Fundamentals of Neuropsychological Assessment
and Test Reviews for Clinical Practice
Elisabeth M. S. Sherman, Jing Ee Tan,
and Marianne Hrabok
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This book is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Esther Strauss, mentor, role model, and friend. Esther was one of the first female
neuropsychologists whom we saw gracefully mix science, scholarship, and family. She was humble and hard-working; she
taught us that the most daunting tasks of scholarship don’t require innate stores of superlative brilliance or rarified knowledge;
they simply require putting one’s head down and getting to work. Over the years, we saw her navigate life with warmth,
humor, and intelligence, and witnessed her dedication to and love of neuropsychology. She died too soon, in 2009, three years
after the last edition of this book was published; her imprint is still there in the words of this book. She is deeply missed.
We also want to acknowledge and remember Dr. Otfried Spreen. Otfried was a pioneer in neuropsychology who helped shape
neuropsychology as we know it today through successive generations of students, academics, and clinicians who relied on his
writings and scholarly work as roadmaps on how to understand and best practice neuropsychology. The very first edition of this
book was a compilation of tests used at the University of Victoria Neuropsychology Laboratory at a time where few commercial
tests existed and neuropsychologists relied on researchers for normative data. We hope that the current edition lives up to
Otfried’s initial vision of a useful compilation of tests for practicing clinicians.
Preface ix Dementia Rating Scale-2 (DRS-2) 213
General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE),
2. VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY IN Mini-Mental State Examination, 2nd Edition
NEW PERSPECTIVES 24 Examination (3MS) 237
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) 260
Brief Test of Attention (BTA) 273
Conners Continuous Performance Test
National Adult Reading Test (NART) 48
3rd Edition (CPT 3) 283
Oklahoma Premorbid Intelligence Estimate-IV (OPIE-IV) 58
Integrated Visual and Auditory
Test of Premorbid Functioning (TOPF) 64 Continuous Performance Test, Second
Edition (IVA-2) 289
Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) 298
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition
Ruff 2 & 7 Selective Attention Test (2 & 7 Test) 318
(KBIT-2) 73
Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) 327
Raven’s Progressive Matrices 78
Test of Everyday Attention (TEA) 347
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second
Edition (RIAS-2) and Reynolds Intellectual Test of Variables of Attention (T.O.V.A.) 356
Screening Test, Second Edition (RIST-2) 87
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Fourth Edition
(TONI-4) 92 Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive
Function—Adult Version (BRIEF-A) 362
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence,
Second Edition (WASI-II) 96 Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive
Syndrome (BADS) 374
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Fourth
Edition (WAIS-IV) 100 Category Test (CAT) 382
Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Clock Drawing Test (CDT) 391
Abilities (WJ IV COG) 119 Cognitive Estimation Test (CET) 409
6. NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL BATTERIES AND Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System
CNS Vital Signs (CNS VS) 129 Design Fluency Test 434
Kaplan Baycrest Neurocognitive Assessment (KBNA) 142 Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX) 442
Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB) 148 Five-Point Test 448
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Frontal Systems Behavior Scale (FrSBe) 457
Neuropsychological Status (RBANS Update) 165 Hayling and Brixton Tests 466
Ruff Neurobehavioral Inventory (RNBI) 190 Ruff Figural Fluency Test (RFFT) 480
Stroop Test (Stroop) 488
Trail Making Test (TMT) 518
7 Minute Screen (7MS) 196
Verbal Fluency Test 549
Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive
(ADAS-Cog) 201 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) 583
Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) 206
viii | C ontents
10. MEMORY 602 University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification
Benton Visual Retention Test Fifth Edition (BVRT-5) 602 Test (UPSIT) 880
Brief Visuospatial Memory Test—Revised (BVMT-R) 614 14. MOTOR FUNCTION 892
California Verbal Learning Test—Second Edition Finger Tapping Test (FTT) 892
(CVLT-II) 624
Grip Strength 904
Continuous Visual Memory Test (CVMT) 636
Grooved Pegboard Test 914
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test—Revised (HVLT-R) 642
Purdue Pegboard Test 923
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) 665
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (RCFT) 697 15. PERFORMANCE VALIDITY 930
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test—Third b Test 930
Edition (RBMT-3) 720 Dot Counting Test (DCT) 937
Selective Reminding Test (SRT) 726 Medical Symptom Validity Test (MSVT) 944
Tactual Performance Test (TPT) 752 Non-Verbal Medical Symptom Validity Test
Warrington Recognition Memory Test (WRMT) 760 (NV-MSVT) 957
Wechsler Memory Scale—Fourth Edition Rey Fifteen-Item Test (FIT) 966
(WMS-IV) 769 Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) 974
Victoria Symptom Validity Test (VSVT) 987
11. LANGUAGE 786
Word Choice 995
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination Third
Edition (BDAE-3) 786 Word Memory Test (WMT) 1002
Boston Naming Test, Second Edition (BNT-2) 797 16. SYMPTOM VALIDITY 1019
Multilingual Aphasia Examination Third Edition Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2
(MAE) 829 (MMPI-2) 1019
Token Test 835 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2
Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) 1038
Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) 1056
Benton Facial Recognition Test (FRT) 843
Structured Inventory of Malingered
Hooper Visual Organization Test (HVOT) 850 Symptomatology (SIMS) 1068
Judgment of Line Orientation (JLO) 858
13. SENSORY FUNCTION 871 List of Acronyms 1081
Bells Cancellation Test 871 Test Index 1085
Finger Localization 876 Subject Index 1097
KNOW YOUR T O O L S Clinical Solutions (ACS), and Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Test-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) since
How well do you know your tools? Although most of us the previous edition. As an example, the ACS has an online
have a fairly good grasp of the main advantages and limita- manual that is almost 400 pages long, in addition to an ad-
tions of the tests we use, if we dig below the surface, we see ministration and scoring manual of more than 150 pages; the
that this knowledge can at times be quite shallow. For ex- MMPI-2-RF has multiple test manuals and entire books ded-
ample, how many neuropsychologists know the test-retest icated to its use. In parallel, since the previous edition of this
reliability coefficients for all the tests in their battery or can book, there was an exponential increase in the number of re-
describe the sensitivity and specificity of their tests? This is search studies involving neuropsychological tests. As authors
not because the information is lacking (although this is also and practicing clinicians, we were elated at the amount of
at times a problem), and it isn’t because the information is new scholarship on neuropsychological assessment, yet dis-
difficult to find. Indeed, most of the information one could mayed as our offices became stacked with paperwork and
ever want on neuropsychological tests can be found on the our virtual libraries and online cloud storage repeatedly
office shelves of practicing neuropsychologists, in the test reached maximum storage capacity. The sheer volume of lit-
manuals of the tests we most frequently use. The rest can be erature that we reviewed for this book was staggering, and
easily obtained via literature searches or online. A working completing this book was the most challenging professional
knowledge of neuropsychological tests is hampered by the task we have encountered. Our wish for this book is that our
most common of modern-day afflictions: lack of time, too efforts will have been worth it. At the very least, we hope that
many priorities, and, for want of a better term, information the time we spent on this book will save the readers some
overload. time of their own.
Understanding the tests we use requires enough time to The essential goal for this book was to create a clinical
read test manuals and to regularly survey the research liter- reference that would provide, in a relatively easy-to-read,
ature for pertinent information as it arises. However, there searchable format, major highlights of the most commonly
are simply too many manuals and too many studies for the used neuropsychological tests in the form of comprehensive,
average neuropsychologist to stay up to date on the strengths empirically based critical reviews. To do this, we balanced
and weaknesses of every test used. The reality is that many between acting as clinicians and acting as researchers: we
tests have lengthy manuals several hundred pages long, were researchers when we reviewed the details of the
and some tests are associated with literally hundreds, even scientific literature for each test, and we were clinicians
thousands, of research studies. The longer the neuropsy- when providing commentary on tests, focusing as much on
chological battery, the higher the stack of manuals and the the practicalities of the test as on the scientific literature. As
more voluminous the research. A thorough understanding every neuropsychologist knows, there are some exquisitely
of every test’s psychometric properties and research base, in researched tests that are terrible to use in clinical practice
addition to expert competency in administration, scoring, because they are too long, too cumbersome, or too com-
and interpretation, requires hours and hours of time, plicated, and this was essential to convey to the readership
which for most practicing neuropsychologists is simply not so that the book could be of practical utility to everyday
feasible. clinicians like ourselves.
Our own experience bears this out. As is always the case In addition to the core focus on test reviews, the book
prior to launching a revision of the Compendium, there was was also designed to provide an overview of foundational
a large number of tests to review since the previous edition, psychometric concepts relevant to neuropsychological
and this was compounded by the release of several major practice including overviews of models of test validity and
test batteries and complex scales such as the Wechsler Adult basics of reliability which have been updated since the
Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV), Wechsler previous edition. As well, woven throughout the text is a
Memory Scale, Fourth Edition (WMS- IV), Advanced greater emphasis on performance validity and symptom