Pathophysiology NU545 Unit 3 STD
Comprehensive Exam Solved Correctly.
Gonorrhea - Answer Caused by Gonococci.PID sterility disseminated infection (which is spread through
out the bloodstream to the skin, joints, and heart. Infection can be local or systemic.
Gonorrhea - Answer Passes from mother to child across the amniotic membranes, by direct inoculation
with a fetal scalp electrode during labor monitoring or during passage through the birth canal,
usually manifests as an eye infection and develops 1-12 days after birth. Ophthalmic abx are not
sufficient to prevent infection. Causes corneal ulceration, with profuse yellow or gray exudate that is
following by necrosis, scarring and compromised vision
Syphilis - Answer 4 Stages: 1. primary chancre 2. spread to all systems 3. latent min symptoms 4.
tertiary syphilis most severe stage, distraction of bone, skin, and neurological issues; Congenital syphilis
contributes to prematurity of the newborn bone marrow depression, CNS involvement, renal failure, and
intrauterine growth retardation.
Chancroid - Answer 1-14 day incubation period. Women generally asymptomatic but can have dysuria,
dyspareunia, vaginal discharge, pain on defecation, or rectal bleeding. A vesicopustule lesion forms and
erodes into soft ulcer with a necrotic base, surrounding erythema, and a ragged, serpiginous border.
Unilateral painful, local lymphadenopathy presents primarily in men. Inguinal buboes (abscess) develop
and fill with exudate. Lesions spread through autoinoculation.
Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis) - Answer Rare in the U.S. -Bacteria are gram negative and survive
within macrophages. Localized nodules coalesce to form granlomas and ulc ers on the penis in men and
labia in women. A chronic and progressively destructive bacterial infection.Disease can spread to bones,
joints, and liver. Infection can spread to inguinale area and produce pseudobuboes.
Bacterial Vaginosis - Answer Over growth of anaerobic bacteria, pH rises in vagina, "clue cells" are
found on a wet mount, fishy odor present assoc with PID, choriamnionitis, preterm labor, postpartum
endometritis; Treatment of males is not recommended.
Bacterial STI's - Answer Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chancroid, Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis), Bacterial
, Chlamydia - Answer Most common STI in the US; leading cause of infertility; common bacterial STI in
the US; Cause is C. trachomatis; localizes to the epithelial tissue and can spread through the urogential
tract or pass from the infected mother to NB infant during birth.
Lymphogranuloma Venereum - Answer Uncommon in US, initially a skin lesion that spreads into the
lymph system, causing inflammation, necrosis, buboes, and abscesses of the inguinal lymph tissue;
Secondary infections: meningitis, pneumonia,
Lymphogranuloma Venereum - Answer Primary Lesions: MALE: penis&scrotum FEMALE: cervix vaginal
wall and labia. Secondary Lesions: inflammation and swelling of the lymph nodes with formation of large
blue buboes that rupture and form draining ulcerative lesions.
Nongoncoccal or nonspecific urethritis - Answer NGU is associated with heterosexual men, men of
higher socioeconomic status, caused by a VARIETY of microbes. C. Trachomatis is the most common
cause, this disease is also associated with gonorrheal and chlamydial infection and develop biphasic
illness because of the longer incubation.
Chlamydial Infections - Answer Urogenital Infections: Chlamydia
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
Nongoncoccal or nonspecific urethritis
Genital Herpes - Answer Most common genital ulceration in the US, lesions appear as groups of
vesicles progress to ulceration with pain, lymphadenopathy and fever; HERPES can pass from mother to
unborn fetus, causing spontaneous abortion or prematurity; THREE district syndromes: a) 1st episode
primary infection b) 1st episode non primary infection c) recurrent infection. Caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2.
HPV - Answer Assoc with cervical dysplasia, cancer, condylomata; HIGH risk strains cause cancer (not
warts); condylomata acuminata (genital warts) are associated with multiple sex partners and HIGHLY
contagious; can be transmitted to infant at birth;most common symptomatic STI. HR-HPV is high risk
strain precursor to cervical cancer.
Molluscum Contagisoum - Answer benign viral infection of the skin, transmitted skin to skin contact in
children. In adults tends to occur on genitalia and be transmitted by sexual contact.