement.
It's a pesticide (usually used on plants) that the plant ABSORBS and is transported to all
parts of the plant. In other words, the WHOLE plant now is toxic to an insect when that
insect tries to eat a part of the plant.
Definition 4 of 215
1. Employers must have arrangements in advance for emergency medical care;
2. Employers must inform employees of name and location of medical facility; name, address, and
number of medical facility must be posted;
3. When receiving treatment - must provide medical personnel with product name, ingredients,
registration numbers, SDS, circumstances of use, circumstances resulting in exposure
What is a "pesticide residue tolerance?"
What is the purpose of monitoring for pesticide residues?
What are the requirements of emergency medical care for pesticide handlers?
The difference between CA laws and DPR regulations is that laws are
,Term 5 of 215
Which is an example of non-point-source contamination of groundwater?
Leaching from pesticide mixing area (a place where pesticide handlers are usually mixing
their pesticides on a farm...."that" one area).
Dumping leftover pesticide products down a well
Pesticides that dissolve a leach through the soil after it rains
Definition 6 of 215
IPM is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their
damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation,
modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties. Pesticides are used only after
monitoring indicates they are needed according to established guidelines, and treatments are
made with the goal of removing only the target organism. Pest control materials are selected and
applied in a manner that minimizes risks to human health, beneficial and nontarget organisms, and
the environment.
Define a pest treatment threshold:
Define economic injury:
Define IPM (Integrated Pest Management)
Define Integrated Pest Management
Term 7 of 215
Which statement is true about pest management strategies in IPM?
None of the above
The goal is often to maintain pest damage at economically acceptable levels.
Eradication is never the goal in an IPM program.
Pesticides are not included in an IPM strategy.
, Term 8 of 215
Monitor after every treatment to learn...
Eradication is destroying an entire pest population.
The goal is often to maintain pest damage at economically acceptable levels.
Obtain permission from the operator of the property.
Whether the control activity was successful
Term 9 of 215
What does WP stand for?
Wettable powder. (Years ago, Cyper WSP used to be sold as little dissolvable
bags that hold the just got a little scooper and literally scoop the dry
pesticide into your backpack sprayer).
It maintains an air program identifying and mitigating unacceptable air concentrations and
emissions from applications; monitors levels at several locations seasonally and year-
round; evaluates and identifies contaminants, tracks and reduces volatile organic
compound emissions, and develops and implements regulatory requirements to reduce
impact of fumigants
1. Vertebrate pests (gophers, moles, rats, things that have bones)
2. Invertebrate pests (insects, things that don't have bones)
3. Weeds;
4. Disease agents (like fungus diseases on rose bushes)
Its an ADDITIONAL label that comes with the pesticide if the label is too big to be placed (in
its entirety) on the original pesticide container. Example: Fumi: The labeled can actually
comes with a 48 page booklet to explain the 10 million different things you have to know
when using this product :)