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Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis 15TH EDITION Lynda Juall Carpenito $13.99
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Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis 15TH EDITION Lynda Juall Carpenito

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Many nurses, and even some faculty, question the usefulness of nursing diagnosis. Unfortunately, nursing diagnosis is still joined at the hip with traditional care planning. It is time to separate these conjoined twins so that both can function separately. Nursing diagnosis defines the science a...

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, Nursing
Diagnosis Index
Activity Intolerance 2 8 Confusion, Chronic 1 3 4
Activity Planning, Ineffective 3 3 Confusion, Risk for Acute 1 3 4
Activity Planning, Risk for Contamination, Family 146
Ineffective 3 4 Contamination, Individual 1 3 9
Adverse Reaction t o Iodinated Contamination, Risk for
Contrast Media, Risk for 3 4 Community 1 47
Airway Clearance, Ineffective 3 5 Contamination, Risk for
Allergy Response, Risk for 4 1 Individual 145
Anxiety 46 Continuous Urinary
Anxiety, Death 54 Incontinence 642
Aspiration, Risk for 3 2 5 Coping, Compromised Family 1 7 5
Bathing Self-Care Deficit 5 1 3 Coping, Defensive 1 5 7
Bed Mobility, Impaired 3 6 5 Coping, Disabled Family 1 7 6
Bleeding, Risk for 5 8 Coping, Ineffective
Blood Glucose Level, Risk for Community 1 7 2
Unstable 59 Coping, Ineffective 1 49
Body Image, Disturbed 5 3 0 Coping, Readiness for
Bowel Incontinence 60 Enhanced 660
Breast Milk, Insufficient 7 1 Coping, Readiness for Enhanced
Breastfeeding, Ineffective 63 Community 662
Breastfeeding, Interrupted 70 Corneal Injury, Risk for 444
Breastfeeding, Readiness for Decision Making, Readiness for
Enhanced 657 Enhanced 666
Breathing Pattern, Ineffective 500 Decisional Conflict 1 8 3
Cardiac Output, Decreased 72 Denial, Ineffective 1 6 3
Cardiac Tissue Perfusion, Risk for Dentition, Impaired 396
Decreased 6 1 2 Diarrhea 1 8 8
Caregiver Role Strain 7 3 Disuse Syndrome, Risk for 1 9 3
Caregiver Role Strain, Risk for 80 Diversional Activity, Deficient 2 0 1
Cerebral Tissue Perfusion, Risk for Dressing Self-Care Deficit 5 1 8
Ineffective 6 1 3 Dry Eye, Risk for 446
Childbearing Process, Dysreflexia, Autonomic 206
Ineffective 83 Dysreflexia, Risk for
Childbearing Process, Readiness for Autonomic 2 1 0
Enhanced 658 Electrolyte Imbalance, Risk
Childbearing Process, Risk for for 2 1 0
Ineffective 8 5 Falls, Risk for 3 2 8
Comfort, Impaired 86 Family Coping, Readiness for
Comfort, Readiness for Enhanced 668
Enhanced 659 Family Processes,
Communication, Impaired Dysfunctional 2 1 6
Verbal 1 2 6 Family Processes, Interrupted 2 1 1
Communication, Impaired 1 2 1 Family Processes, Readiness for
Communication, Readiness for Enhanced 669
Enhanced 659 Fear 2 2 0
Confusion, Acute 1 2 8 Feeding Self-Care Deficit 5 1 2

,ii Nursing Diagnosis I ndex

Fluid Balance, Readiness for Latex Allergy Response 345
Enhanced 6 7 1 Latex Allergy Response, Risk
Fluid Volume, Deficient 2 2 6 for 348
Fluid Volume, Excess 2 3 2 Lifestyle, Sedentary 3 5 0
Fluid Volume, Risk for Liver Function, Risk for
D eficient 2 3 1 Impaired 3 5 3
Fluid Volume, Risk for Maternal!Fetal Dyad, Risk for
Imbalanced 2 3 7 Disturbed 3 54
Functional Urinary Maturational Enuresis 628
Incontinence 6 3 2 Memory, Impaired 3 5 5
Gas Exchange, Impaired 504 Mobility, Impaired Physical 3 5 8
Gastrointestinal Motility, Mood Regulation, Impaired 1 7 1
Dysfunctional 2 3 8 Moral Distress 3 7 4
Gastrointestinal Motility, Risk for Moral Distress, Risk for 3 7 8
Dysfunctional 2 3 9 Nausea 1 1 7
Gastrointestinal Tissue Perfusion, Neglect, Self 3 8 1
Risk for Ineffective 6 1 5 Neglect, Unilateral 3 82
Grieving 240 Noncompliance 3 86
Grieving, Anticipatory 248 Nutrition, Imbalanced 3 8 8
Grieving, Complicated 2 52 Nutrition, Readiness for
Grieving, Risk for Complicated 256 Enhanced 6 8 1
Health Behavior, Risk-Prone 259 Obesity 404
Health Maintenance, Overweight 4 1 0
Ineffective 2 64 Overweight, Risk for 4 1 3
Health Management, Oral Mucous Membrane,
Ineffective 2 7 5 Impaired 448
Health, Deficient Community 2 5 7 Oral Mucous Membrane, Impaired,
Home Maintenance, Impaired 2 8 1 Risk for 454
Hope, Readiness for Enhanced 676 Overflow Urinary
Hopelessness 2 86 Incontinence 648
Human Dignity, Risk for Pain, Acute 92
Compromised 293 Pain, Chronic 1 0 1
Impulse Control, Ineffective 1 6 1 Pain, Labor 1 1 0
Infant Behavior, Disorganized 297 Parenting, Impaired 4 1 9
Infant Behavior, Readiness for Parenting, Readiness for
Enhanced Organized 677 Enhanced 682
Infant Behavior, Risk for Perioperative Positioning Injury,
Disorganized 3 04 Risk for 3 3 5
Infant Feeding Pattern, Peripheral Neurovascular
Ineffective 400 Dysfunction, Risk for 62 1
Infection Transmission, Risk Peripheral Tissue Perfusion,
for 3 1 2 Ineffective 6 1 6
Infection, Risk for 3 0 5 Peripheral Tissue Perfusion, Risk for
Injury, Risk for 3 1 7 Ineffective 62 0
Insomnia 582 Personal Identity, Disturbed 5 3 7
Instrumental Self-Care Deficit 52 1 Personal Identity, Risk for
Intracranial Adaptive Capacity, Disturbed 5 3 8
Decreased 342 Poisoning, Risk for 3 3 3
Jaundice, Neonatal 3 42 Post-Trauma Syndrome 424
Jaundice, Risk for Neonatal 3 43 Post-Trauma Syndrome, Risk
Knowledge (Specify), Readiness for for 430
Enhanced 6 8 1 Power, Readiness for Enhanced 683
Knowledge, Deficient 3 44 Powerlessness 436
Labile Emotional Control 1 6 8 Powerlessness, Risk for 441

, Nursing Diagnosis I ndex iii

Pressure Ulcer 460 Sitting, Impaired 3 67
Pressure Ulcer, Risk for 467 Skin Integrity, Impaired 459
Protection, Ineffective 44 1 Skin Integrity, Risk for
Rape-Trauma Syndrome 430 Impaired 459
Reflex Urinary Incontinence 637 Sleep Deprivation 5 84
Relationship, Ineffective 474 Sleep Pattern, Disturbed 574
Relationship, Readiness for Sleep, Readiness for Enhanced 689
Enhanced 684 Social Isolation 5 84
Relationship, Risk for Sorrow, Chronic 586
Ineffective 4 7 5 Spiritual Distress 589
Religiosity, Impaired 596 Spiritual Distress, Risk for 595
Religiosity, Readiness for Spiritual \Veil-Being, Readiness for
Enhanced 685 Enhanced 690
Religiosity, Risk for Impaired 599 Spontaneous Ventilation,
Relocation Stress [Syndrome] 476 Impaired 505
Relocation Stress [Syndrome], Risk Standing, Impaired 3 68
for 480 Stress Overload 600
Renal Perfusion, Risk for Stress Urinary Incontinence 639
Ineffective 622 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Risk
Resilience, Impaired Individual 484 for 605
Resilience, Readiness for Suffocation, Risk for 3 3 3
Enhanced 686 Suicide, Risk for 5 5 9
Resilience, Risk for Surgical Recovery, Delayed 607
Compromised 484 Surgical Recovery, Risk for
Respiratory Function, Risk for Delayed 608
Ineffective 486 Swallowing, Impaired 396
Role Performance, Ineffective 506 Thermal Injury, Risk for 3 3 3
Self-Care Deficit Syndrome 507 Tissue Integrity, Impaired 456
Self-Care, Readiness for Tissue Perfusion, Ineffective 6 1 1
Enhanced 688 Toileting Self-Care Deficit 52 1
Self-Concept, Disturbed 526 Transfer Ability, Impaired 3 72
Self-Concept, Readiness for Trauma, Risk for 3 3 5
Enhanced 688 Urge Urinary Incontinence 644
Self-Esteem, Chronic Low 542 Urge Urinary Incontinence, Risk
Self-Esteem, Risk for Chronic for 648
Low 545 Urinary Elimination, Impaired 624
Self-Esteem, Disturbed 5 3 9 Urinary Elimination, Readiness for
Self-Esteem, Risk for Situational Enhanced 692
Low 549 Urinary Tract Injury, Risk for 3 3 8
Self-Esteem, Situational Low 546 Vascular Trauma, Risk for 65 1
Self-Harm, Risk for 5 50 Ventilatory Weaning Response,
Self-Mutilation 556 Dysfunctional 494
Self-Mutilation, Risk for 557 Ventilatory \Veaning Response, Risk
Sexual Dysfunction 5 72 for Dysfunctional 494
Sexuality Pattern, Ineffective 566 Walking, Impaired 3 69
Shock, Risk for 573 Wheelchair Mobility, Impaired 3 70

Definitions designated as NANDA-I and characteristics and factors identified
with a blue asterisk are from Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification
2012-2014. Copyright © 2 0 1 2 , 2 009, 2007, 2003, 2 00 1 , 1 998, 1 996, 1 994 by
NANDA International. Used by arrangement with Blackwell Publishing Lim­
ited, a company of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. In order to make safe and effective
judgments using NANDA-I nursing diagnoses, it is essential that nurses refer to
the definitions and defining characteristics of the diagnoses listed in this work.

,Handbook of


LyndaJuall Carpenito, RN, MSN, CRNP
Family Nurse Practitioner
ChesPenn Health Services
Chester, Pennsylvania
Nursing Consultant
Mullica Hill, New Jersey

(:), Wolters Kluwer
Philadelphia· Baltimore· New York· london
Buenos Aires· Hong Kong· Sydney· Tokyo

,Acquisitions Editor: Natasha lv1clntyre
Prodmt Development Editm·: Annette Ferran
Dh·ector ofPmduct Development: Jennifer Forestieri
EditorialA�)isttmt: Dan Reillv
Design Coordinatm·: Holly IvlcLaughlin
SeniorProductionPmject 1Wtmager: Cynthia Rudy
A1anufactm·ing Cnordinatm·: Karin Duffield
Prep1·e.1)' Vendm·: S4Carlisle Publishing Services

15th Edition

Copyright© 2017 by LyndaJuall Carpenito.

Copyright© 2013 by LyndaJuall Carpenito. Copyright© 2010,2008 by LyndaJuall
Carpenito-Moyet. Copyright© 2006, 2004, 2002, 1997,1995,1993 by LyndaJuall
Carpenito. Copyright© 1991,1989,1987,1985 by]. B. Lippincott Company. All rights
reserved. This hook is protected by copyright. No part of this hook may be reproduced or
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Printed in China

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

ISBN-13, 978-1-4963-3839-6

LSBN-m 1-4963-3839-1

Cataloging in Publication data available on request from publisher.

This work is provided "as is," and the publisher disclaims any and all warranties, express
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content of this work.

This work is no substitute for individual patient assessment based upon health care profes­
sionals' examination of each patient and consideration of, among other things, age,weight,
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Given continuous,rapid advances in medical science and health information,independent
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should consult a variety of sources. \Vhen prescribing medication,health care professionals
are advised to consult the product information sheet (the manufacturer's package insert)
accompanying each drug to verify, among other things,conditions of use,warnings,and side
effects and identify any changes in dosage schedule or contraindications,particularly if the
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,To 0 len, my son
for your wisdom and commitment to justice

for our quiet moments and embraces

for Olen]ro and Aiden

for your presence in my life

0 0 0 I am grateful

for you are my daily reminder of what is

really important o o o

love, health, and human trust


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