ISTQB Foundation Level
False-fail result - answertest result - defect reported but no defect exists in test object
Error - Mistake - answerHuman action produces an incorrect result
Defect (bug, fault) - answerFlaw in a component or system causing component or
system to fail to perform required function.
Failure - answerDeviation of the component or system from its expected delivery,
service or result.
Quality - answerThe degree to which a component, system or process meets specified
requirements and/or user/customer needs and expectations.
Risk - answerA factor that could result in future negative consequences; usually
expressed as impact and likelihood.
False-pass result - answerA test result which fails to identify the presence of a defect
that is actually present in the test object.
Testing - answerAlso know as evaluation. The process consisting of all life-cycle
activities both static and dynamic, concerned with planning, preparation, and evaluation
of software products and related work products to determine that they are fit for purpose
and to detect defects.
Requirement - answerA condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or
achieve an objective that must be met or possessed by a system or system component
to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed document.
Review - answerAn evaluation of a product or project status to ascertain discrepancies
from planned results and to recommend improvements. Examples include management
review, informal review, technical review, inspection, and walkthrough.
Debugging - answerThe process of finding, analyzing, and removing the causes of
failures in software.
Confirmation testing (re-testing) - answerTesting that runs test cases that failed the last
time they were run, in order to verify the success of corrective actions.
Test Strategy - answerA high-level description of the test levels to be performed and the
testing within those levels for an organization or program (one or more projects)
,Test Execution - answerThe process of running a test on the component or system
under test, producing actual results
Test approach - answerThe implementation of the test strategy for a specific project.
Test Plan - answerA document describing the scope, approach, resources, and
schedule of intended test activities. It identifies among others test items, the features to
be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, degree of test independence, the test
environment, the test design techniques, and entry an exit criteria to be used, and the
rationale for their choice, and any risks requiring contingency planning. It is a record of
the test planning process.
Test monitoring - answerA test management task that deals with the activities related to
periodically checking the status of a test project. Reports are prepared that compare the
actuals to that which was planned.
Test condition - answerAn item or event of a component or system that could be verified
by one or more test cases, e.g. a function, transaction, feature, quality attribute, or
structural element.
Test basis - answerAll documents from which the requirements of a component or
system can be inferred. the documentation on which the test cases are based. If a
document can be amended only by way of formal amendment procedure, then the test
basis is called a frozen test basis.
Test Data - answerData the exists before a test is executed, and that affects or is
affected by the component or system under test. Example - in a database
Coverage (test coverage) - answerThe degree, expressed as a percentage, to which a
specified coverage item has been exercised by a test suite.
Test procedure specification (test procedure, test script, manual test script) - answerA
document specifying a sequence of actions for the execution of a test.
Test Suite - answerA set of several test cases for a component or system under test,
where the post condition of one test if often used as the precondition for the next one.
Incident - answerAlso known as deviation. Any event occurring that requires
Testware - answerArtifacts produced during the test process required to plan, design,
and execute tests, such as documentation, scripts, inputs, expected results, set-up, and
clear-up procedures, files, databases, environment, and any additional software or
utilities used in testing.
, Regression testing - answerTesting of a previously tested program following
modification to ensure that defects have not been introduced or uncovered in
unchanged areas of the software, as a result of the changes made. It is performed when
the software or its environment is changed.
Exit Criteria - answerThe set of generic and specific conditions, agreed upon with the
stakeholders, for permitting a process to be officially completed. The purpose of exit
criteria is to prevent a task from being considered completed when there are still
outstanding parts of the task that have not been finished. Exit criteria are used to report
against and to plan when to stop testing.
Test log - answerA chronological record of relevant details about the execution of tests.
Test summary report - answerA document summarizing testing activities and results. It
is also contains an evaluation of the corresponding test items against exist criteria.
Error Guessing - answerA test design technique where the experience of the test is
used to anticipate what defects might be present in the component or system under test
as a result of errors made, and to design tests specifically to expose them.
Independence of testing - answerSeparation of responsibilities, which encourages the
accomplishment of objective testing
Test policy - answerA high level document describing the principles, approach, and
major objectives regarding testing.
Verification - answerConfirmation by examination and through provision of objective
evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled.
Validation - answerConfirmation by examination and through provision of objective
evidence that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been
V-model - answerA framework to describe the software development lifecycle activities
from requirements specification to maintenance. The V-model illustrates how testing
activities can be integrated into each phase of the software development lifecycle.
Test level - answerA group of test activities that are organized and managed together. A
test level is linked to the responsibilities in a project. Examples of test levels are
component test, integration test, system test, and acceptance test.
Integration - answerThe process of combining components or systems into larger