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Lehne’s Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice
Lehne’s Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice
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lehnes pharmacotherapeutics
lehnes pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice
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Test vBank vfor vLehne’s vPharmacotherapeutics vfor vAdvanced vPractice vNurses vand
vPhysician vAssistants v2nd vEdition vRosenthal
,Lehne’s vPharmacotherapeutics vfor vAdvanced vPractice vNurses vand vPhysician vAssistants
v2nd vEdition vRosenthal vTest vBank vREVISED vEDITION 2
Chapter v1: vPrescriptive vAuthority vTest vBank
vMultiple vChoice
1. An vAPRN vworks vin va vurology vclinic vunder vthe vsupervision vof va vphysician vwho
vdoes vnot vrestrict vthe vtypes vof vmedications vthe vAPRN vis vallowed vto vprescribe. vState vlaw
vdoes vnot vrequire vthe vAPRN vto vpractice vunder vphysician vsupervision. vHow vwould vthe
vAPRN‘s vprescriptive vauthority vbe vdescribed?
a. Full vauthority
b. Independent
c. Without vlimitation
d. Limited vauthority
The vAPRN vhas vindependent vprescriptive vauthority vbecause vthe vregulating vbody vdoes vnot
vrequire vthat vthe vAPRN vwork vunder vphysician vsupervision. vFull vprescriptive vauthority
vgives vthe vprovider vthe vright vto vprescribe vindependently vand vwithout vlimitation. vLimited
vauthority vplaces vrestrictions von vthe vtypes vof vdrugs vthat vcan vbe vprescribed v.DIF:
vCognitive vLevel: vComprehension vREF: vp.
1TOP: vNursing vProcess: vI vMSC: vNCLEX vClient vNeeds vCategory: vPhysiologic
vIntegrity: vPharmacologic vand vParenteral vTherapies
2. Which vfactors vincrease vthe vneed vfor vAPRNs vto vhave vfull vprescriptive vauthority?
a. More vpatients vwill vhave vaccess vto vhealth vcare.
b. Enrollment vin vmedical vschools vis vpredicted vto vdecrease.
c. Physician‘s vassistants vare vbeing vutilized vless voften.
d. APRN veducation vis vmore vcomplex vthan veducation vfor vphysicians.
Implementation vof vthe vAffordable vCare vAct vhas vincreased vthe vnumber vof vindividuals vwith
vhealth vcare vcoverage, vand vthus vthe vnumber vwho vhave vaccess vto vhealth vcare vservices. vThe
vincrease vin vthe vnumber vof vpatients vcreates vthe vneed vfor vmore vproviders vwith vprescriptive
vauthority. vAPRNs vcan vfill vthis vpractice vgap. vDIF: vCognitive vLevel: vComprehension vREF:
vp. v2TOP: vNursing vProcess: vImplementation vMSC: vNCLEX vClient vNeeds vCategory:
vPhysiologic vIntegrity: vPharmacologic vand vParenteral vTherapies
,Lehne’s vPharmacotherapeutics vfor vAdvanced vPractice vNurses vand vPhysician vAssistants
v2nd vEdition vRosenthal vTest vBank vREVISED vEDITION 3
3. Which vfactors vcould vbe vattributed vto vlimited vprescriptive vauthority vfor vAPRNs?
vSelect vall vthat vapply.
a. Inaccessibility vof vpatient v care
b. Higher vhealth vcare vcosts
c. Higher vquality vmedical vtreatment
d. Improved vcollaborative vcare
e. Enhanced vhealth vliteracy
ANS: vA v, vB
Limiting vprescriptive vauthority vfor vAPRNs vcan vcreate vbarriers vto vquality, vaffordable, vand
vaccessible vpatient vcare. vIt vmay valso vlead vto vpoor vcollaboration vamong vproviders vand
vhigher vhealth vcare vcosts. vIt vwould vnot vdirectly vimpact vpatient‘s vhealth vliteracy.DIF:
vCognitive vLevel: vComprehensionREF:
p. v2TOP: vNursing vProcess: vImplementation vMSC: vNCLEX vClient vNeeds vCategory:
vPhysiologic vIntegrity: vPharmacologic vand vParenteral vTherapies
4. Which vaspects vsupport vthe vAPRN‘s vprovision vfor vfull vprescriptive vauthority?
vSelect vall vthat vapply.
a. Clinical veducation vincludes vprescription vof vmedications vand vdisease vprocesses.
b. Federal vregulations vsupport vthe vprovision vof vfull vauthority vfor vAPRNs.
c. National vexaminations vprovide vvalidation vof vthe vAPRN‘s vability vto vprovide vsafecare.
d. Licensure vensures vcompliance vwith vhealth vcare vand vsafety vstandards.
e. Limiting vprovision vcan vdecrease vhealth vcare vaffordability.
ANS: vA v, vC v, vD
APRNs vare veducated vto vpractice vand vprescribe vindependently vwithout vsupervision.
vNational vexaminations vvalidate vthe vability vto vprovide vsafe vand vcompetent vcare. vLicensure
vensures vcompliance vwith vstandards vto vpromote vpublic vhealth vand vsafety. vLimited
vprescriptive vauthority vcreates vnumerous vbarriers vto vquality, vaffordable, vand vaccessible
vpatient vcare.DIF: vCognitive vLevel: vComprehensionREF: vpp. v1-2TOP: vNursing vProcess:
vImplementation vMSC: vNCLEX vClient vNeeds vCategory: vPhysiologic vIntegrity:
vPharmacologic vand vParenteral vTherapies
, Lehne’s vPharmacotherapeutics vfor vAdvanced vPractice vNurses vand vPhysician vAssistants
v2nd vEdition vRosenthal vTest vBank vREVISED vEDITION 4
5. Which vaspects vsupport vthe vAPRN‘s vprovision vfor vfull vprescriptive vauthority?
vSelect vall vthat vapply.
a. Clinical veducation vincludes vprescription vof vmedications vand vdisease vprocesses.
b. Federal vregulations vsupport vthe vprovision vof vfull vauthority vfor vAPRNs.
c. National vexaminations vprovide vvalidation vof vthe vAPRN‘s vability vto vprovide vsafecare.
d. Licensure vensures vcompliance vwith vhealth vcare vand vsafety vstandards.
ANS: vA v, vC v, vD
APRNs vare veducated vto vpractice vand vprescribe vindependently vwithout vsupervision.
vNational vexaminations vvalidate vthe vability vto vprovide vsafe vand vcompetent vcare. vLicensure
vensures vcompliance vwith vstandards vto vpromote vpublic vhealth vand vsafety. vLimited
vprescriptive vauthority vcreates vnumerous vbarriers vto vquality, vaffordable, vand vaccessible
vpatient vcare.DIF: vCognitive vLevel:
Comprehension vREF: vpp. v 1-2TOP: vNursing vProcess: vImplementation MSC: vNCLEX
vClient vNeeds vCategory: vPhysiologic vIntegrity: vPharmacologic vand vParenteral vTherapies
6. A vfamily vnurse vpractitioner vpracticing vin vMaine vis vhired vat va vpractice vacross vstate
vlines vin vVirginia. vWhich vaspect vof vpractice vmay vchange vfor vthe vAPRN?
a. The vAPRN vwill vhave vless vprescriptive vauthority vin vthe vnew vposition.
b. The vAPRN vwill vhave vmore vprescriptive vauthority vin vthe vnew vposition.
c. The vAPRN vwill vhave vequal vprescriptive vauthority vin vthe vnew vposition.
d. The vAPRN‘s vauthority vwill vdepend von vfederal
vregulations. vANS: vA
Virginia vallows vlimited vprescriptive vauthority, vwhile vMaine vgives vfull vauthority vto vcertified
vnurse vpractitioners. vThe vfederal vgovernment vdoes vnot vregulate vprescriptive vauthority.DIF:
vCognitive vLevel: vComprehensionREF: vp. v3TOP: vNursing vProcess: vImplementation vMSC:
vNCLEX vClient vNeeds vCategory: vPhysiologic vIntegrity: vPharmacologic vand vParenteral