Stott Pilates Comprehensive Matwork
Warm up exercises name all (10) - ANSWER Breathing, Imprint & release, hip release, spinal rotation, cat
stretch, hip rolls, scapula Isolation, arm circles, head nods, elevation & depression of scapulae
Ab Prep - ANSWER Supine pelvis and spine neutral, knees flexed feet on mat, legs adducted or abducted
hip-distance apart. Arms long by sides palms down, scapulae stabilized.
Ab Prep rep & essence - ANSWER 5-10 reps
TA to compress abdomen and stabilize lumbo-pelvic region, deep pelvic floor to aid in firing TA, RA and
obliques concentrically to create thoracic flexion, eccentrically to control return down, scapular
Ab Prep Modification - ANSWER hands behind head, hold fitness circle resistance ring, fitness circle
between knees, arc barrel under knees, flex band under spine, arms crossed on chest, sponge or ball
between knees
Breast Stroke Preps - name all - ANSWER 1. Hands by shoulders
2. hands by hips
3. hands under forehead
Breast stroke prep #1 Hands by shoulders - ANSWER prone, neutral pelvis. arms bent hands by
shoulders, palms down. scapulae stabilized, Legs extended along mat adducted or abducted hip distance
apart parallel ankles plantar flexed toes gently pointed,
inhale prepare, exhale - stabilize scapulae, lengthen and extend thoracic an cervical spine, allow ribs to
open but bottom rib keeps contact with mat
Breast stroke prep #2 hands by hips - ANSWER prone, neutral pelvis. arms long by sides, palms down.
scapulae stabilized, Legs extended along mat adducted or abducted hip distance apart parallel ankles
plantar flexed toes gently pointed,
, inhale- open front of shoulders by retracting scapulae to neutral
exhale - reach fingertips to toes and top of head away from toes to extend upper torso very slightly off
inhale - suspended lengthen top of head from toes
exhale - return
Hundred Essence - ANSWER TA to compress abs & stabilize lumbo pelvic region, deep pelvic floor to fire
TA , RA and obliques to create and sustain thoracic flexion and imprint,m scapular stabilzers against arm
movement, adductors and quads isometrically
Hundred Modifications - ANSWER head and feet on mat, feet on mat in neutral pelvis, tabletop position,
breathe in staccato rhythm, fitness circe ring-bet knees, flex hips and kneesm, head and shoulder on
mat, shoulders on arc barrel, spine supporter, flex band exerciser around feet, sponge or ball bet ankles
or knees
Half roll back - ANSWER seated with knees slightly bent, legs ad or ab ducted , feet flat on mat. pelvis
vertical, spine flexed forward over legs. arms long reaching parallel to floor top of head toward fingers
scapula stabilized
exhale maintain spinal flexion and roll ASIS away from front of femurs, back as far as lumbar flexion and
flat abs can be maintain with feet on mat
inhale roll forward to starting position
Half roll back reps & mods, essence - ANSWER 5-8 reps
flex band around feet
fitness circle bet thighs
ball bet knees
ta & pf to compress ab and stabilize
ra and ob for spinal flexion
hip flexors eccentrically on roll down and concentric up
hip extensors con on roll back,
scapular stabilizers