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MH701 Final Exam Questions & Answers
1. How is the amygdala part of the brain involved in anxiety?: * Amygdala is in
the center of the brain near the hippocampus.
* The amygdala rates the importance of an emotional event and activates the
hippocampus accordingly.
* Determines whether there will be a fear response and initiates your flight or flight
response that helps you respond to a perceived threat.
* When this response remains switched on and there is no danger, or gets switched on
too easily, that is when it becomes an anxiety disorder. Then you can have an
initiation of the flight or fight when memories or emotions occur.
* The amygdala sends a response to the hypothalamus, which activates the pituitary
and it activates the adrenal gland which secretes hormones (adrenaline, noradren-
aline and cortisol).
2. What are neurotransmitters involved in depression?: Monoamine neurotrans-
mitters are responsible for depression which are: serotonin, norepinephrine &
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3. Which neurotransmitters are associated with antipsychotics?: The FGA's
block dopamine.
The SGA's block dopamine and 5HT.
Some have affinity for histamine and alpha 1 adrenergic receptors.
4. What is a common mistake leading to unsuccessful antidepressant drug
trial?: Not giving it enough time.
5. Major depression is?: 5 or more of the following symptoms in the same 2 week
period with at least 1 being depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure. SIGECAPS
S: Sleep changes. I:
interest loss.
G: Guilt or worthlessness. E:
Energy lack.
C: Concentration /cognition reduced. A:
Appetite usually declined.
P: Psychomotor retardation.
S: Suicidal or homicidal ideation.
6. Dysthymia is?: Persistent depressive symptoms lasting 2 years.
7. What role does serotonin have in the different aspect of depression?: Sero-
tonin regulates mood, sleep, appetite, pain, sex, instincts.
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Too much or too little can cause depression or apathy.
8. What is the patient education to any patient starting an antidepressant?: *
Takes 2-6 weeks to see a response
* Can increase suicidal ideation
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* SE: sexual dysfunction, GI upset, activation, sedation, insomnia, headaches
* Serotonin syndrome -
* Do not abruptly stop medication, it must be slowly titrated down
9. What is serotonin syndrome?: Serotonin syndrome - abdominal pain, diarrhea,
flushing, diaphoresis, hyperthermia, mental status changes. renal failure, rhabdomy-
olysis, cardiovascular shock, death
10. Which of the SSRIs has an indication for the treatment of bulimia to
decrease binging patterns?: Fluoxetine (Prozac)
11. Mechanism and action of SSRI:: - inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, thereby
increasing serotonin activity; have little effect on other neurotransmitters, such as
dopamine or norepinephrine
12. Mechanism and action of SNRI:: -inhibit the reuptake of the neurotransmitters
serotonin and norepinephrine, which increases extracellular concentrations of sero-
tonin and norepinephrine and, consequently, an increase in neurotransmission.
13. Discontinuation syndrome: Risk factors:: * Extended therapy of SSRI
* Paroxetine bigger offender, then sertraline, citalopram, escitalopram
* Fluoxetine less likely to occur due to long half life
* Taper over several weeks to minimize discontinuation symptoms
14. Discontinuation syndrome: symptoms: * Flu-like: Chills, body aches, nausea,
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