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practice test bank medical-surgical-nursing-500 questions

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1. According to Maslow, which of the following categories of needs represents the most basic? a) Physiologic needs Physiologic needs must be met before an individual is able to move toward psychological health and wellbeing. b) Self-actualization Self-actualization is the highest level of nee...

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1. According to Maslow, which of the following prominence can be traced to the decreased cost of
categories of needs represents the most basic? care associated with decreased length of hospital
a) Physiologic needs stay, coupled with rapid and frequent inter-unit
Physiologic needs must be met before an individual is transfers from specialty to standard care units.
able to move toward psychological health and well- b) increased length of hospital stay.
being. In general, length of hospital stay has decreased over
b) Self-actualization the past 5 years.
Self-actualization is the highest level of need c) discharge from specialty care units to home.
c) Safety and security needs In general, patients are transferred from specialty
Safety and security needs, while lower level, are not care units to standard care units at least 24 hours
essential to physiologic survival. prior to discharge.
d) Belongingness d) limited availability for inter-unit hospital transfers.
Belongingness and affection needs are not essential In general, patients in acute care hospitals undergo
to physiologic survival. frequent inter-unit transfers from specialty to standard
care units.
2. Which of the following statements reflects the
World Health Organization’s definition of health? 5. A preferred provider organization is described
a) A state of complete physical, mental, and social as a
well-being and not merely the absence of disease a) business arrangement between hospitals and
and infirmity. physicians.
Such a definition, however, does not allow for any PPO’s usually contract to provide health care to
variations in the degrees of wellness or illness. subscribers, usually businesses, for a negotiated fee
b) A condition of homeostatis and adaptation. that often is discounted.
The WHO definition addresses physical, mental, and b) prepaid group health practice system.
social dimensions of being. A prepaid group health practice system is termed
c) An individual’s location along a wellness–illness a health maintenance organization.
continuum. c) limited insurance program.
The concept of a health–illness continuum allows for Insurance is a cost payment system of shared risk,
a greater range in describing a person’s health than not a health care delivery system.
the definition provided by the WHO. d) health care savings account program.
d) A fluid, ever-changing balance reflected through A health care savings account program is an
physical, mental, and social behavior. incentive program to consumers, not a health care
The WHO definition does not allow for any variations delivery system.
in the degrees of wellness and illness.
6. Which of the following categories identifies the
3. Which of the following statements defines focus of community/public health nursing
culture? practice?
a) The learned patterns of behavior, beliefs, and a) Promoting and maintaining the health of populations
values that can be attributed to a particular group of and preventing and minimizing the progress of
people. disease
Included among characteristics that distinguish Although nursing interventions used by public health
cultural groups are manner of dress, values, artifacts, nurses might involve individuals, families, or small
and health beliefs and practices. groups, the central focus remains promoting health
b) A group of people distinguished by genetically and preventing disease in the entire community.
transmitted material. b) Rehabilitation and restorative services
A group of people distinguished by genetically Rehabilitation and restorative services are the focus
transmitted material describes the term race. of extended care facilities and home care nursing.
c) The status of belonging to a particular region by c) Adaptation of hospital care to the home environment
origin, birth, or naturalization. Adaptation of hospital care to the home environment
The status of belonging to a particular region by is the focus of home nursing.
origin, birth, or naturalization describes the term d) Hospice care delivery
nationality. Hospice care delivery refers to the delivery of
d) The classification of a group based upon certain services to the terminally ill.
distinctive characteristics.
The classification of a group based upon certain 7. A major goal for home care nurses is
distinctive characteristics describes the term ethnicity. a) restoring maximum health function.
Tertiary preventive nursing care, focusing on
4. The reason that case management has gained rehabilitation and restoring maximum health function,
such prominence in health care can be traced to is a goal for home care nurses.
a) decreased cost of care associated with inpatient b) promoting the health of populations.
stay. Promoting the health of populations is a focus of
The reasons case management has gained such community/public health nursing.

,c) minimizing the progress of disease. a) Analysis
Minimizing the progress of disease is a focus of Analysis is used to identify patient problems indicated
community/public health nursing. by data.
d) maintaining the health of populations. b) Interpretation
Maintaining the health of populations is a focus of Interpretation is used to determine the significance of
community/public health nursing. data that is gathered.
8. In the United States, nurses performing c) Inferencing
invasive procedures need to be up-to-date with Inferences are used by the nurse to draw
their immunizations, particularly conclusions.
a) hepatitis B. d) Explanation
Hepatitis B is transmitted through contact with Explanation is the justification of actions
infected blood or plasma. or interventions used to address patient problemsand
b) hepatitis E. to help a patient move toward desired outcomes.
Hepatitis E is found mainly in underdeveloped 12. The ethics theory that focuses on ends or
countries with substandard sanitation and water consequences of actions is the
quality. a) utilitarian theory.
c) hepatitis A. Utilitarian theory is based on the concept of the
hepatitis A is transmitted through the oral route from greatest good for the greatest number.
the feces and saliva of an infected person. b) formalist theory.
d) hepatitis C. Formalist theory argues that moral standards exist
At present, immunization against hepatitis C is not independently of the ends or consequences.
available. c) deontological theory.
9. At what time during a patient’s hospital stay Deontological theory argues that moral standards
does discharge planning begin? exist independently of the ends or consequences.
a) Admission d) adaptation theory.
To prepare for early discharge and the possible need Adaptation theory is not an ethics theory.
for follow-up in the home, discharge planning begins 13. Which of the following ethical principles refers
with the patient’s admission. to the duty to do good?
b) Twenty-four hours prior to discharge a) Beneficence
Discharge planning requires identification of patient Beneficence is the duty to do good and the active
needs and anticipatory guidance and is not relegated promotion of benevolent acts.
to a specific time for beginning. b) Fidelity
c) The shift prior to discharge Fidelity refers to the duty to be faithful to one’s
Discharge planning requires communication with and commitments.
cooperation of the patient, family, and health care c) Veracity
team and is not relegated to a specific time for Veracity is the obligation to tell the truth.
beginning. d) Nonmaleficence
d) By the third hospital day Nonmaleficence is the duty not to inflict, as well as to
Discharge planning may require involvement of prevent and remove, harm; it is more binding than
personnel and agencies in the planning process and beneficence.
is not relegated to a specific day of hospital stay. 14. During which step of the nursing process
10. The leading health problems of elementary does the nurse analyze data related to the
school children include patient’s health status?
a) cancer. a) Assessment
The leading health problems of elementary school Analysis of data is included as part of the
children are injuries, infections, malnutrition, dental assessment.
disease, and cancer. b) Implementation
b) alcohol and drug abuse. Implementation is the actualization of the plan of care
Alcohol and drug abuse are leading health problems through nursing interventions.
for high school students. c) Diagnosis
c) mental and emotional problems. Diagnosis is the identification of patient problems.
Mental and emotional problems are leading health d) Evaluation
problems for high school students. Evaluation is the determination of the patient’s
d) homicide. responses to the nursing interventions and the extent
Homicide is a leading health problem for high school to which the outcomes have been achieved.
children. 15. The basic difference between nursing
diagnoses and collaborative problems is that
a) nurses manage collaborative problems using
11. Which skill needed by the nurse to think physician-prescribed interventions.
critically involves identification of Collaborative problems are physiologic complications
patient problemsindicated by data? that nurses monitor to detect onset or changes and
manage through the use of physician-prescribed and

, nursing-prescribedinterventions to minimize the acceptance of an existing illness or the threat of an
complications of events. illness and its influence on the ability to learn.
b) collaborative problems can be managed by d) ability to focus attention.
independent nursing interventions. Physical readiness refers to the patient’s ability to
Collaborative problems require both nursing and cope with physical problems and focus attention upon
physician-prescribed interventions. learning.
c) nursing diagnoses incorporate physician- 19. Asking the patient questions to determine if
prescribed interventions. the person understands the health teaching
Nursing diagnoses can be managed by independent provided would be included during which step of
nursing interventions. the nursing process?
d) nursing diagnoses incorporate physiologic a) Evaluation
complications that nurses monitor to detect change in Evaluation includes observing the person, asking
status. questions, and comparing the patient’s behavioral
Nursing diagnoses refer to actual or potential responses with the expected outcomes.
health problems that can be managed by b) Assessment
independent nursing interventions. Assessment includes determining the patient’s
16. Health education of the patient by the nurse readiness regarding learning.
a) is an independent function of nursing practice. c) Planning and goals
Health education is an independent function of Planning includes identification of teaching strategies
nursing practice and is included in all state nurse and writing the teaching plan.
practice acts. d) Implementation
b) requires a physician’s order. Implementation is the step during which the teaching
Teaching, as a function of nursing, is included in all plan is put into action.
state nurse practice acts. 20. Which of the following items is considered the
c) must be approved by the physician. single most important factor in assisting the
Health education is a primary responsibility of the health professional in arriving at a diagnosis or
nursing profession. determining the person’s needs?
d) must focus on wellness issues. a) History of present illness
Health education by the nurse focuses on promoting, The history of the present illness is the single most
maintaining, and restoring health; preventing illness; important factor in assisting the health professional in
and assisting people to adapt to the residual effects arriving at a diagnosis or determining the person’s
of illness. needs.
17. Nonadherence to therapeutic regimens is a b) Physical examination
significant problem for which of the following age The physical examination is helpful but often only
groups? validates the information obtained from the history.
a) Adults 65 and over c) Diagnostic test results
Elderly people frequently have one or more chronic Diagnostic test results can be helpful, but they often
illnesses that are managed with numerous only verify rather than establish the diagnosis.
medications and complicated by periodic acute d) Biographical data
episodes, making adherence difficult. Biographical information puts the health history in
b) Teenagers context but does not focus the diagnosis.
Problems of teenagers, generally, are time limited
and specific, and require promoting adherence to
treatment to return to health. 21. Of the following areas for assessing the
c) Children patient profile, which should be addressed after
In general, the compliance of children depends on the the others?
compliance of their parents. a) Body image
d) Middle-aged adults The patient is often less anxious when the interview
Middle-aged adults, in general, have fewer progresses from information that is less personal to
health problems, thus promoting adherence. information that is more personal.
18. Experiential readiness to learn refers to the b) Education
patient’s Educational level is relatively impersonal and readily
a) past history with education and life experience. revealed by the patient.
Experiential readiness refers to past experiences that c) Occupation
influence a person’s ability to learn. Occupation is relatively impersonal and readily
b) emotional status. revealed by the patient.
Emotional readiness refers to the patient’s d) Environment
acceptance of an existing illness or the threat of an Housing, religion, and language are relatively
illness and its influence on the ability to learn. impersonal and readily revealed by the patient.
c) acceptance of an existing illness. 22. Which of the following methods of physical
Emotional readiness refers to the patient’s examination refers to the translation of physical
force into sound?

, a) Percussion 26. Which of the following terms, according to
Percussion translates the application of physical force Lazarus, refers to the process through which an
into sound. event is evaluated with respect to what is at stake
b) Palpation and what might and can be done?
Palpation refers to examination by non-forceful a) Cognitive appraisal
touching. The outcome of cognitive appraisal is identification of
c) Auscultation the situation as either stressful or non-stressful.
Auscultation refers to the skill of listening to sounds b) Coping
produced within the body created by movement of air Coping consists of both cognitive and behavioral
or fluid. efforts made to manage the specific external or
d) Manipulation internal demand that taxes a person’s resources.
Manipulation refers to the use of the hands to c) Hardiness
determine motion of a body part. Hardiness is a personality characteristic that is
23. In which range of body mass index (BMI) are composed of control, commitment, and challenge.
patients considered to have increased risk for d) Adaptation
problems associated with poor nutritional status? Lazarus believed adaptation was affected by emotion
a) Below 24 that subsumed stress and coping.
Additionally, higher mortality rates in hospitalized 27. An increase in the number of new cells in an
patients and community-dwelling elderly are organ or tissue that is reversible when the
associated with individuals who have low BMI. stimulus for production of new cells is removed is
b) 25-29 termed
Those who have a BMI of 25 to 29 are considered a) hyperplasia.
overweight. Hyperplasia occurs as cells multiply and are
c) 30 to 39 subjected to increased stimulation resulting in tissue
Those who have BMI of 30-39 are considered obese. mass enlargement.
d) Over 40 b) hypertrophy.
Those who have BMI over 40 are considered Hypertrophy is an increase in size and bulk of tissue
extremely obese. that does not result from an increased number of
24. To calculate the ideal body weight for a cells.
woman, the nurse allows c) atrophy.
a) 100 pounds for 5 feet of height. Atrophy refers to reduction in size of a structure after
To calculate the ideal body weight of a woman, the having come to full maturity.
nurse allows 100 pounds for 5 feet of height and adds d) neoplasia.
5 pounds for each additional inch over 5 feet With neoplasia, the increase in the number of new
b) 106 pounds for 5 feet of height. cells in an organ or tissue continues after the stimulus
The nurse allows 106 pounds for 5 feet of height in is removed.
calculating the ideal body weight for a man. 28. Which of the following types of cells have a
c) 6 pounds for each additional inch over 5 feet. latent ability to regenerate?
The nurse adds 6 pounds for each additional inch a) Stable
over 5 feet in calculating the ideal body weight for a Stable cells have a latent ability to regenerate if they
man. are damaged or destroyed and are found in the
d) 80 pounds for 5 feet of height. kidney, liver, and pancreas, among other body
Eighty pounds for 5 feet of height is too little. organs.
25. A steady state within the body is termed b) Labile
a) homeostasis. Labile cells multiply constantly to replace cells worn
When a change occurs that causes a body function to out by normal physiologic processes.
deviate from its stable range, processes are initiated c) Permanent
to restore and maintain the steady state or Permanent cells include neurons — the nerve cell
homeostasis. bodies, not their axons. Destruction of a neuron
b) constancy. causes permanent loss, but axons may regenerate.
Constancy refers to the balanced internal state of the d) Epithelial
human body maintained by physiologic and Epithelial cells are a type of labile cell that multiply
biochemical processes. constantly to replace cells worn out by normal
c) adaptation. physiologic processes.
Adaptation refers to a constant, ongoing process that 29. The relaxation techniques of progressive
requires change in structure, function, or behavior so muscle relaxation, relaxation with guided
that the person is better suited to the environment. imagery, and the Benson Relaxation Response
d) stress. share which of the following elements?
Stress refers to a state produced by a change in the a) A mental device (something on which to focus the
environment that is perceived as challenging, attention)
threatening, or damaging to the person’s dynamic Similar elements also include a quiet environment, a
balance or equilibrium. comfortable position, and a passive attitude.

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