Terms in this set (154)
Children at first identify entirely with the mores,
Individuation is the norms, and values of their family; it is only after
process through which a prolonged exposure to other people outside the
person comes to think of home that a child will begin to question his or her
himself or herself as a upbringing and perhaps modify his or her belief
distinct person despite system. A fully individualized person is able to
being a member of a maintain a coherent personality without renouncing
family. membership in a family with which he or she may have
some disagreement.
An extended family is comprised of more than one
adult couple. For instance, it might include a man and
a woman, their children, and their grandchildren.
Agrarian societies in which people tend the same land
Agrarian societies are for their entire lives are more conducive to the
more likely to live with maintenance of the extended family. This is in part
their extended families. because it is more difficult for a large group to move
around together. In modern, industrial, urban, and
nomadic societies, it is more common for people to
be grouped together in nuclear families (one adult
couple and their children)
, Despite money being a main issue for divorce, it is
more important for partners to have good self-
esteem, empathy, a feeling of permanence in the
Financial Stability is NOT relationship, and strong personal identities. Solid
necessary for a person to marriages weather the inevitable hard times with a
commit emotionally to a mixture of humor, empathy, and habit. The idea of
marriage. empathy is particularly important in marriage because
it implies that each partner may not fully understand
the other. Nevertheless, a loving spouse with try to
help whenever possible.
Research suggests that parents often feel some strain
as they occupy multiple roles, but this is offset by the
enjoyment they derive from their work. Having a
newborn, on the other hand, has a noticeably
Having a child between
damaging effect on job satisfaction. The demands of
the ages of 2 and 4 has
caring for a newborn, as well as the desire to spend as
little to no effect on job
much time as possible with this new child, make it
unpleasant to be away from home for any reason.
Flexible scheduling, high wages, and intellectual
challenge are all directly correlated with job
Psychologists estimate that it takes most people at
least two years to accept divorce entirely. Until this is
reached, the divorcee should not initiate a new
Accepting that the relationship. The best way to complete the process of
marriage is over is the first acceptance is to establish an individual identity. This
step a person should take may include developing a balance between being
after divorce. single and being a parent. It is appropriate to plan for
the future, but people should be aware that it is
impossible to predict what they will want once they
have fully processed the finality of the divorce.
, In the first eight to ten years of life, siblings tend to
alternate between cooperation and competition. As
they grow older, they will often spend little time
Sibling rivalry is most
together for a few years, but during adolescence will
pronounced in same-sex
gradually develop empathy for one another. Most
siblings within three years
research suggests that adult relationships between
of age.
siblings simply exaggerate the tone of the relationship
of the youth; that is, good relationships get better and
bad relationships get worse.
This is an exception to the general trend, which is that
married people are healthier, wealthier, and more
content than their single counterparts. Married men
are less likely to abuse alcohol and drugs, and less
likely to become depressed. Married women are
Married women typically
healthier and more likely to report satisfaction with
earn a lower wage than
their home lives. One reason why married women may
single women.
earn less money is that they are more likely to be
raising children, and therefore less focused on
professional development. Despite reports about the
decline of marriage, an overwhelming majority of
Americans will marry at least once during their lives.
The bond between a stepparent, particularly a
stepfather, and an adolescent girl takes the longest to
form. One possible reason for this phenomenon is
that stepfathers tend to be less engaged with
Accepting a stepparent is
stepdaughters than with stepsons. The effect of
hardest for adolescent
remarriage on children is much the same as divorce
because it involves a fundamental restructuring of the
family concept. Nevertheless, stepparents who work
to engage with their stepchildren can develop
positive relationships over time.
, The members of a family should work on
communicating positively. The decisions made by
families tend to reinforce the status quo in the interest
of conformity and conflict avoidance. For reasons
both genetic and environmental, the members of
Both the content and the
families are likely to struggle with the same sorts of
style of family
problems in life. Despite a general tendency toward
communication are
stability and consistency, families inevitably change in
response to the aging of each member and to
pressures from the environment. Finally, it is a central
tenet of family science that it is impossible to
understand a family member without understanding
the family as a whole.
When the criticized partner responds to criticism by
deflecting or soothing the other person, tempers are
quelled and the partnership remains strong. Gottman's
research suggests that there is a classic pattern of
degenerating communication in an unsuccessful
relationship. The pattern begins with criticism that is
According to John not directed at a certain behavior, but at the other
Gottman, humor is the person as a whole. In other words, the criticism of
best response to criticism unsuccessful couples tends to lean toward character
by a spouse. assassination. Eventually, these negative interactions
lead to contempt, in which one partner openly
disparages and disrespects the other. The inevitable
response to contempt is defensiveness, followed by
stonewalling or a total lack of communication. When
couples stop communicating, the relationship is not
likely to endure.