NFDN 2006 Midterm Exam- Questions
and Answers
Community - -generally defined as a specific population of people, or a place
where people live and work. Determined by geographic boundaries and/or
common values and interests.
- Canada Health Act Principles - -universality, accessibility,
comprehensiveness of services, portability, public administration
- community health nursing - -Umbrella term to define nursing specialities
and applies to all nurses who work in and with community in a variety of
areas. Emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. Promotes and
protects health of individuals, families, groups, communities, populations.
- Community Health nurse - -
- Population - -a collection of people who share one or more personal or
environmental characteristics
- Aggregates - -subpopulation, groups within a population.
- Population Health - -determining the health of a population using as
measurements of health the determinants and health status indicators
- Health status indicator - -well being, life expectancy, incidence and
prevalence rate, mortality rate, burden of illness
- Levels of disease prevention - -Primary prevention, secondary prevention,
Tertiary prevention
- Primary prevention (disease) - -seeks to prevent disease from begining
- Secondary Prevention (disease) - -seeks to detect disease early in its
progression in order to make early diagnosis and begin treatment
- Tertiary Prevention (disease) - -begins once a disease has become
obvious; aims to interrupt the course of the disease
- Downstream thinking - -Taking a microscopic individual curative focus.
Considering individual health concerns and treatments but does not consider
the sociopolitical, economic and environmental variables
, - Upstream Thinking - -Macroscopic "big picture" population health
approach, primary prevention perspective, considers all determinants of
health. How can this be prevented?
- Collaboration - -the commitment of 2 or more parties who set goals to
address identified client health concerns
- Basic principles for collaboration - -client focus, population health
approach, quality care and services, access, trust/respect, communication
- Nursing Standards of Practice - -Promoting health, building
individual/community capacity, building relationships, facilitating access and
equity, demonstrating professional responsibility and accountability
- Determinants of health - -income and social status, social support
network, education and literacy, employment and working conditions, social
environments, physical environments, personal health practices and coping
skills, healthy childhood development, biology and genetic endowment,
health services, culture, gender
- Primary Care - -First contact with healthcare system - downstream
- Primary Health Care - -Includes upstream, comprehensive care, global
health, and social justice
- social determinants of health - -The economic and social conditions that
shape the health of individuals, communities, and jurisdictions as a whole.
- Public Health - -the practice of protecting and improving the health of
people in a community. includes study of epidemiology, statistics and
- Public Health Nursing - -Goal is to prevent disease and preserve, promote
and protect the health of communities and populations. Merges knowledge
from public health sciences with professional nursing theories.
- Population-Focused Practice - -Focus on group, importance given to
influence determinants of health, emphasis on reducing health inequalities
for a defined population or aggregate, as opposed to individual-level care
- Community health nursing includes: - -home care, parish, public health,
corrections, outreach, primary care networks