AMFTRB Exam MFT Set 2/2 Questions And Answers
With Verified Solutions
From narrative therapy, certificates given to the client or family announcing the client's victory over
the problem, which he / she shows to others and reviews, if he / she again feels the effects of the
problem. ANS Therapeutic Certificates
A scale used by behavioral therapists on which the client's rate their level of anxiety to a stimulus or
situation. ANS Subjective Units of Discomfort (SUDS)
An impaired physiological response preventing a person from full sexual functioning. ANS
Sexual Dysfunction
From MRI strategic, a paradoxical therapeutic technique used when the family seems ambivalent
about changing. The therapist warns the family of the dangers of change, restrains them from trying
to change, or asks them to change slowly. Thus, the therapist aligns with the side of the ambivalence
that resists change so that the family will align with the side that wishes to change. ANS
Restraining Techniques
From contextual theory , what happens within a person such as thoughts , fantasies , emotions , and
the meanings that he / she ascribes to the Facts of his / her life . ANS Psychology
In Bowenian family therapy , the process by which roles , patterns , emotional reactivity , and family
structure are passed from one generation to another . Poorly differentiated individuals tend to marry
one another and over several generations produce offspring who are increasingly less differentiated
and as a result suffer from severe mental disorders including schizophrenia . ANS
Multigenerational Transmission Process
From solution - focused therapy one of three ways to characterize the client's level of participation
and commitment to change . A visitor does not bring a specific problem to therapy and does not have
a commitment to participating productively in treatment . ANS Visitor
A program for training parents in use of contingency management to modify or extinguish unwanted
behaviors and reinforce desirable behaviors in children . - Rules & Org . -Clear instructions -Proix '
,fund lach , -Ignore " bod behaver - Charts & pts systems ANS Behavioral Parent Training ( BPT
The notion held by the Milan systemic group that causality in families cannot be thought of as a
simple , single cause and effect relationship ( linear causality ) . Instead , events , behaviors , and
inter actions are seen in a more complex way , as mutually influencing one another ( feedback loops )
. Each is the effect of a prior cause and in turn influences future behaviors . Family system events
create an endless ( and beginning - less ) circular chain . In this model it is meaningless to identify an
individual as having caused or started a problem . Instead , all elements of the problem coexist and
are reciprocally reinforcing . The problem could not be maintained if any one element were to be
removed . ANS Circularity ( Circular Causality )
Couples therapy in which one therapist works with both spouses at different times . ANS
Concurrent Couples Therapy
Families in which the parents are divorced , have remarried , and formed two intact nuclear families .
ANS Binuclear Family
Gregory Bateson's term for a dramatic transformation in thinking . ( See First - Order Change and
Second - Order Change ) Temp Shift in system dyn . 7 change the rules of the system . ANS
Third - Order Change for a
A higher - level system , such as a community , in which other systems are components ANS
A group of postmodern therapeutic approaches based on the concept that reality is an intersubjective
phenomenon that is constructed in conversation . The theories have been referred to as : postmodern ,
collaborative , constructivist , narrative , reflexive , and second order cybernetic . Reality Constructed
through lang . ANS Social Constructivist Family Therapy
A closing statement in a Milan systemic ( early Milan ) session that includes a statement of paradox .
The person with the symptom is characterized as being in the service of the homeostasis . This
intervention tends to overcome resistance by causing a rebellion against the symptom . ANS
Sacrifice Intervention
, A research method that emphasizes experimentation , large samples , data collection , statistical
analysis , objectivity , and verification . Quantitative research is typically used to test hypotheses (
confirmatory research ) . ANS Quantitative Research
From the operant conditioning paradigm , biologically determined reinforcers such as food and sex .
ANS Primary Reinforcer
From behavioral marital therapy , a contract in which the behavior of each partner is not contingent
on the other . ( The husband agrees to take out the garbage even if his wife does not make the bed . )
ANS Parallel ( or Good Faith ) Contract
From general systems theory , the measure of disorder in a system that occurs without imposed
controls and inputs . A family functioning randomly might be considered highly entropic . ANS
From general systems theory , the measure of organization in a system . A well - organized system
would have high levels of negentropy .. ANS Negentropy
A conceptually wide - ranging integrative model that addresses six core domains of human
experience : organization , sequences , develop ment , culture , gender , and internal processes . Each
person and family has the capacity to interact positively and harmoniously unless they are being
constrained . The therapist considers the contribu tions of gender , ethnicity , class , religion ,
education , or regional background in the development of constraints . The goal is to release
constraints , not to focus on deficits . ANS Metaframeworks Model
From social constructivist , Hoffman the therapist's stance in which he / she strives to positively
regard each person's point of view , even ones that are repugnant to the therapist or to society , in
order to find the meaning behind behaviors , actions , and events . ANS Multi - Partiality (
Plurality )
A behavioral learning paradigm in which a naturally occurring response is reinforced , increasing the
probability that it will be repeated . ( See Positive Reinforcement , Negative Reinforcement , &
Punishment ) ( Parlor ) ANS Operant Conditioning