General Emergency Procedures- Exam Wed
Questions And Answers.
In an emergency coordination bw the cabin & flight crew is _____ - (correct answer) -important
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what type of report must be filed after an emergency? - (correct answer) -incident
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what is an aircraft accident? - (correct answer) -takes place bw time any person boards to all deplane,
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
in which any person suffers death or serious injury
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what is a fatal injury? - (correct answer) -results in death within 30 days of accident
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what is a serious injury? - (correct answer) -requires hospitalization for more than 48 hrs commencing
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within 7 days of injury, results in fracture, causes hemorrhage, nerve, muscle damage, involves
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internal organ, 1st 2nd 3rd degree burns
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what is substantial damage? - (correct answer) -damage or failure to structure of a/c
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what are some examples of an incident? - (correct answer) -engine failure, damage to tires, taxiing
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
damage, personal injuries to pax or crew
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what is an emergency? - (correct answer) -any situation in which the safety of flight is endangered
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what is a brace position used for? - (correct answer) -reduce the possibility of injury or incapacitation
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
upon impact
yi yi
when should the FA be in brace position? - (correct answer) -takeoff & landing
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
difference bw aft facing js & fwd facing js brace position? - (correct answer) -aft facing- head against
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fwd facing-head bent forward, chin tucked in
yi yi yi yi yi yi
what is the non-bulkhead pax seat brace position? - (correct answer) -feet flat on floor, seatbelt low &
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
tight, lean fwd w/ head against the seat back in front of you, face down & place arms down towards
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what is the bulkhead pax seat brace position? - (correct answer) -feet flat on floor, seatbelt low & tight,
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
lean fwd, wrap arms under knees, & rest head on knees
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
when do unanticipated emergencies usually occur? - (correct answer) -takeoff & landing
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what are the types of pax egress? - (correct answer) -emergency evacuation, expeditious normal
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
deplaning, normal landing
yi yi yi
what is an anticipated emergency? - (correct answer) -time available to prepare cabin & paxs
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what is an unanticipated emergency? - (correct answer) -occurs suddenly w/ no time to prepare,
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
typically occur during takeoff & landing
yi yi yi yi yi yi
what are the types of pax egress? - (correct answer) -emerg evac, expeditious normal deplaning,
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
, yi normal landing yi
what is an emergency evacuation? - (correct answer) -all available exits used to quickly move paxs
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
from a/c asap due to imminent danger
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what is an expeditious normal deplaning? - (correct answer) -pax deplaned through MCD quickly as
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
precautionary measure, FA mentally prepare for it turning into an emerg evac, not carry carry on items
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
what is a normal landing? - (correct answer) -exit normally, pax will take carry on items, FA mentally
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
prepare for a expeditious normal landing or emerg evac
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
Anticipated emergency: what should the CA provide? - (correct answer) -NTSBR
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
What is NTSBR? - (correct answer) -N- nature of emergency- summarize problem & anticipated affect
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T- time available & type of cabin preparation- how much time, "prepare the cabin for an emergency
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evacuation" or "prepare the cabin for a normal landing"
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
S- special instruction- specific exits
yi yi yi yi
B- bracing signal to be used- if required with signal to use
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
R- report and read back- FA report when cabin prepared if asked to, must read back to CA to confirm
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
I'm the event of a failure of the chime systems how will the crew communicate? - (correct answer) -
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
Making announcements over PA yi yi yi
The flight deck/cabin Inter phone system is not _____ - (correct answer) -Deferrable
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
No more than one of the following systems may be deferred at the same time: - (correct answer) -
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
Chimes & PA system yi yi yi
what is the pilots bracing signal? - (correct answer) -"BRACE, BRACE, BRACE"
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
What is an aborted/rejected takeoff and missed approach? - (correct answer) -Can't land and must do
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
another turn; make announced to pax and explain that there is not cause for alarm
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Fire chemistry consists of 3 elements: - (correct answer) -H- heat
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
O- oxygen
F- fuel
What are the classes of fire? - (correct answer) -Class A- combustible material
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ex: wood cloth, paper, rubbish; water most effective; must be cooled to prevent restarting
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Class B- flammable liquids
yi yi yi yi
ex: oil, gas, paint, grease; blanket to cut off O2 supply; don't use water or it will cause it to spread
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Class C- "live" electrical equipment
yi yi yi yi yi
ex: motors, switches, appliances, hot wires; non-conducting item is required
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
Class D- combustible metals
yi yi yi
ex: magnesium, titanium, sodium, potassium; do not use an agent that has cooling abilities (ice)
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
crew member life vests contain what? - (correct answer) -a survivor locator light and/or locator whistle
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
where is the #1 place fires start? - (correct answer) -lavatory
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
ensure trash container lid is closed
yi yi yi yi yi