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Test-Bank-for-Medical-Surgical-Nursing-Critical-Thinking-in-Client-Care, 4th Edition by Priscilla LeMone
Test-Bank-for-Medical-Surgical-Nursing-Critical-Thinking-in-Client-Care, 4th Edition by Priscilla LeMone
Test-Bank-for-Medical-Surgical-Nursing-Critical-Thinking-in-Client-Care, 4th Edition by Priscilla LeMone
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Test Bank for Medical-Surgical Nursing Critical Thinking in
Client Care, 4th Edition Priscilla LeMon
Chapter bt1
1. The btnurse btis btcaring btfor btfour btclients bton bta btmedical–surgical btunit. btWhich btclient
btshould btthe btnurse btsee btinitially?
1. A btclient btadmitted btwith bthepatitis btA btwho bthas bthad btsevere btdiarrhea
btfor btthe btlast bt24 bthours
2. A btclient btadmitted btwith btpneumonia btwho btis bthas btsmall btamounts
btof btyellow btproductive btsputum
3. A btclient btadmitted btwith btfever btof btunknown btorigin bt(FUO) btwho
bthas btbeen btwithout btfever btfor btthe btlast bt48 bthours
4. A btclient btadmitted btwith bta btwound btinfection btwhose btWBC btis bt8,500
Answer: bt1
Rationale: btThe btnurse btmust btdecide btwhich btclient btshould btbe btseen bton btthe btinitial
btrounds btof btthe btday. btThe btnurse btmust btremember btthat btthe btfirst btclient btto
btbe btseen btshould btbe btthe btclient btwho btneeds btthe btattention btof btthe btnurse
btinitially. btA btclient btwith bthepatitis btA btdoes btexperience btdiarrhea, btbut
btdiarrhea btfor btthe btlast bt24 bthours btcould btcause btthe btclient btto bthave bta
btproblem btwith btdehydration btand btexperience bta btstate btof btfluid btvolume
Cognitive btLevel: btApplication
Client btNeeds: btSafe, btEffective btCare btEnvironment
btNursing btProcess: btPlanning
2. The btnurse btis btpreparing btto btadminister btinfluenza btvaccines btto bta btmass btdrive-
through btclinic. btWhich btstatement btby bta btclient btwould btindicate btfurther
btquestioning btprior btto btgiving btthe btclient btthe btinfluenza btvaccine?
1. ―I btam btallergic btto bthorse bthair.‖
2. ―I bttry btto btget btmy btvaccine btevery btyear.‖
3. ―I btam btnot btallergic btto btanything btexcept bteggs.‖
4. ―My bthusband bthad bta btsevere btallergic btreaction btafter bthe btreceived bthis
btinfluenza btvaccine.‖
Answer: bt3
Rationale: btInfluenza btvaccines btare btrecommended btfor btperson btat bthigh btrisk btfor
btserious btsequelae btof btinfluenza. btThe btnurse btshould btbe btaware btthat btclient
btwith bta btsensitivity btto bteggs btshould btnot btreceive btthe btvaccine. btVaccines
btprepared btfrom btchicken btor btduck btembryos btare btcontraindicated btin btclients
btwho btare btallergic btto bteggs.
,Test Bank for Medical-Surgical Nursing Critical Thinking in
bt Client Care, 4th Edition Priscilla LeMon
Cognitive btLevel: btApplication
Client btNeeds: btSafe, btEffective btCare btEnvironment
btNursing btProcess: btAssessment
3. The btnurse btis btcaring btfor btfour btclients bton bta btmedical–surgical btunit. btThe
btsecretary btgives btthe btnurse btthe btmorning btlabs. btWhich btof btthe btfollowing btlabs
btwould btrequire btthat btthe btnurse btcall btthe btphysician btand btinform btthe bthealthcare
btprovider btabout btthe btclient‘s btabnormalities?
1. WBC bt14,600 btmm3
2. Serum btprotein bt6.9 btg/dL
3. I bt& btD bt(incision btand btdrainage) btshowing btno btgrowth btfor btthe btlast bt24
4. Albumin bt4.2 btg/dL
Answer: bt1
Rationale: btWhen btthe btnurse btis btcaring btfor btseveral btclients, btall btof btthe btlabs btshould btbe
btchecked btfrequently btthroughout btthe btshift btto btassess btfor btany btabnormalities. btThe
btWBC btin btoption bt1 btis btabnormal. bt(Normal btWBC bt4,000–10,000 btmm .) btAll btof btthe
btother btlab btresults btare btwithin btacceptable btrange; bttherefore, btthe btresults btshould btnot
btbe btcalled btin btto btthe btphysician.
Cognitive btLevel:
btApplication btClient btNeeds:
btIntegrityNursing btProcess:
4. The btnurse btis btorienting bta btnew btgraduate. btThe btnurse btis btreinforcing btthe
btimportance btof btstandard btprecautions. btWhich btof btthe btfollowing btobservations
btby btthe btnurse btwould btrequire btfurther bteducation btregarding btstandard
1. The btgraduate btnurse btunderstands btto btwash bthands btwhen btentering
btand btexiting btthe btclient‘s btroom.
2. The btgraduate btnurse btwears btgloves btwhen btserving btbreakfast bttrays
btto btvarious btclients.
3. The btgraduate btnurse btwears bta btgown, btgloves, btand btgoggles btwhen
btsuctioning bta btclient.
4. The btgraduate btnurse btleaves btall btsupplies btin btthe btroom btof bta
btclient btwho btis btin btcontact btisolation.
Answer: bt2
Rationale: btThe btnurse btmust bthave btan btunderstanding btof btstandard btprecautions.
btPrevention btis btthe btmost btimportant btmeasure btto btprevent btnosocomial
btinfections. btStandard btprecautions btwere btpublished btin bt1996 btthat btprovide
btguidelines btfor btthe bthandling btof
, blood btand btother btbody btfluids. btThese btguidelines btare btused btwith btall btclients,
btregardless btof btwhether btthey bthave bta btknown btinfectious btdisease. btStandard
btprecautions btare btused btby btall bthealthcare btworkers btwho bthave btdirect
btcontact btwith btclients btor btwith bttheir btbody btfluids. btIt btis btnot btnecessary btfor
btthe btnurse btto btwear btgloves btwhile btdelivering btfood bttrays btto btthe btclient,
btbecause btthere btis btnot btcontact btwith btthe btclient.
Cognitive btLevel: btApplication
Client btNeeds: btSafe, btEffective btCare btEnvironment
btNursing btProcess: btEvaluation
5. The btadmitting btdepartment btalerts btthe btnurse bton bta btmedical–surgical btunit btthat bta
btclient btwith btactive bttuberculosis bt(TB) btis btbeing btadmitted btto btthe btunit. btWhich
bttype btof btisolation btis btappropriate btbased bton btthe btclient‘s btdiagnosis?
1. Standard btprecautions
2. Airborne btprecautions
3. Droplet btprecautions
4. Contact btprecautions
Answer: bt2
In btaddition btto bthandwashing btand btstandard btprecautions, btthe btnature btand btspread
btof btsome btinfectious btdiseases btrequire btthat btspecial bttechniques btbe btused btto btprotect
btuninfected btclients btand btworkers. btThe btclient btwith btpulmonary bttuberculosis btwill
btbe btplaced btin btairborne btprecautions. btThe btclient btshould btbe btplaced btin bta btprivate
btroom btwith btspecial btventilation btthat btdoes btnot btallow btair btto btcirculate btto btgeneral
bthospital btventilation; bta btmask btor btspecial btfilter btrespirators btwill btbe btused btfor
bteveryone btentering btthe btroom.
Cognitive btLevel: btApplication
Client btNeeds: btSafe, btEffective btCare btEnvironment
btNursing btProcess: btAssessment
6. A btclient btis btreceiving btIV btvancomycin btfor btthe bttreatment btof btClostridium
btdifficile. btThe btnurse btunderstands btthat btthe btclient btwho btdevelops btflushing,
bttachycardia, btand bthypotension btduring btthe btinfusion btof btvancomycin btindicates:
1. Ototoxicity bteffect.
2. Superinfection.
3. Red btman btsyndrome.
4. Hives.
Answer: bt3
, Rationale: btVancomycin btinhibits btcell btwall btsynthesis, btand btis btused btfor btserious
btinfections. btIt btis btonly bteffective btagainst btgram-positive btbacteria, btespecially
btStaphylococcus btaureus btand btStaphylococcus btepidermidis. btThe btnurse btshould btinfuse
btthis btmedication btslowly btover bt60 btminutes btor btmore btto btavoid bt―red btman‖
btsyndrome. btThe btsyndrome btis btcharacterized btby bterythematous btrash, btflushing,
bttachycardia, btand bthypotension. btClients btcan btbecome btdizzy btand btagitated.
Cognitive btLevel: btApplication
Client btNeeds: btPhysiological
btIntegrity btNursing btProcess:
7. The btphysician bthas btordered btfor btthe btclient btto btreceive bta bttrough btblood btlevel
btto btevaluate btthe bttherapeutic bteffect btof btan btantibiotic. btThe btnurse btunderstands
btthat btthe bttrough btshould btbe btordered:
1. A btfew btminutes btbefore btthe btnext btscheduled btdose btof btmedication.
2. 1–2 bthours btafter btthe btoral btadministration btof btthe btmedication.
3. 30 btminutes btafter btthe btIV btadministration.
4. During btthe btinfusion btof btthe btantibiotic.
Answer: bt1
Rationale: btAntibiotic btpeak btand bttrough btlevels btmonitor bttherapeutic btblood btlevels
btof btthe btprescribed btmedication. btThe bttherapeutic btrange—the btminimum btand
btmaximum btblood btlevels btat btwhich btthe btdrug btis bteffective—is btknown btfor bta
btgiven btdrug. btBy btmeasuring btblood btlevels btat btthe btpredicted btpeak bt(1–2 bthours
btafter btoral btadministration, bt1 bthour btafter btintramuscular btadministration, btand bt30
btminutes btafter btIV btadministration) btand bttrough bt(usually bta btfew btminutes btbefore
btthe btnext btscheduled btdose), btit btis btalso btpossible btto btdetermine btwhether btthe btdrug
btis btreaching bta bttoxic btor btharmful btlevel btduring bttherapy, btincreasing btthe
btlikelihood btof btadverse bteffects.
Cognitive btLevel: btApplication
Client btNeeds: btSafe, btEffective btCare btEnvironment
btNursing btProcess: btAssessment
8. The btnurse btneeds btto btchange bta btdressing bton btthe btclient‘s btabdomen. btWhich btof
btthe btfollowing bttechniques btshould btbe btimplemented?
1. Contact btprecautions
2. Standard btprecautions
3. Droplet btprecautions